It always seems Impossible until it's Done-Nelson Mandela.
Hi Guys,
Welcome Onboard to Your Beloved Series of Motivational Mondays.
So the Reason for My Absence on the Platform was something personal that I wouldn't want to share with you guys.
Alright, now let's get back on track.
So before we begin let's just see together what are Motivational Mondays all about?
I have seen that people either want to begin working out but they have some other commitments that need their ATTENTION.
After this they never seem to begin working out or even if they do, they don't continue the momentum forward i.e. don't even last a week.
Therefore, these posts are going to be providing you some motivation/inspiration to work out so that you banish the excuses and make some room even if it's for 5-10 mins. for working out daily.
And with that time it's for the most awaited question of the day i.e. how do we(You and I) get you guys motivated??
Alright, the answer is " A Story." 👏👏👏.
So Today's Host and Hero is going to be Rakesh from Mumbai.
Rakesh was born into a High Class Family in the Posche Areas of Mumbai (Bandra, Andheri, Juhu, Worli, Navi Mumbai, ETC.). He lives in Bandra with his Family( Father Suresh, Mother Aarti and Brother Ashok) and So called Friends who betrayed him when he needed them the most.
So during his childhood days he was pampered like Hell. Chocolates, Ice-Creams, Fruits, Vegetables, Toys, Video-Games, ETC. You name it and he mostly had experienced all of it.
His Mother used to tell his father that this much Lad-Pyaar(Hindi Word for Pampering) will not be good for the Boy in the Long-Run. But his dad was like "Apana beta ka liye nahi Karunga toh kiska liya Karunga (If I don't do it for My Son then for whom else will I do this Stuff for??)"
Now during his Schooling years he behaved like most Rich-Brats do and decided to Bunk Classes, Make Jokes about Teachers/Ridiculing them and then roaming around with his Friends i.e. Chokra Log. They used to Drink Cold-Drinks, Eat Biscuits, etc and roam around the city making ridiculous jokes about everything and everyone on their way. (F.Y.I. He went to St.Stanilaus High School in Bandra.)
Nevertheless, in the evening when he returned home his MOMMY used to ask him whether or not he enjoyed his day of Learning and Exploration at school. His Response would be "YUP."
Now this would only get caught occasionally during the Exam-Period when he used to flunk the Maths-Test and clear all the others by cheating in class and bribing teachers for letting him copy with his So-Called Lunch Money.
This always used to get on his Mom's Nerve and she used to Ask him,"Mera Beta thik toh hai nah?? (Is My Baby Boy doing okay??)" But what she really meant through her Facial Expressions was is my Boy actually going to school or bunking it altogether??
His Response used to be,"I'm doing great but if you have this Problem then go to School and ask the Teachers. Okay!!."
Then his DAD would yell at him and say,"Badhtamiz, Aapni ma sa aisa bath karta hai kya??(You Idiot is this the way to talk to your Mother)" and then his mother would intervene in a cliche Indian Way and Stop the Father from Slapping her Baccha (I.E. Child) and then tell his Dad,"Rehna do JI( I.E. Let it go)."
Until Now it's just Casual Rich Boy stuff happening and you might be wondering how the hell will all of this Non-Sense turn out to Inspire anyone.
But the Real Fun begins in College.
Up until now you can see that Our Boy Rakesh is a Carefree, Arrogant, Pampered Prick who specializes in Creating Misery for anyone and everyone including himself.
But now you will Witness the Glory of his Humanity and how that lead this Guy to Build 1,00,000 Yoga Centers, Retreats and GuruDwara's throughtout the Tenure of his LIFE.
So somehow this GUY graduated from his School.
Now in College, this Guy just let loose with Alcohol, Drugs, Cigarettes, Women and Partying all Night and very little Studying. All of that would have Lead to his Demise if not for the Support of His SPIRTUAL MASTER BABA NAKSHATRA(Meaning The 9 Planets), His Buddy Jayesh Patel and His Beloved Mother Aarti who snatched Victory out of the jaws of Defeat for HIM.
His Schedule for College would be to Get up Late and then get Ready and head off Straight to the Canteen and have a Pepperoni Pizza and Some Pasta with Coke. The Weirdest Combination for some but the Most Splendid Thing to Eat First thing in the Morning for Him.
After that he would Go and Loiter around the College Premises with his Gang of Friends which included 2 Ladies Named Latta and Jayya, 3 Gentleman named Rahul, Jayesh and Rohan. Everyone Excluding Jayesh would Support Rakesh's Non-Sense and Rakesh would Despise Jayesh not being his Chamcha i.e. Follower. Nevertheless, he would Drink Alcohol, Cigarettes and Do Drugs instead of Attending Lectures and then after that before it was Time to go home he used to Eat and Drink Stuff that used to help him get rid of his Hangover. Needless to say that it didn't work and that's why he used to get Busted every single day when he went home.
He was most recently slapped by his Mother for Having Sex with Jayya by promising to Marry her.
His Mother was so frustrated from him that she thought of handing him over to the Police and getting rid of him once and for ALL. But then Mom's Motherly Love got in the Way and she just took him to Baba NAKSHATRA along with his Friend Jayesh Patel.
Both of these Characters along with his Mother ended up playing a pivotal role in a Tremendous Transformation of a Person who otherwise would've landed up in the Dumpster.
So the First Thing his Baba told him to do was take a Dip in the Holy Water of the Ashram where he Lived and chant the Gayatri Mantra 13 Times on a Regular Basis. Then his Friend Jayesh along with his Mother Aarti were given the Responsibility to Dragging this Fellow from South to North from these Dumb and Damaging Choices of the Past to the Sensible Choices of the Future.
Simple. The Quality of Your Decisions Determines the Quality of Your LIFE.
And this Non-Sensical Chain of Events began and after a Month a Glimpse of Hope Began to Reveal itself.
Mr.Rakesh actually considered going to Class that day. Oohhh Myy Goddd.
Eventhough he proceeded with the Same Casual Non-Sense the FACT that he considered going to Class was a pretty Big Deal in the First Place.
Now this GUY has got some Common-Sense Atleast thought his Friend Jayesh who went to Class as Usual and was the Topper of his Class.
Not only that he was also INVOLVED in a Part-Time Tea-Stall with the money his Dad Gave him and thus was able to Implement what he Learnt in Class.
So after the End of Class he would usually rush to Take Care of Business at his Tea-Stall but now he Decided to stay Dedicated to Rakesh and thus put his Tea-Stall booming with Business to a Stand Still.
Now the Moment class was over Jayesh tried to rush to the rescue of Rajesh.
He would try and scold this Beloved Friend of his to let go of such devastating choices that are damaging his future but to no avail. Then he would try and say some cliche sayings prevalent in INDIA i.e. "Maa Baap ka khayal kara karo, Aapna Bhavishya Bana lo, Tumhare Bacchon ko tum yeh sab batonge, Etc.( They mean starting from Sequence Atleast think about your Parents, Focus on Brightening your Future, Is this What you want to show your Kids, Etc.)
All of these Became like a Routine Non-Sense i.e. Pravachan( Repetitive and Redundant Non-Sense in this Context. Otherwise, if you know how to Leverage it then it can be Transformed into a Tremendous Possibility.) Pravachan for this GUY.
So he started avoiding him for the sake of some Temporary Pleasure. Little did he know that this Friend of his would be playing a Significant Role along with his Master and Mom to bring about a Tremendous Transformation for himself and ALL of Humanity.
Everyday he would show up like a Chump and Rajesh would IGNORE him because it's getting irritating and literally annoying to be around this GUY i.e. Jayesh.
But Jayesh Never Gave Up. He just went on and on and on with this Beloved Friend of his and his Commitment started paying dividends once he was into this Rakesh fellow for a Quarter of a Year.
He actually started going to class and also started getting Involved with the Tea-Stall of Rakesh.
This Involvement over a couple of years turned into Interest and Curiosity. Rakesh was literally fascinated by everything related to Business and then this hobby of his helped him Excel in class as he defeated Jayesh and topped this Year.
Moreover, he started respecting his Parents and Friends and started eating food at home and it was mostly Fruits and Vegetables and whatever his MOMMY cooked for him.
After a Year's worth of Consistent Commitment to the Dips at the Ashram, the repetitions of the Gayatri Mantra 13 Times in the Morning and having Breakfast Mom's Style instead of the Canteen he was a Completely Different man.
He actually cared about the Samskara's (Aesthetics of the Culture) & Samskriti (The Culture/Tradition of the Place) and then started Realizing a lot about the Culture and the Other Various Traditions where he lived.
He was ABSOLUTELY FASCINATED by everything and everyone all of a Sudden.
From here onwards he started offering a lot of more Involvement with his GURU (SPIRTUAL MASTER) BABA NAKSHATRA and then there was no stopping his Growth. He literally went all out with wanting to know everything about the who, what, when, where, why, how of Everything and Everyone he could lay hands on.
Alcohol, Cigarettes and Drugs were replaced by The Dips, The Gayatri Mantra and home cooked meals.
He could even speak Different Languages out of the Bloom and when he asked his GURU Baba NAKSHATRA he said that it might be the combination of the Dips and the Gayatri Mantri.
Arre Wah Yeh toh kamaal ho gaya bhai. (Oohhh Myy Goddd this is Amazing and Ridiculous at the Same Time.)
Yeh toh kuch ajeeb hi cheez hai.(Now this is something Weird, he said to himself.)
So he got ABSOLUTELY DEVOTED to the SPIRITUAL PROCESS because if it's a Combination of the Dips and the Gayatri Mantra the Principles and Practice of the Process with the Progress should Lead to Something Significant atleast for Me in terms of Answers, Realizations, Something has to be there.
Now if this doesn't work then I don't know what the hell will work.
So he went to the Ashram for his Summer Break.
Instead of going to Goa,"The Entire Summer Break" was Spent learning the Nuts and Bolts of the Principles and the Process of Spirituality(because it's the Principles upon which the Process stands.Isn't it so??.)
His Mother and Friend Jayesh Patel we're ABSOLUTELY ASTONISHED by the fact that some Committed ATTENTION in the Right Direction can yield such wonderful Results. So the Direction of your LIFE is Determined by the Dhyana(The Ability to Perceive reality the Way it's without any Distortion) and Decision making Capabilities then, they said to Themselves.
OOH my goodness (Ha Bhagwan yeh toh kamaal ka ladka banta ja raha hai.)
From Alcohol, Cigarettes, Drugs, Pampering and all sorts of Non-Sense he has moved leaps and bounds to Experience LIFE in a Completely Different Manner.
His Involvement with LIFE was becoming far too Profound and this was putting a Big Smile on the Face of his Mother.
After his Summer Retreat to the Ashram. He got stuck into his Studies by himself for the First Time ever in his Life.
He began Exploring and Experimenting all sorts of Non-Sense and Started Realizing all the Non-Sense that was happening to him and all that he had done in the Past.
He was shocked at his Dumbness of Decisions. But he blessed his Friend Jayesh because he was the Only Real Friend he had until now. Rest all of them went their ways after their needs were met.
No one really cared for Rakesh as much as Jayesh did and that was Beginning to show itself.
Sure looked like he was auto-correcting himself and that was happening at a decent yet rapid pace. Just the Way his Guru Baba NAKSHATRA might have wanted it to Happen. I guess??
But One Thing was Certain and that Rakesh was heading towards something great.
Exam-Period came for the Final Time during Rakesh's College LIFE and unlike other People who had no Clue as to what they would be doing. Rakesh and Jayesh we're about to Incorporate their Tea-Business by the Name of Rakesh and Jayesh LLC.
Rakesh along with Jayesh had the Entire Business Model and Plan Ready along with all the Research and A/B Testing. They had even crafted out their offer to a great degree of Perfection and we're ready to Hit the Market with a Bang as far as they knew it.
They were pretty Successful for the First 2 years of the LIFE of their Business but after that they started to get too Full of themselves and then started to Flounder.
In their Analysis they say that they were making the Fundamental Mistake of Distortion which was leading them to Delusion-Distraction-Destruction-Death and Deception instead of DHYANA-DARSHANA-DECISION-DIRECTION-DETERMINATION and Ultimately DISSOLUTION which is the Entire Point of doing anything in LIFE. Especially, in INDIA Everyone and Everything is just a Tool for your MUKTI i.e. REALIZATION OF ULTIMATE POTENTIAL AND FREEDOM.
So they went back to the Principles and the Practice of the Process and then made the Necessary Tweaks and Voila their Business started Booming again.
They put this Day as a Day of Celebration in their Calendars both in terms of Business Success and Success of them as a Human-Being for Blossoming into their ULTIMATE POTENTIAL.
After this they took a month of and with their Employees went to this New Thing in Town called Inner Engineering (As there's a Science and Technology for External Wellbeing there's also a Science and Technology for Inner Wellbeing.)
They gave this Bad Boy a Hit and Voila everything went from Good to Better to Best. Now the Methodologies of Baba NAKSHATRA, The Family and Cultural Traditions were understood Fantastically Well and then Productive, Energy Levels, Overall Wellbeing everything is in a fantastic order.
They went on building Businessess of Sustainable and Scalable Models in Record Time.
Using the Profits from their Ventures they invested into their Skills, Property, Gold and Silver, Etc and built a strong base for their Future Ventures.
So with the SADHANA'S being offered at the Inner Engineering Program they decided to become a little Vulnerable and try Exploring a Variety of Things within themselves.
As a Consequence they become Truely Vibrant beings in touch with their Natural Vibrations/Reverberations and then became Exuberant and Equanimous Beings.
By now Alcohol, Cigarettes, Sex and Drugs was LITERALLY FORGOTTEN.
All they could think of was SADHANA for a Month.
After that they came back to Work and made a Commitment to Establish 1,00,000 or More ISHA-YOGA CENTERS, ASHRAMS AND RETREATS.
Before they began they went to a GURUDWARA near their Buildings which they IGNORED for some Reason.
Once they entered the GuruDwara the Same Non-Sense happened within them. So they decided to just sit there with head covered and eyes closed.
They Sat there for a Couple of Minutes and then decided that they need to make 1,00,000 GuruDwara's as well for the Entire Human Population.
Both of these Structures i.e. The GuruDwara's and The ISHA-YOGA CENTERS, ASHRAMS AND RETREATS would be a Phenomenal Possibility for the Overall Wellbeing of the Humanity.
So they set out on this Venture of theirs and to cut Things Short they finished the Entire Venture within 30 Years of Focused and Committed Time.
They both were 60 Years Old but as Fit as a Fiddle.
Now the Only Problem was that No Relative in the Family had a Relationship with them and they had a Tough Time re-connecting with them for the Remaining Years of their Lives.
However, they had the Option to go for Sanyas i.e. Renounciation they decided to Fulfill all Worldly Responsibilities that they owed Humanity.
So they decided to Balance all of their Responsibilities and their SADHANA and Ultimately become Singh's of the Guru to the Best of their Caliber.
That's the Best Thing they thought for themselves.
It had everything. A Competence Guru, An Okayish Community, Being the Way Creator Intended them to be and then the Possibility to Explode into another Dimension Something which they hadn't been on the Receiving end of for a Long Period of Time.
Now they Both Devoted thousands of Hours and Yielded Nothing. But being in Business they knew how to handle setbacks and BounceBack accordingly.
So they decided to Check/Analyse their Process and it seemed Perfectly Fine to them.
They then went to the GuruDwara and did ARDAS (A Plea of Request/Assistance from the Divine in the Form of Hymns i.e. Guru Shabads).
Suddenly it hit them that Karma, Kriya and Kripa go together. So either their Karma or Kriya might be at Fault.
Turns out they were too Tensed whilst Practicing the Kriya and thus it Yielded nothing to them.
So after this they Tried their Nam Simran right in front of GuruGranthSahibJi Maharaj and voof. They Exploded into the Other Dimension with Grace of the True Guru.
Now they set out to Devour everything they could about the Spiritual Process and Spread the Message of Sikhi to the Entire World.
To their Benefit there were 1,00,000 GuruDwara's, ASHRAMS, ISHA-YOGA CENTERS AND RETREATS.
They decided to stick to the GuruDwara and Yoga Centers.
By the Time of their Departure GuruSaheb managed(Because Time is Limited. Unfortunately.) to Produce 1,000,000 Enlightened Human Beings out of which 5,00,000 were Singh's.
As per the Rest of the Population in collaboration with Sadhguru and the Volunteers at the ISHA-YOGA CENTERS, ASHRAMS AND RETREATS GuruSaheb managed to Bring Enlightenment and the Concept of Being a Samsari Sanyasta ( A Social Recouncer i.e. Living like and Ascetic on the Inside and on the Outside the Life that every Human-Being not in touch with the Spiritual Process tends to gravitate towards in his LIFE.)
As for the Proud Parents of Rakesh and Jayesh they also Managed to Attain to their Enlightenment and Salvation thanks to the Initial Efforts of Baba NAKSHATRA ( Who Himself was an Enlightened Human-Being but he Never Spoke in his Entire Life until the age of 80 years and then there was no stopping his Wit and Profoundness.)
So, Ultimately it was a Happy Ending to a very very Tragic Beginning to this Story of Rakesh from Bandra, Mumbai.
Hope you loved it.
Don't Forget to Like, Comment and Re-Steem.
Lovely story, so lovely, but I’ll advise that long lovely story like this should be divided into two or three series, so the readers don’t get tired of reading one long piece.
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