RE: Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

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Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Well dam, that was a very uncapitalist thing to do on a social network that prides itself on being a free and uncensored network. This does not bode well. A few negative pieces off site, about Steemit and it could all come crashing down. Then how much would Steem be worth?

My little piece of input would be to take away some of that down vote power. Or just take away down votes all together. Then the types who like to abuse it will have their strength take away.

Steemit I promise to never down vote one of your posts. I truly believe in a free and open internet. If I wanted a dictator telling me what I can and can´t say I would stay on CommunistBook.

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Might as well get rid of bad grades in school and late fees at banks too. No market consequences for anyone! hooray!
Steemit never claims to not be censored. The steem blockchain isn't but the interface we're using is very much censored according to the will of the owners (majority shareolders aka whales).
Freedom is the freedom to downvote if you want to. They're just market signals. When people flag me, I pay attention and learn from it. They're valuable that way.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Is that cruel ?? @hilarski @piedpiper @dollarvigilante
What if that person does not know anything ?? And get downvote without knowing mistake, whether it be said fair ?? Continues to be down and harm the reputation of the person, and many parties ..

Give input only, What if someone crosses the line about a post or in a comment, warning or reprimand through tolerance to immediately remove what he had written, in order not to harm fellow user ..

Thank you.. :)

Glad you asked, @febieline - When you downvote someone, your action is visible to the community and you have to be prepared to explain your reasoning to the satisfaction of your peers. Otherwise, you will quickly establish a reputation for cruelty any be ostracized by the community. You'll make yourself a target and won't be able to continue functioning normally. Nobody has any incentive to flag people without cause. Warnings are great and @berniesanders has been handing them out plentifully, which I really appreciate. At the end of the day, whales are invested in Steemit and everything they do is for the betterment of the platform. We are working to grow our investment and reckless, abusive behavior comes with severe consequences. I hope that helps. Let me know if any other concerns come to mind :)

@piedpiper, I see an account named @arisromansyah88, I think he commented on the post someone does not say rude or rest, I do not know why anyone could give downvote someone to reduce the reputation of the person, there is the peculiarity that I see and confuses me, why others which gives downvote tresebut but not the person who made such postings are on downvote, my view there is no abuse or harsh words were spoken by Mr. @arisromansyah88 ..

You can check the name of it .. !!! @piedpiper

This is very smart advice to follow. You do a great job helping all levels of users here @piedpiper (still one of my favorite names)

  • Can you tell me how much voting power it takes to flag?
  • Or if you flag and unflag does your voting power go back to what it was?
  • Who can actually affect your reputation with a flag? (I thought it was only those with higher reputation that could lower others reputation but can still lower the reward).

Could you also weigh in on the option to have downvotes and flags be separate and also require flaggers to select a reason? I'm tryin to get some of the great minds together to discuss. @smooth has offered a lot of good ideas and would love to have your comments in there as well. New Content Flagging System With Feedback. Ironically it has a flag already from @mootdadoe which has no explanation, but if my proposal is implemented would force him/her to choose a reason why they flagged content.

Thanks for the kind words, @bendjmiller222
Anyone can flag. The more steem power you have, the more monetary damage your flag will do. Only those with a higher reputation can affect your reputation score. I'm not sure if you recover the little bit of lost voting power if you remove your flag but I don't think it really matters because it's a fairly small amount anyway.

I definitely have my own ideas about how the voting/flagging system can be improved and I'll be making a video about it tomorrow. :)

I think it is less a matter of censoring (i.e. making "undesireable" information UNavailable), and more a matter of minimizing (i.e. making "undesireable" information less visible while still being available). I like your analogy about votes being market signals. Some market players have the ability to generate stronger signals than others. A whale has a much higher voting weight than the average steemer, even if that whale decides to scale down their vote by lowering the percentage. For example, my vote has a weight of 6,516, but @dantheman has a weight of 214,532,135 -- so only if @dantheman were to adjust his voting percent to 0.003% would my vote be worth the same as his.

But why not give a clear statement to give downvote someone, if indeed he is the pope is large, then cherish reputation of people who are already struggling to provide and participate in community steemit, comfort for more users to not carelessly say, a lot of things to give warning for it, without having to give downvote arbitrarily just because he was a pope, telling remove any posting or posting comments on other people could be right, @goodluckcanuck .. !!!

No disrespect, but I had trouble parsing exactly what you are trying to say. I am not saying that this imbalance of power is unfair -- I was simply making the observation about how much difference in power there really is between Whales and Minnows. I am not going to down-vote a post because I don't care for the article, subject, or perspective. I would reserve down-votes for posts that I feel are damaging to an individual or to the community as a whole.

On another note, I have been getting a feeling lately that the only strongly valued content on here relates to steem. I am not sure how sustainable this ecosystem will be in the long run if this continues. People writing original non-steem content will get discouraged and move on to other platforms. Right now, I think the rules are as follows:

The first rule of steemit is: you talk only about steemit.
The second rule of steemit is: you talk ONLY about steemit!
Third rule of steemit: if someone writes original content about food, science, or sports, the post is over.
Fourth rule: only steemit and travel posts are allowed to trend

Yeah, and in that case, it's up to YOU to find fun articles about science or philosophy or food or whatever, and upvote it! We're in this together, and I'm on Steemit for the long-term. I'm gonna have fun here, and make this a community.

This means I have to put making money as a secondary objective.
The number one goal is to have fun making friends and sharing ideas.

Upvote this post if you agree! ;)

It might be true that the most valued posts right now are about Steemit, but this is to be expected since the majority of users, especially the one's with the most Steem Power, are mostly interested in Steemit. I think this will change over the course of the next year as more people become aware of the platform. Give it some time. I think we'll see an evolution happen over time where other groups will catch on to it and start upvoting each others posts. I remember when Twitter first came out, it seemed like the only people using it were trying to sell something and I thought, there was no way it could last if the only thing you see on Twitter is a bunch of spammy advertising. There is still a lot of garbage and advertising on Twitter but it seems to have established itself as more than just that now.

Don't get me wrong here, folks: I have voted for (and will continue to vote for) posts about steemit. I have nothing against the subject, and there are tons of really good articles on the subject. That said, there is also lots of good material on other subjects that simply gets lots in the noise. That's all I am getting at.

Almost downvoted this just to be ironic, but I agree with you so I didn't.

lol right on. I was half-expecting it anyway ;)

I also almost downvoted because I'm still bitter about you downvoting a post of mine a few weeks ago.

@bacchist As The Art of War teaches, never enter into a battle you haven't already won ;)

What don't you get? This is not a free market, you obviously didn't bother to read the white paper, it's laid out. This is a contributor owned network, and Bernie, whoever he is, has bought, or earned a seat at the director's table, so like a capitalist venture, his vote counts more than yours, as it should. This isn't a democracy, or even a republic. While everyone is free to reach for a spot in the Oligarchy, they are free to slap you down when they feel you're dumbing down the content pool.

This guy gets it :) There will soon be other platforms on the steem blockchain to choose from so the free market aspect will become more pronounced but for now, this is the first corporation to set up on the island and as members, we work for the controlling shareholders.

As it always is.

First Rule Of Being An Outlaw: Know the law.

Which leads me to one of my favorite realizations in life, limitations and roadblocks are always finite and definable, while opportunity is always limitless. There are always an infinite number of other ways to approach any problem.

Down voting is critical to this ecosystem so that material that is grossly inappropriate (it will happen and it will be shocking) can be down voted out of sight.

And this fits that definition - how exactly?

It doesn't, that's my point