Seeking Opinions- What Are Your Initial Thoughts on the Tron Announcement?

in steemit •  5 years ago 

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Hi Steem Fam,

Wait... should I say Tron fam? 😬Too soon? Seriously though, today has been a roller coaster of everyone DM'ing each other and trying to figure out what is going on.

On the off chance you haven't heard yet - it was announced today that TRON will be purchasing Steemit inc. You can read the article HERE.

The article was pretty vague and so I think most of us are very curious to watch tomorrow's live stream with Ned Scott and Justin Sun - which will hopefully give us all a little more clarity.

Tomorrow's AMA Live Stream with Ned and Justin

Join me in grabbing a bowl of popcorn and settling in for tomorrow morning's stream. Here are all the details:

  • Saturday 2/15 at 9am PST
  • Live streamed on Dlive and YouTube.


What Are Your Initial Thoughts?

I've heard so many comments today that are all over the board and I'm really curious to hear what your initial thoughts are on this. One of my main questions is how much of Steemit Inc's stake did they get in the deal? Because that could have a huge impact on electing block producers. Consider this an open forum to share what you are thinking about this merger - good or bad!

Also - Join me an hour early (8am PST) for a live stream with @cryptofinally! Streamed on @threespeak.

XO, Lea
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Unpopular opinion incoming:

I don’t see how this can be bad for steem. Even though there are some positive concepts that have been in the pipeline for years (SMTs ect) they arent proven and we have no idea if they are going to actually work.

So a shot in the arm like this can only help because without something big to generate some press I feel like we would be in real trouble here.

Already Sun is tweeting consistently to his 2 million followers and I’m not sure how that can possibly be construed as negative when we have all been so desperate for publicity for so long.

I’m going to go ahead and take as a positive that steem\steemit are being talked about again for the first time in a long time

This was my exact initial thoughts. We've complained for so long about terrible marketing and then get "adopted" by the crypto marketing master.

While I can see this possibly going less than favorable, I don't see what Tron gets if it purchases Steemit and then the leaves the Steem blockchain out to wither and die.

Exactly. Aligned incentives

  ·  5 years ago (edited)

we are all gunna die


  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment

As long as price keeps going up, it's a good thing!


Whatever, price is damping now, so makes me more worried!!

Initial thoughts... This is interesting, I hope to get some solid information so I can form an opinion.



It is going to be a fun rollercoaster! The stream is to late in the night for me here but will catch up in the morning.

I'm sure by the time you wake up Steem will be filled with all sorts of commentary about it too that you can catch up on.

곰돌이가 @jayplayco님의 소중한 댓글에 $0.031을 보팅해서 $0.011을 살려드리고 가요. 곰돌이가 지금까지 총 7384번 $95.221을 보팅해서 $99.816을 구했습니다. @gomdory 곰도뤼~

Quite the Finally Friday seems like you have been outdone today by this monumental announcement. In any case, this is great if you have a business or are promoting something on Steem. More users, more eyes, more clout.

Justin Sun is the businessman and marketer Steemit Inc. was missing, hopefully he does something with it. Poor CEO, what is going to happen to her?

I think as everything Justin sun touches it will be a clusterfuck his going to take and try and “centralize” it and he wants the noobs that use that front end to be “users” of Tron so he can continue to bullshit about his shit coin and get more VC capital and keep going

I think he might have been swindled by ned and sold the idea steemit is like dlive where he could port it over and move on but it’s been so decentralized and the patriotism is so high I hope we won’t take anything less than autonomy from him!

You could be spot on. I was thinking myself that Ned may have sold Justin a dud.

You know I’d love it if it ends up with Justin looking like a complete tool paying millions for a domain and some staked coins

The Earth is Flat lol

lol 😂

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment
  ·  5 years ago (edited)Reveal Comment

Not to say that this isn't a good business deal. It probably is. For a lot of folks. But how much money do your principles cost?

@coininstant come remove these downvotes.. they are uncalled for and you know it. Don’t make me mom you right now, I’m not in the mood ❤️

  ·  5 years ago Reveal Comment