RE: Getting to grips with following, unfollowing and upvotes!

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Getting to grips with following, unfollowing and upvotes!

in steemit •  9 years ago 

Thank you for this great article, it hit home with me in several ways. I honestly don't know if you are following me, I rarely check but I do follow you because I appreciate what you write. I'm afraid my blog appears disjointed, but that is who I am. I have many interests and so my writing tends to reflect that. I actually wrote an article a few weeks back about just writing what I enjoy and not worrying about pleasing anyone. Ironically enough, that article earned more SD than most of my other posts that I put even more thought and research into. Such is the way of life. If someone upvotes my post, I appreciate their consideration and am glad that I was able to reach someone. If they comment, that is wonderful too. But I don't typically strive to gain the big bucks on here, its not likely but it could happen. I actually wake up in the morning thinking about what I would like to write about that day. Sometimes nothing comes to me and I write nothing. Every day is different. Keep doing what you do, happiness can only come from within!

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I understand varied interests. I suppose it is the way it is presented that makes me suspicious sometimes. It's trite but true, money doesn't bring us happiness, but that being said, good luck to you and good luck to me!