Beginners advice

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Welcome ya dirty sonofabitch! Let's get started.

  1. Be yourself, if you suck, be some one a little better, standard social media stuff.


  1. You're gonna want an introduction post with your picture and a sign in your hand that shows the date. Proof of brain, shows you're not a cyborg, unless you are a cyborg... In which case cool, be sure to add that in your post. Tag that post 'introduceyourself' pretty basic shit but lots of people fuck it up.

  2. Don't beg, don't copy paste, cite sources, if you want to use pictures you didn't take, give credit to the poor bastard who did. It's not rocket math, just credit where due.

photo by my wife😄

  1. Get your shit together, under settings you can add a profile pic, cover photo...

  2. If you're showing off your tits or wang or vulva or what have you, tag it NSFW. Nobody wants to scroll to your dick on rando. If you want to turn NSFW on or off it's in settings.

my son with a little pussy cat

  1. Post as often as you can post good stuff, don't post shitty one photo with brief description 8 times a day, make one post with all the photos, description, how you took them, maybe a story behind the series. Sorry you haven't given me much to go on with this intro so I'm just throwing shit out there.

  2. Find people you like, read their shit, make meaningful comments, make connections. If you try to suck off whales (bigwigs) all day you'll probably find you end up with a sore jaw and not much else. Look for people who are starting out and support them, they may support you to and you can ride each other's successes together like a happy circle jerk.


  1. Don't quit your day job and don't expect a whole hell of a lot. It's free. You didn't pay to be here, and you've already made more then on any other network with my 10¢ up vote, so don't be a whiny bitch when you take in 3¢ a post. You won't win them all, you're going to have to pimp yourself out, after posting go read and comment on your faves, it's a good way to remind them you're alive.

  2. If you have crypto advice, don't. There's already to many blowhards here😂 Check out discord and, this is an aside that hardly deserves its own point.


  1. Convert any earnings to steem on the market then power up, power begats power. Right now steem ain't worth jack what it could and should be worth, last year it spiked to 10$ (Canadian), this year I'd hope to see it spike to 20$ HODL is what all the blow hard crypto kings say.

Hope this as helped, and you don't mind I'm going to steal this whole comment to make a new post because I put a fuck ton of effort into it.

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Great advice! Some things sound so simple but definitely can get easily overlooked. I hope you and yours stuffed yourselves silly with Easter candy! I’m having a peeps martini right now!

Yep, Bear was running circles on peeps and Jelly Bellies. Never heard of a peeps martini, all i picture is one floating in a regular vodka martini😂

Aww sounds like a bear-y good time!
They used marshmallow vodka lol

@bleedpoet: thanks for the info! Mega-helpful. You inspired me to hatch from my Steem-newb shell moments ago.

I've never hatched a noob before😢 This is a beautiful moment for me.🐣

Feed me well (with data) and you could likely become a proud parent of a Steem Honor Roll Student.

You had me at "Welcome ya dirty sonofabitch!" I love your style so ya just got followed. By a newbie. Feel special now don't ya? 😋

BTW - you have a beautiful family!!

Thank you very much😊 Of course I'm honored to be counted amongst your firsts. I hope you find my style entertaining, check out some of the other commenters around here, some really great people who have become friends through this odd blog spot.

I will do that, thank you! That's actually how I found you and numerous other interesting folks - going to one post then down a rabbit hole of refreshing styles.

There's a lot of crap on here but there seems to be a realness not found in a lot of other communities, which is really nice. Not to knock it, I'm sure the former is just a group thinking they can make a quick buck, failing miserably, then moving on.

The latter is the reason to stay🎗😉

If you're here for a long time, it's a good time. People who don't read the room generally find themselves not gaining any traction, become disillusioned and disappear.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


You're welcome.

You got a little on your chin.


It's your comment section. Steal away!
Efforts were meant to be rewarded anyway

To be fair I wrote this comment on @emmaxman's post, a noob looking for guidance, then realized if I spiced it up with some pictures it may make a decent guide.

Good summary of the ethics @bleedpoet. We can’t have enough of these reminders.

But we can have too many, I almost kiboshed the idea as over done, then decided, fuck it.

I could have used most of this advice right out of the gate, and the people joining in this lull are in for a helluva ride if they stick with it.

You know I never did a proper 'introduce yourself' post, but maybe I'm a half cyborg and my paintings are just self portraits? Hmmm a painting holding up a sign for an old intropost? :)

I hope for Winstons sake the good parts are all lady😂

All I can say to that is Beep boop bop boop, or to be more precise 1101000010101 ;)

This was helpful. I laughed because it read just like a list I have pinned on my wall at home.


Helpful and it makes me giggle. Perfect combo.

I guess I'm a bit of a cyborg. I did tell someone not soon after landing here that I was a spy so... guess only time will tell what I really am. A bit of a goof who doesn't like to go along with the troupe. Seems the most likely.

Your kid's a cute little monkey. I hear if you tie bells around their ankles they can't run too far away. It's either that or a leash. Idk, just some kid advice. I know things.

To be honest, he doesn't seem too much the scaredy type if he's helping you fight off that big bad camera lady.

The wifey is 5'3" and on my shoulders Bear is 7'3", so he hardly needs to fear😂, if I put bells on his ankles I'd go deaf from the noise, toddlers are loud enough without ecoutrements. Hope some of this shit advice brings you success. One extra tip I'll give you is don't over resteem. Try to keep a post by yourself in the top five on your wall. I've been taking a break from posting much right now because I want to work on quality over quantity, so I probably have broken that rule already. I just find after reading your stuff I always want more like it, it's got a good edge to it.

That's so funny...and true. That's just evil to advise putting bells on a toddler. Like who would do that? I know. I've been thinking that too. I tried to keep my own post up top and visible the first couple days after I posted. But I just find stuff I really like and want to support. My vote doesn't count for shit right now so I resteem. I figure I'm not going to make much on anything I write for a while anyway. Maybe not ever. I just like making people laugh and getting all the madness out of my head. Kind of a lifetime process there.

Thanks for the down to earth advice and humor.

May it serve you well in this upstream battle. Another hint is if you post well, not to often, and can lure a dolphin or whale into following you steadily, they may just put a steemvoter bot on you.

Helpful post for a newb like me.

Among other things, it helped me realize I'm one of those idiots that fucks up simple shit, like, not holding a photo of myself with the date.

Oh well... I never claimed to be the brightest.

I screwed it up my first time too, ended up making a post called 'Do Over'

You look pretty human to me, looking forward to finding out why anyone would move 8 kids to Florida. Welcome to the Steem.

The answer to that is pretty simple (yet still a little nuts)... My wife loves beaches, they are her "happy place". As the saying goes, if momma ain't happy nobody's happy.

Happy wife, happy life. My wife loves mountains but I'm not about to relocate to them, if sooner build her one in our backyard😄

Haha! Understood.


Lol so many comments, I hope mine gets noticed... here's what I'll do @bleedpoet, I'm just gonna say your wife is lucky to have you, and knowing what you do best is the best way to succeed in here. And I'm definitely taking the power up option henceforth.

Believe me, I'm the lucky one in our pairing😊 I always check my replies first so no worries of getting lost in the fray. Absolutely power up, now while the value is low it is best to hold, brighter days ahead😆

Yeah yeah, join you at the top soon... Lol you're lucky to have her then.. Wish you the best to come in your marriage.

wow,cutey son and cute father.your looks to beautifull and charming.your poetry writing always best.i am a daily reader of your poetry.nice pussy cat and wonderfull family. happy easter 2018...thanks your good advice sharing..@bleedpoet

You're always welcome. I hope you like the advice.

yeah,friend..i deserve your good advice.because i think that,you are a good and supporting friend in the steemit platform..thank you..dear..@bleedpoet

Love your photos non-android hehe. You are the Bleeding Poet. I love poetry. Great family and son. I love hiking and cats. Thanks for sharing. I'm Oatmeal. Happy Easter 2018.

Please to meet you Oatmeal. Sounds like you live an eventful life, look forward to checking out more of your stuff. Hope you had a hoppy holiday.


I have stopped to look for new interesting people here, I just read all the same 5-10 bloggers almost every 2 days or whenever I can.
The rest is also all truth. Especially don't dream to make a living with steemit!

Don't worry, I'll try to find you some new interesting people, long as you don't forget about me😄

Dude you are fantastic, I like your use of language lol. Peace.

Thanks James, welcome to Steemit. Keep reaching for the stars and hope they don't reach back for you😄💫

Right On thank you very much.

Nice post.

Have fun with your happy day