What's Your Resolution for Today (July 6) - a Healthy STEEM Distribution Activity

in steemit-health •  8 years ago 

All liquid STEEM made from this post will be awarded to one lucky participant based on a public lottery number

That's right!!!

You could win STEEM just for improving your life.

@steemit-health aims to help individuals reach their own personal health goals through social accountability and financial incentives.

"I started steemit-health to motivate myself and others to achieve their health goals. The mission is to develop simple and convenient applications that integrate health right into the Steemit experience. The healthier we all are individually, the more successful the Steemit community will be as a whole." - @dan-atstarlite

Make sure to follow @steemit-health, check your feed, and enter your resolution every day!

The winner will be determined immediately following the 7 day payout period!

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It is almost midnight and soon will be July 7 in Bangkok so I will make this resolution for tomorrow morning. I resolve to get out of this hotel room and take the long walk that brings me to the healthy food.

I will do this if it 100 degrees in the sun, or if it is pouring down like a hurricane, or if my arthritis is killing me, or if I would rather post on steemit. No excuses!. Thank you :)

Wow! I just came back to see this comment so I would remember it and increase my resolve to get out there in the morning. 3 upvotes for $41???? Thank you from the bottom of my heart. What kind of miracle is Steemit? You really have no idea how much this means to me and I WILL be getting cilantro (etc) in the morning!

that's some awesome result for a comment :)

I know! I am still feeling the high :)

Just wanted to add my 9 cents to pop it back over for forty for the meantime! lol Congratulations!

Lol - you are the man! Thank you! I'm not used to watching currency fluctuations. The last I had to do this was in the 80's and 90's for companies who had overseas clients. this is a whole new world :)

Hey! My today's resolution is that I will never ever get angry at anybody whatever may be the reason. Actually I feel that no one in this world is bad person. If any body is doing wrong to somebody, he may have some reason for that.
Before our any action we should know about reason and cause before taking any action.
Sometimes I just shout at somebody before knowing the reason and then I really regret when I know the reason of the cause.

So to conclude, I will never say a word before knowing the reason behind the event.

Thanx for the votes and I would like to request you all to think deeply over it. May be it become your resolution also.

My resolution for today is to be more mindful of my thoughts and actions, and to live moderately and peacefully so that I can continue to heal myself, and by extension others. I hope everyone has a wonderful day!

My resolution for today is to planning my next trip to Maracay city in Venezuela and to write a lot of posts to leave schetualed (I forgot how to spell that word, sorry for the potatoe) for the weekend. Also, thanks for these initiatives.

hmmm, my resolution today I think will be to cook for myself today.
I'm not guaranteeing anything but it sounds like a good idea in my head.
This is of course before I cut myself or doing anything worse.

stay positive


I hereby resolve to win the Powerball jackpot this Saturday. Slacker that I am, I have put off this duty for far too long.

My resolution for today is to take some time to sit down and appreciate everything in my life that I take for granted. It is easy to only focus on the problems instead of simply enjoying the blessings of life

My resolution for today is to pray to all affected and victims of earthquake yesterday that hit Leyte, Philippines.
Thankfully my family are all safe. Praise God!
(Until now no electricity yet.)

to watch a movie

This comment gets a 0.59 % upvote thanks to @bhightech - Hail Eris !

This comment has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 21.15 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @bhightech. Vote for Aggroed!

Eat sensibly!!

Life has been very difficult for me and my loved ones and I'm trying not to lose hope.

For today, my resolution is to meditate about life issues, wellbeing and possibilities.

sending love and reiki hugs to you & yours @dimitrya123. You are not alone I am with you in Spirit my dear friend! I will continue to surround each of you beauty-full souls in healing and loving energies <3 <3 <3


Thank you so much @thereikiforest

It's an Honor my friend ~ and if I can ever be of further assistance, let me know <3 you can email me or message me on steemit.chat :) [email protected]

Sending big hugs, a reiki boost & lots of love your way @dimitrya123!!


Thank you. Your words mean a lot to me. I will remember them as much as I can. Sending you also big hugs, reiki boost and lots of love.
Namaste my friend.

Do some exercises!

to eat healthy


This comment has received a sweet gift of Dank Amps in the flavor of 15.91 % upvote from @lovejuice thanks to: @bhightech. Vote for Aggroed!

My resolution for today to eat my favorite food.

To create and hold an atmosphere within & without of love & compassion wherever I may be.

Upgrade my virtual assets

Get my internet working

While posting on steemit using the internet :p Mine is to make less sarcastic comments today.

iphone hot spot


Invite friends to hilton

clear junk at the back

To have some sleep tonight

buy more steem .

Eat healthy food.

cashout on swagbucks

Well it's simple... go to gym with some friends and smoke as less as possible as i am trying to quit!

Make and complete final list for my son's b-day party.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

How long has it been since life stirred your heart? That’s too long.
If you’re not feeling intensely, you’re not living fully. Let passion carry you away, for passion will carry you to amazing places.
Substance matters, quality matters, excellence, awe and magnificence matter. Life is about so much more than just checking the boxes.
Bring to each moment the whole of your multifaceted self. Feel the confidence of all you are and all you know, the mystery of all that is beyond, unknown, unknowable.Yes, be sensible, use your head. At the same time live with passion, feed your dreams, and follow your heart.

I am going to drink more water to flush the toxins out of my body.

Do work...

Congrats! For improving your life!!!... and also for winning Steem Dollars from this post!

You were selected randomly as the winner based on a public lottery number

I feel so happy thank you, let me know when you want me to give my acceptance speech via video post! heeee woooaaaaaaaaa

to enjoy life

Keep working on math videos!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My resolution for today is to do exercise and make my mom to join me. Hope she joins :) I would be happy if she joins me for exercise :D

complete all tasks at work

to be smart!

My resolution for today is to do something I love and soak in the moment.

Hey buddy! My resolution for today is that I'll go to gym for the first time and I'll continoue it.
I want to build myself strong both physically and mentally.
And thank you buddy for asking this question.
coz it strikes my mind to take some resolution .

Set my priorities right.

Organize my closet!

To return a visit he had pending

trying to go on a diet, failed many times, but going to be serious about it

My resolution is to grow in steemit

Be healthier.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

To find the answer to my difficult financial situation..

Post another poem which I just did. And write another one which I should be doing shortly ^^

that's a great resolution your post is great thanks a lot for sharing and keep on posting ;)

Sharing good stuff in steemit

being happy

To post to steemit everyday for the next 30 days!

concentrate more

My resolution is to stop eating junk!

read bible and rethink my life

I ve got to go exercise, I got faaaat, but I loove beers and chocolate so much....

Today I will not get stressed out when faced with a challenge that seems to be overwhelming. I will stay calm, cool, & collected & face the obstacle head on & overcome it.

Need to rest to be able to function perfectly in all my undertakings.

resolve to, for at least a moment, not be so selfish

I just arranged my two week summer vacation. Two weeks in a Greek Island at the end of July.

To get a good night's sleep :)

Drink more water

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My resolution for today is to meet my friend in the hospital, buy him some fruits.
Probably won't improve my life but will help him a lot with recovery.

Walking more than yesterday :)

My resolution is to go out tomorrow and find fresh content for steemit :)

Drink lots of water.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Will hit the gym today i'm skipping it for like 4 days now. Will burn some collieries that's all! Howah!

learn something new

I resolve to remember to feel the sun on my face, and be happy :) to feel the rain on my face, and be happy :) Life is Good!!

try to life

I will relax this evening rather than do work


to eat salad and fish!

Exercise over 30minutes
Thank you for sharing

My resolution for today is to put shadecloth up on the frame above my little garden area in preparation for planting #1000Moringas.


It's nice to meep you.


Do some gym!

Be better than yesterday.

my resolution is to service my car.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

I just started my vaccation and my resolution for today was not to check my work mail.
I havent all week😊 so much more relaxing now

Fix this shit!

i ll finish my big article on steemit and will post it on :)

Be myself

To have a good night sleep.

My resolution for today is to get at least another hour of sleep!

I can improve my life by helping others. :)

to do housework

get more sleep😴

Ship this tablet to the field salesman today.

  ·  8 years ago 

Will try to make a good meeting tmr becoz it's important and long and stressful


Finish doing some testing.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

My resolution for today to drink more water.

Greaaat :D .. I appriciate it
Thank you for sharing @steemit-health
Have a nice day :)

Less sitting, more moving

get pictures printed off

Study math!

Go to my doctors appointment

To exercise more.

My resolution is to help out someOne in need everyday. I did that today already by taking some time out of my day to help someone with directions. The individual was lost and I helped walk them to where they needed to be. Small things like this add a smile!

To enjoy another day

My resolution was to run 4 miles, and I just completed 7. It feels really good!