Best Hotel Deals
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Hunter's comment
Momondo, with over 5 million downloads, is one of the best travel applications. Even if you want to travel in Europe, Asia, America, Australia, Africa, momondo finds for you the best prices.
With momondo you're your own travel agent. You have to stop paying comissions to the travel agencies and also stop losing your time searching online for the best prices. Momondo does everything for you.
- The app is available for both IOS & Android devices.
- Momondo is free to be downloaded.
- The app is very transparency with the users.
- You're saving your time with momondo.
- You can filter your results in the app by your preferences, for both, tickets flight or hotel booking.
- The app is user friendly.
- With only one click you can book your flight or hotel everywhere in the world just with your device.
- The app will refund you if you find low prices elsewhere. I have never found lower prices elsewhere.
- You can easily see the reviews on the hotels before you're booking.
- You can see the history of your searches.
- The only consequence I can relate is about the space it takes on your device. Even if for me is not a problem maybe for others it is.
I have used momondo in my last holiday to Greece. Everything went perfect, momondo found the best price for me for the flight tickets but also the best price for the hotel. With the services received at the hotel, I can say the price quality ratio was amazing.
I am waiting to read your opinions about momondo. The review of this product is based on my own experience.
Hunter: @lordoftruth
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Momondo is the coolest app in the domain I know. How can you judge the products by your subjectivism?
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I'm sorry you saw my decision to delist was subjective, but we've delisted other hotel price search apps, not just yours. Just following policy here. There is precedence for my decision, please believe me it's nothing personal or subjective.
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Fabulous one!!!
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