An open-ended question to @ned and @dan

in steemit •  7 years ago 

Yesterday I noticed @ned downvoting @officialfuzzy posts to zero.

I tried to find out what was the cause.

I found out that @dan started downvoting @sweetsssj posts about 15 days ago.

@sweetsssj stopped posting, so did @officialfuzzy

So are these steemians pawns in some power struggle that we do not know about?

To both of you @dan and @ned , downvotes are not private they are public.

People are not pawns, they have feelings, and hopes.

You should not downvote people in that fashion using your power on the platform without giving the community a reason.

This is starting to look like guilt by association.

If that's not what it is, then give these people a decent answer.

Not only them, "We" want to know why are you playing " Judge, Jury and Executioner " ?

On a platform you guys claim to have made for libertarians.

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Can be a winner on a nuclear war? Only high intelligent members are allowed to answer. Thank you!


Tic tac toe, Wargames showed us there are no winners :-(


don't know if I'm "intelligent" enough to answer, let alone "highly", so I'll just "not answer" this...

Haha good one !! Me too !!😂🐈🐱🐈🐱

I see what you did there. Well-played ... or rather, well-not-played lol

ROFL - Only High Intelliweenie Answers. Hahahahahahaha

hahaha.. good one

Haha...made my day with your pic :D

I'm not sure why you're assuming that this is a @ned vs. @dan war, or that @sweetsssj stopped posting because of a couple flags. She was still making $500+ per post and I didn't see a bunch of Dan flags on her anyway. The largest one I saw was on a post that still received over $900.

Did you ask either of them why they were downvoting before speculating on it?

I was just checking out her blog and I have to say, even if she got downvotes, I would still not mind being in her shoes with the payouts she's getting!

I didn't know there was a lot of flagging going on. Here I was thinking it was okay ever since HF19 hit. can't really find out much about the reasons though, so I guess I'll stay neutral here :-)

Facts are for later, speculation first lol. I'm know I'm finding some of these posts about the subject entertaining.

If it were a minnow I would be amused. From a witness, it is not amusing at all.

Good point @ats-david I also posted about this same issue today in my blog post and hope that it get resolved. Thanks a lot for your great comment.

@sweetsssj was traveling to another wonderful and exotic, incredibly expensive vacation location. She is back now....

Haha....yes, even first class needs 'flight mode'

I tried to find out what was the cause.

I think this implies he did try and find out . . I guess a Ned downvote will always attract a lot of attention, I hope it isn't part of some kind of war though.


OMG youre rright, who KNOWS what happened maybe it was even a mistake?? and yeah they obviously didnt flagat full power because @sweetsssj posts and reputation would be lower, right??

Oh this is a huge relief, also, how can you even see the list of flaggers when the list ends anyway? You have to use steemdb or right? I mean theres no option to even see the list of upvotes it just says "and 440 more" like it does here up on this post when you click the people who upvoted

Of course @officialfuzzy's and @sweetsssj's posts are of good content and Quality. But I have seen so many other very very good posts which got only a payout of a few dollars. So I think downvoting is a possible way to adjust the payouts. If a follower of the named authors notices a post which has already apotential payout of several hundred dollars, is it clever to upvote it further??? Why dont these people search some good, but undervalued posts and make some new authors a little bit more happy?

Hmm this is not the case with @officialfuzzy post , all money from them go to the people ............... Chek the posts they are giveaways !

He was flagged one day after often having several posts on trending at any given time. I respect the work he does also, but are his posts the most valuable posts on SteemIt... EVERY DAY? I think not.

Intresting opinion about , acording the trending page . There are several people posting and earn big but no one was flaged even they have 2 or 3 posts per day . The one who get flaged is the ONLY one who give this money back to the comunity and to the minnows . ...........

I like him and the others, so I wasn't comparing anyone to any one else. I was just pointing out a member's work can be valued and appreciated without trending every day. :)

The difference is im using payiuts to build things...not to cash out and buy stuff.

Are the payouts controlled by one user or do multiple people control the account?

Its not a voting account...but it gives tokens out to people who work for steemit, and any other "partnerships" ned might see fit.

All this would be ok to me if he had never used it to try to get me to sell out to him

Actualy i point many times about the unfearnes of trending page ........... at moment of post people get 200$ upvote and 3 views ? Is this any fair ? Based on what this people trend >? Coments , people intrested ................ or just MONEY !

Hey @whatsup :-)
Perhaps the solution is to fix the trending page algorithm without damaging someone. I can understand where you're coming from, but there are over 1000 people who benefit directly from fuzzy projects.

His posts are what allows the growth and development of these beneficial projects, as well as giving people easy access to all the recent information and opportunities.

Should the entire community allow the almighty god to strike them down whenever he chooses? I don't believe steemit was designed to support such actions.

Of course, if it was ANYONE else in the normal community I wouldn't have a problem with it lol. But coming from ned, that means steemit inc. is taking official actions against specific users for personal/political/opinionated reasons. Do you think that's ok?

Here is one of my many thoughts on the trending page. It is a link, but to an old post. So, Not looking for votes here. :) grins.

You are right, time to give others a change to set on trending page. Those names are there for i guess almost a year :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Personally. I'm glad. People who just post pics and stories from their vacations DON'T deserve to be making $1k a post or even $200.. All cuz what? It's some halfway decent looking woman and the men on steemit go crazy?

Or posts analyzing markets or giving opinions or doing giveaways or whatever type of crap that is.. all useless.

The reason I'm happy that posts like that get downvoted by those with massive power is because those posts are useless. They are lacking any value on this site. They simply get upvoted cuz masses of people, mostly men, like what they see. That's counter-intuitive and those people who post useless, invaluable information.. do NOT deserve to make that much money OR recognition on this platform. Simple as that. Great job Ned and Dan! Keep the useless posts from getting more than they deserve.

Who do you suggest should be the arbiter of subjective value?

"They are lacking any value "
" like what they see."

These can't be both true.

I giveaway more voting powerin my posts than i receive.

Yes, nothing is more satisfying than watching 2 oligarchs control content on a platform!

Go Dan & Ned!

Destroy everything you have built simply to save us from the content we can easily ignore on our own!



Destroy everything you have built simply to save us from the content we can easily ignore on our own!

^that's it!

I think this is just a little bit unfair. Plenty of people feel that some big whales shouldn't be earning as they are. They were lucky (or smart) enough to get in early, or they were able to invest big, but their content isn't necessarily much better than that of a minnow, who earns $3.00 for a similar post. There might be a lot of disagreement on flagging and when it should be used. Some say it should be reserved for plagiarism, others say it should be used for curating, just as much as upvotes are used for that.

If you look at it like downvoting, so it's simply to curate good/bad content, then flagging gets a less bad rep. Plenty of people would like to downvote some content that they don't feel is very good (or simply over-rewarded by bots), but they are afraid of retaliation from a pissed off whale who can destroy their acount/reputation within minutes. I know I would be, so I use flagging for plagiarism and spamming only. I'd love for it to be called 'downvoting', placed right next to the upvote button, so people wouldn't be so scared to use it. It would feel like a fairer curating system, but that's not the Steemit we live in. In this case, we can only try to speak our mind and hope for some whales to fight our battles for us.

If we want fair, we need to change the way people look at flagging and we need to accept that it's used for curation aswell. If we want to be okay with big whales (not just Dan and Ned) ruling the platform, then we'll have to be okay with the whale war flags and hope we don't get on anyone's bad side. Flagging will simply keep its bad rep and everyone will be afraid of it.

I, personally, don't mind if > $1,000.00 payout posts with no more value than those that earn $3.00 get downvoted somewhat. I would love for that to become socially acceptable, but I know it won't.

In this case, fuzzy (in case you're reading), I don't mean your posts specifically. I really don't know enough about them to form any sort of opinion there.

This is not directed at you, but at a single point I'd like to address.

Who's content was it that helped build the platform up from nothing?

Was it the people who got here early when they were posting for months and earning nothing, yet continued supporting the platform OR was it the people who waited to see what would happen and then once they saw others actually got money they finally decided to support the platform and post?

For some that "good content" does not outweigh the continued support from those who got here early and stayed even when the price dropped to near nothing; while some others with "good content" only seem to show up when the price spikes, then tend to have extended vacations when the price is down.

Loyalty has it's rewards for some I guess and I think that's especially true for many whales/dolphins. I personally would rather support someone with mediocre content that sticks around and helps build the Community over someone with great content that post when the price is high, cashes out and leaves for 6 months until the next pump.

There's a lot more to Steemit than posting content. Behind the scenes, many of these people that aren't considered great content creators are some of the most ardent supporters and Community builders in the ecosystem.

Many don't see that part of them, because those people aren't Community builders and don't come behind scenes to help out, they just comment about content on Steemit and complain about how much in rewards someone did or didn't earn. So their perspective is skewed. :)

They see Alice, who's content is crap to them, and it's earning $300; but they have no idea Alice is in chat every single day helping out new users or fighting spam and then they complain about the rewards she's receiving.

I'm not saying that's always the case, but it is the case enough times to bring it up so that others are aware of why some with not so great content make big rewards. It's not always about the content, sometimes it's about the individual and the other things they do here and it works both ways. If someone's an ass, yet their content is great, they may get flagged to zero rewards. :)

I can completely understand what you wrote here and I agree that content isn't the only reason people deserve upvotes. Heck, I upvote people, simply because they're good conversational partners too.

You're right, some people do a lot of things behind the scenes and deserve rewards for that. I'm sure some actually get those and others don't. People don't always notice these contributions, but if they are really that invisible, shouldn't we drag those contributions out into the open more? We've got plenty of members who keep going up there in Trending. Why not have them shine the spotlight on some valuable, behind the scenes members?

What I don't completely agree on is the fact that the early birds should be constantly rewarded for being the first ones. Yes, they got in first and put their faith into a platform. However, from what I've seen, posts from the early days got crazy high payouts, compared to now. Isn't that their reward? They've managed to build up their earnings really fast here, while an average newbie struggles to even get $1.00 payouts now.

Yeah, some people are here, simply to cash in when the price is right. However, not all of our low earning minnows are new and not all of them quit when things get rought. There are plenty here that have pumped out posts every single day for over half a year and they are still struggling to get seen. They don't leave when things get tough. Yes, they vent sometimes, but can you really blame them? By now, they've been here half as long as the first members have. By next year, that difference is only a quarter. How long do the first members have to be carried on hands and feet for being the first? Who even qualifies as being the first? I'm sure if Steemit is still here, 10 years from now, all of us current members will all be considered the first.

So when is someone seen as a loyal member? I've been here about 8 months now and have never stopped posting more than a few days, due to vacation, where I refuse to go online. I help plenty of people out aswell, but I do it through comments, because I don't know how all of this 'behind the scenes' stuff works. Am I a loyal member? Or will I never be, because I hadn't heard of Steemit 6 months before I joined? Or because I'm not a programmer or other useful backstage person?

(P.S. Not meant to be personal, I'm just using myself as an example here.)

Bravo 👏🏻... Bravo 👏🏻


And I guess sports players shouldn't make millions either. Perhaps "the house" should just keep all the extra money and pay each player a steady $50,000/year regardless of how much attention and money they might otherwise attract to the "stadium"...

but I do agree with @freiheit50, that downvotes should be qualified, although in this case dan's @sweetsjjj downvote turned out to be merely a 1% downvote, versus ned's triple -100% downvotes on @officialfuzzy, which also presented no "direct objection" whatsoever, despite being orders of magnitude more impactful.

Nope. They shouldn't make anything near what they make. That money should be given to the people, those whose tax dollars generally are pirated from them to build these garbage ass stadiums.. Rarely are stadiums paid for with private funds. It's generally tax dollars.. So where's my cut for you using my money to build a stadium I didn't ask for that you're still gonna try and charge me $100 a seat to sit in?.. Are you really that much of a sheep @alexpmorris? or was that a bad joke that I just don't seem to get?...

Your name is totally appropriate, Comrade Marx.

Social Justice Warriors are on Facebook -----> That way.

PS - I agree public funds being used for stadiums is theft, but we both know that's not the metaphor people mean when they ask this question. It's about who generates the value.

totally agree that's it's an outrageous abuse to use state funds for stadiums. it's not outrageous to charge $100 a seat, if some "sucker" wants to pay that much for it. And if state funds are used, then most of that past operating expenses should go back to the people. But I GUARANTEE YOU, they won't fill $100 seats, let alone $100,000 box seats, with players earning $50K/year. If you want the "cheap seats", that's what college games are for. And ironically, I'm sure you're aware of all the crazy "college recruiting stories", because great student players equates to HUGE alumni donations...

But if you think that a sports star, or any "star" for that matter, would stick around accepting 50,000/year, when their attention and "value" would likely attract multi-million dollar offers elsewhere, that's a pretty "idealistic" worldview.

If that's how you feel, though, I highly recommend you start a career as a YouTuber. You may only make a few hundred bucks, but you can be comforted in knowing you just might be "donating" MILLIONS of dollars to the "greater good" (well, google's perspective of the "greater good", at least)...

Perhaps the irony is that most of the complaints I've seen on STEEMIT are that the STEEMIT and crypto posts seem to "eat up all the rewards". I'm personally happy to make a few extra bucks, versus the NOTHING I received posting on facebook.

Id take fiber to the home as community broadband over a stadium anyday.

I don't know much about the situation, however if it is an issue of downvoting because they feel the posts are incorrectly valued, fine. I agree a comment explaining downvote would be nice.

As far as not seeing payout related to value that is fine for now. We are new. Right now, steemit is a numbers game. But guess when this site is huge, the cream will rise. I believe the most valued posts a year from now will be held to a higher standard than today. However, this takes time. I believe in steemit. my job is to create the best quality content that I can. Perceived value will come in it's time if I keep doing my job. No need to bother that vacation posts and pretty girls make bank. I like exotic lands and pretty girls.

I agree that some posts are incorrectly valued, however I think that is not to blame the author. After all, the community upvotes it (and ofcourse a billion bots I bet).

No need to bother that vacation posts and pretty girls make bank. I like exotic lands and pretty girls.

There's a reason the sex industry makes billions, haha. It is simply what people like. But the author is not to blame. I think they should either do something about the bots, or the upvote curve or something - but punishing the author sounds kinda unfair to me..

Honestly, if they start downvoting big authors like them, they should return the favor and give big upvotes to small authors.

Time to change those names on trending page more often.

Mostly you are right. But together with the downvote a comment should be placed to tell the author and the community the reason of the downvote.

@tngflx - I agree, to an extent. I still hoped to see stories about people's lives.. Just not about constant vacationing.. About maybe their careers, hopes, dreams, daily life, likes, dislikes, etc.. I hoped to get to know more about people on here. I wanted to see stories as well, but not always what vacation you took or are on.. More like, what's your family like? How do they live? What's it like where you live? Etc.. I hoped to find more philosophical and intellectual posts, ones that actually make you research topics and give input in return. Idk, I had a lot of hopes for steemit and it's mostly come thru.. Just , to me.. I believe that the guy who's struggling in a third world country and can only manage to get on steemit once a week, maybe two.. deserves a larger chunk of what's here than someone who's living it up in luxury already at a fancy ass resort on some hardly known island.. Those people just don't deserve it. At all. IMO.

@freiheit50 - I agree, in fact. I believe that along with the transparency of steemit as far as who you are and how much your wallet holds.. should indeed carry over into downvoting posts. I might be sitting here thinking they got downvoted cuz they're useless or not worth that much.. but for all I know.. there could've been a real-life altercation between these people.. lol. Never know. On a platform of clarity though, it'd be nice to have solid reasoning behind a downvote. :)

WOW, congrats @kainmarx on that $600+ payout you received last year... I hope I too can get that lucky some day, as I have yet to come even close to such a large payout on a single post!!!

I hope you at least followed your own advice and shared most of the proceeds of your hard work among those struggling in a third world country. They need it and deserve it more. You, me and others living it up in luxury already at a fancy ass resorts on some hardly known island shouldn't keep a darn bit of it!

Link: My latest unfortunate, unjust experience with the law..


That is some serious touche =D

It's funny when it's coming from someone that mostly posting about the "useless" stuff .

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

LOL. God forbid I've posted maybe 1 vacation post out of the entirety of my time here. rolls eyes

I'd love for you to show me all the things you consider "useless" from my blog. At least mine has variety.. instead of a bunch of the same garbage.

** - Coming from a guy who literally just posts pictures of insects and reptiles?! And enters those stupid contests I mentioned?!... LMGDFAO!!

I'm just taking your statement " They are lacking any value on this site", Have you ever see your own post? what value does it give to this site?
You better deep looking at yourself first before judging someone like that.

My posts have actual intellectual value? LOL? I'm sorry, but provoking thought in others isn't useless to me. Posting about how nice your 4 course lunch at your 5 star hotel in your 6 star country on your 7 star jet ride is complete and utter trash. Maybe what you consider "valuable" and I do are different ideas.. Cuz I'm sorry, but yes, my posts (most of them) actually make people think about ideas or concepts..

the point is, ironically, that the community judges what it considers valuable. I am fascinated by all sorts of things, from mushrooms, to tech, to programming, to trading, to travel, to cute funny animals, to touching personal stories, to you name it.

But just because makeup tutorials may not generally be of interest to me personally, does not detract from the value it may have to others. Write about what is passionate to you, and what inspires you. If it's truthful, honest, and sincere, whatever the genre, over time you will likely attract a following that likes and appreciates your work.

We're each doing our own thing, and that's great. But to be jealous of someone else who appears to be "doing better than you", without even an understanding or appreciation of what it took to get there, won't likely move you forward a single bit.

People may not know that @sweetsssj once was a humble curator for Chinese posts with Steem Guild, before she became one of Steemit’s brightest stars! That was when I first met her online and we began working together on curation. Even then, no one on Steemit worked harder on a blog than she did. Her tremendous success is a testament to her hard work and to the care with which she crafts each of her posts. She definitely deserves a regular spot on the trending page; there is no post on Steemit that I would rather new members see than one of hers.

Link: Reflections and Tips for International Steemit Members and Growth Communities

Intresting who make this comment ............. maybe all trolls around must look first themself ?How you contribute to steemit ?

I contribute unique information from my life or my thoughts. It doesn't have to be deemed valuable by anyone, idc.. That wasn't the point.. You seem to miss the concept.. Cuz while you may think my posts are worthless.. So do I to yours.. Where's your originality? All I see is resteemed crap and attention whoring about how you got "cyber stalked.." Why even be a troll and comment in the first place. No one was trolling here. We're expressing our opinions.. There's a major difference. I don't post things with an intention of getting under someone's skin or annoying them.

Acusing people about posting crap demand to look yourself first right ? Where is your originalty in posting ? A single photo or begging for support ? Or it is the fact no one cares about your vacation ?

I agree. I thought this platform would provide something really productive. Better than fb. Instead it's just mostly for travel blogs with people posing how they have fun. Instead of some tips or tricks. Hmm...

Only if you fixate on the trending page. The real problem there is also with the curation emphasis on rewards. People try to dogpile things they THINK will be popular to maximize their curation rewards instead of just voting things they actually read, watched, listened to, etc. and liked.

This is a problem. Though I rarely look at the trending page. It has been rather cyclic and repetitive for the more than a year I have been on steemit.

I guess I expected too much from steemit :O It's just another facebook I would say. I even saw some people just posing a photo a day and earned like 6 dollar per post. LOL. While I wrote all the article so heartfully and no one cares :D

People care, we just are limited in out number of votes per day. We can't vote on everything and there is a problem with discoverability so it is easy to miss things. If you fixate on how much you make you'll always be unhappy here. I had many great posts make $0, and not because they were down votes to oblivion like my latest post yesterday. (I am turning that to a positive, it gave a lot of good information following the data trails of the mass bot down vote that hit me)

Yeah positivity is the key! You mentioned it well. It should be applied daily to our life not just in this crypto world. Yes I believe it will pay off one day. Right now I'm still trying to figure out what kind of post should I do. Wondering about crypto news or travel blogs. I guess I can do both and see how's it will be :D So let's work for our goal guys! Keep the positive people and positive things flowing in our life! I believe we will achieve anything we want if we push hard enough!

Don't spend a lot of time thinking about what you should write. When you are inspired, write. Many of them will not gain much traction. So what? You're writing what you are inspired to write and that can be pretty rewarding regardless of other people. If things go well some of them will be noticed, and that will only increase over time as long as you keep writing.

That's exactly what I'm going to do man! Writing blog actually forces me to do a lot of research. Plus I'm a perfectionist. I only try to produce good quality post. Thanks for the support man! Definitely following you :) Glad to see like minded people )

That would make a lot of sense if both downvoted the same post's. Now it seems more than a conflict between them.

before you downvote everybody should be forced to enter a commemnt why you downvote.

Edit: I have no idea who typed this. Must be a mistake from someone with my posting key!

Downvoting can play a significant role on Steemit, It's a great way for the community to regulate the content that they want. Its just common decency to give an explanation unless there is a blatant reason. I like this suggestion.

regulate the content that they want

Very bad reason to down vote. Do you walk into a store and see a type of food you dislike and pull it off the shelf or pull out a marker and start writing all over it?

Likely the answer is no. So why should you, or me get to dictate what OTHER people can like? We shouldn't. We should focus on what WE like, and let other people focus on what they like.

Down voting stuff simply because it is content you are not interested in or dislike is a VERY bad idea.

^This X1000. The same tool that punishes spammers and plagiarists is being used for difference of opinion. This has far reaching consequences, and that is apparent with the 7% retention rate for new accounts.

Yep I finally got hit pretty hard by it yesterday. A big bot net slammed my post that was doing fairly well to 0. All the negative votes came in at the same time from a large group of botted accounts. I am turning it to a positive. Lots of good data came from that. I am still mining it for data but, I will do an investigative report here soon.


Are we witnessing a Steemit feud? ;)

There seems to be this small army of people that got in summer of 2016 and bought in. Now they are in the shark/whale category and simply have to post to get paid.

By the way, I agree with your assessment that this useless stuff needs to go to the bottom of the pile.

This is mostly the case except for a few of us who dont abuse it...and instead build.

@kainmarx i agree and it's unfair. Actually i write some other blogs too and recently nominated somewhere but i felt like the other curators doesnt really liked me because it seemed like that. i know i have to up my game next time to have my future travel blogs more valuable. However, i have some other writings that i hope to be seen by them to determine their wrong about who i am.

All I can say is to not give up! You may feel like you're not getting the attention you want or deserve and at times it may seem like everyone else is earning a lot more than u think you're going to.. but just keep at it! At first, I was a little turned off by the fact that everyone around me was making $1k a post and I was making pennies to dollars.. Then I hit my first $600+ post and I felt gratification. I still feel that, even all this time later. I've just been busy with life, but now I'm back and I've got a lot better content to start posting soon and only the future will tell how they do. Keep it up though and don't give up!

Well I think it is time that we see other people on trending and not always the same people with their 500-1000$ rewards. They make good posts but I dont think they are worth that much.
Also if you dont get on trending your post will be lost after a few hours.
Those two things together can be discuraging for a lot of new users and the inequality in the steem distribution will just increase.

Maybe that is their thought process not sure if downvoting is the right way though.

I give away more every post than i receive. How many posts can say that?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

It was nothing personal against you but more of a general statement.
If you do that I think its great and I thank you for that.
It still does not solve the issue that we see the same people with big payouts on trending every day. Which makes it harder for new users to be seen.
But especially if you give away that much downvoting is not the right way to solve that (if it was even meant for that, who knows we can only speculate until there is a statement).

Some thoughts I had on the issue were possibly to limit the payout a single post can get to a certain amount, which could be realised as a asymptotic or logarithmic correlation between votes and potential payout.
And limit the posts a single author can have in the trending section at a given time.
I know there are probably also issues with my solutions but maybe something can be worked out.

Edit: After reading some other comments and posts there might be other issues which caused the downvoting. I have no idea what the reason for that would be thus I can not really form an opinion on it. I hope it gets resolved fast but my ideas probably wont help in this case at all.

I'm not sure what's going on with this @joseph, hard to tell whether it's part of some greater intent or merely a reactionary "Wait... this isn't how Steemit was meant to work!" afterthought."

Sometimes, I can't help but have this feeling that Steemit was created out of a truly wonderful "vision," but done so without any kind of cohesive long term planning. Sure, there's a "roadmap" and a "White Paper" but where's all the goal setting and benchmarking. My point being that corrective measures to address (perceived?) issues don't amount to much unless there's a comprehensive standard against which they are being applied... like an eternal series of "course corrections" on a journey that doesn't really have a destination.

What IS Steemit? Where does it want to go? What's the target for the end of 2018? And 2020? And 2025? And "well, I'll have cshed out and be gone by then so it doesn't matter" is not an adequate answer.

I don't mean to be too much of a harsh critic here... being newer to Steemit and all, but not "new* to social content venues.

ARE we building a social content venue here... or is this just a "temporary cash dispenser" for the fortunate few till the next greatest thing comes along?

I really don't know exactly what's going on, or maybe there's just a full moon out (or strong new moon or something), and instead of howling at the moon everyone's just become "flag-happy".

Seemed to really start a bit over a week ago with the crazy mushroom guy flagging down hundreds of our posts. maybe he ate the first 🍄 "zombie mushroom" 🍄 and now it's spread and gone viral...

But at least I can add this... whatever it is, I don't think sweetsssj necessarily stopped posted just because of Dan's ONE PERCENT downvote, currently worth about 6 bucks...

(from steemdb) -1% 6 days ago @dan voted on travel-with-me-81-round-up-of-the-beach-tower-and-royal-towers-at-atlantis-which-hotel-is-better by sweetsssj

yes, the two posts flagged are still valued at $1000 ! lol I'm sure she is crying her way to the exchange.

obviously she can afford to take a break.

Now that I see what the actual posts are I'm a bit confused why @joseph is so worked up about this....
although the excitement makes for highly valued content.

The voters have spoken!

All trolls , crazy and menatl issued people seems to be on full mode activity !

Why did he downvote her?

If that's true and without a definite explanation, I am on behalf of users of steemit join the grieving, and hope this in the near future can be explained to the public with the relevant reason....🤘🤘🤘🤘

Power and responsibility go hand in hand. The whole community but especially those at the top need to recognize this.

@joseph good post and great question to @ned and @dan . I noticed it too especially with @officialfuzzy 2 last posts ..both @sweetsssj and @officialfuzzy are doing awesome job here and people cherish and respect them. It will be good if we can know what the heck is going on after whch this issue should stop. Our aim is to work together : All for One - One for all and hopefully take over social media segment. Therefore, my only wish is Plurality, empathy, love and understanding. @Craig-grant and his wife was brutally attacked and downvoted too, hopefully that issue is coooling down now. I hope that this one will be resolved so my lovely steemians @sweetsssj and @officialfuzzy will continue their good work with open mind , dedication and hardwork.

Well, I for one won't shed any tears over sweetsssj she's huge on the Internet and earns more than enough from her youtube endorsements. I'm not saying downvoting her is right or wrong just saying that with her dormant other minnows stand a chance of earning rewards.

Yeah right, I believe it too. She could be receiving payment for every reviews she made for those hotels.

I would suspect ALL of these < air quotes> Holidays < /air quotes> were complimentary at the hotel's expense. Lots of Youtube 'influencers' of which sweetsssj is one go on these freebies for which they profess to write an honest review.

I don't have an issue with people getting fame and freebies my issue with her was/is that imv Steemit is a fledgeling community filled with some fantastic people some of whom need to be nurtured to grow. In my personal opinion, it appeared to me that some YouTubers who are already well established on that service joined Steemit, brought over a whole bunch of followers on YouTube and started hoovering up the rewards.

That's just my view, I may well be wrong but it's certainly how it looked to me.

I'm guessing here, but they monitor the rewards pool and if one person is consistently getting too much, they downvote in order to allow others to get something. They've done this before (in the old days before the curation bots were a thing and some people were hogging the rewards).

Monitoring how the story unfolds....

Meanwhile, my dank meme post i generated from some online meme generator barely get a few bucks. Dank meme posts are worth at least a grand IMHO. /s

Like how you used a poker

see people true color when the money stop coming in..! no post from them now no money flowing???

More likely the giant middle finger the largest stakeholders are giving them.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

@steemaccess followed you..kindly give me a chance to share with you my celebration i have a poem for you .kindly check it out..i need your support..

thanks and more power to you @steemaccess

support for south africa and africa nation

Greetings @steemaccess!

I found you because I am investing a lot here in the form of technical knowledge, time, creativity and tech hardware as I am now a witness for Steem and I noticed that you are voting for @picokernel - but that picokernel's witness server is offline and of no use to Steem (for quite a long time as far as I can tell).
I would really appreciate if you would support me with a vote to give me a chance to show what I can do for Steem and Steemit. I have a long background in software engineering and also in running social networks.

My witness application post is here.


If thats the case, its all about money for them then.

I guess the downvote button is there for a reason. But, would be good to get a reason for it.

This is what happens when the few elites have too much power, they can control what happens and there is little anyone can do about it. Steemit in general needs to make changes or the few will continue to dominate the many

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Is this supposed to be a way to have more money available in the rewards pool?
It doesn't seem like it in the case of @officialfuzzy
I don't know the motives behind this but I don't think it is right for people who have high power and influence to be able to flag great content due to their own incentives and not because the post was bad or anything.
I guess that is one of the problems with some people having loads of SP and influence as any one of them can start censoring people's content @joseph

Downvoting is allowed on this platform. If the reason is "disagree with the payout" no one should be blamed. But together with the downvote a comment should be placed to tell the author and the community the reason of the downvote.

I have been nursing some suspicions about @sweetssj because some things don't fit. For instance when you examine the syntax of all the prior posts, they don't jive, as if they were written by different people, even within the same post. The photography was also changing a lot as I noticed that the lighting was being enhanced. It was my opinion that sweetssj was a team, and not a person.

I felt the same (not that it really matters).
Do the math; there is at least one other person (the photographer).
Lighting, could just be a flash..

I think Dan and Ned know what they are doing in terms of reward pool and bots, etc.
There are a lot of bots out there; we know nothing about what may be involved there as well.
And then we have Whaleshares (I always wondered what Dan things of that).

I just wanted to say thanks for reading my comment, and if you are doing the other math, finding people who actually READ comments and blogs is a rare event in terms of the number of steemians. I believe HF-019 took care of some of the bot issues you have mentioned, but I also believe we will see some type of roll-back in HF-20 since there was a huge drop-off in real curation. A happy medium is out there somewhere.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)


So true, I've wroted in a tiny way yesterday about who is in charge of the on/off. As a Minnow really seems strange that this happens... because is not the way I think.

I will never stop posting. Im just with wife prepping for surgery. We only fail when we give up. :)

@steemit is forward now until so on do not stop

happy fork day guys!!! Fork ya all!

Good post thank you! We want answers....
upvote and resteem have a nice day :)

I said this a year ago and nothings changed. =/

I have no idea why people do what they do with their stake, and both Steemians mentioned are great Steemians, and deserve success. That doesn't mean they have to be on the trending page EVERY DAY.

It isn't personal or a dig to either of the people that you mention that it is "Stale" as hell to continue to vote up the exact same articles, by the same people each day. Surely the voters could find some additional talent to vote for once in a while.

A lot of their upvotes is also generated by the bots. Honestly, it is not the author's 'fault' they are successful and get a lot of money thanks to their vacationing posts. It is the 'fault' of all the bots who make this able.

They are tackling the wrong person...

Wouldn't you continue to post about your vacations if that is what the people upvote? I would.

Good question..needs a response....following

There are others who can make hundreds every day. Are they worth it? I think that with the current size of Steemit some rewards are out of proportion. These guys created it and are entitled to use their power as they see fit.

Congratulations for your excellent post, I invite you to follow us and we grow faster, greetings

Jheez, I was wondering why @sweetsssj is not posting as usual anymore. Thanks for this post it explains alot.

We all need some answers .....Hmm did you also noticed ned flaged dan ?

good work brother.. keep it up

Good information, tks!



[Puts on Slippers and Lights Pipe]

Ahh, this takes me back to my distant post of 7 days ago where I asked if Steemit was more supportive of Oligarchy than Anarchy.

great post..

wow yes we have been longing for this kind of post well done joseph!

I'm actually pretty glad she isn't taking all the rewards now. Her posts were inane.

i strongly hope they can resolve this issue, and i'm grateful for post like these thanks for the share

Maybe because those users where monopolizing the trending page and draining the pool? don't really know... I don't care, to be honest... There is curiosity of course, but i guess that the creators of steemit should have a good reason for doing what they do...

Hahahaha OMG!

Nice post!!

I too would like to know more.

I was wondering why sweetsssj stopped posting :(

New news for steemit friends getting more and more okay. Hopefully we are in this steemit can share vote to friends all friends

Nice po

Sometimes Steemit seems quite a unfriendly place, we are definitely not all equal it would seem behaviour like this will ultimately put good people off, rant over cheers mike

Abusing steemit is awful. Being biased or against someone for hidden reasons or to malicious intentions is expected anywhere, but I like our steemit to remain clean and wonderful.


Yes, we all need the answers. Please answer

Maybe someone got tired of seeing post after post after fucking post about Atlantis and complained?

Maybe Atlantis refused to pay for the advertising she's been doing for them for the last couple of months?

How much is this comment worth?

FYI, that's not me.

I've never been in the lobby either.

These are just cut & pasted (with links to Atlantis's pages) from their web site.

Poor little lonely Asian girl, all alone at these expensive resorts.

I just assumed that she lived there, in the promotional suite.

You have to look back a ways but she has been in other places, apparently.

Sadly, she had to fly Budget Airlines once.


nice job

It appears that wheels are getting a bit wobbly on this ride. Strange downvoting by management, 70% of upvotes are bot-based, and new accounts that have no idea how to behave, have all led to a cloudy future for the platform.

They can use their votes however they want. The sytem's built that way. And I think taking away a few $$$ from those regularly making in the hundreds and distributing to the minnows ain't too bad.

Definitely worth an upvote and a resteem :)

I didn'tknow steemit could be a mexican novel

Nice post! thanks for shairing @joseph

jajajajaja esta re social me encanta

thanks for share

I guess that's what makes Steem interesting? I remember @randompic had a bone to pick with @sweetsssj just a month ago. Everyone downvoted him like mad. You are doing much better backed by the whales. Waiting for further development. =)

Very good question . I see why it went HOT so fast .

It's time to change the system. Steemit as it's now has no future. A remaking is needed. See my post:

good post ! thank's for sharing

good comment! I look forward to your future offerings.

I don't think @sweetjj should get that much pay from posting just some pictures of her trip. It is good to downvote her post to make steemit a fair place

This is a community where everyone has a free will to do what they want to do. And who are we to be a critic of an individual. We are not a jury to question anyone in this community. Let them fixed there problem on there own. We dont need to choose side for the better. This only my opinion and you have yours.

Thanks for posting about this. I also posted about the same today on my latest blog post and hope that the issue get resolved in a mature and community spirit way. Keep steeming, upped.

Congratulations @joseph!
Your post was mentioned in the hit parade in the following categories:

  • Comments - Ranked 4 with 180 comments
  • Pending payout - Ranked 7 with $ 244,02

Good @tha199

Did i posted a comment on your profile ? and you didn't checked out my blog ?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I find the trending page boring and I can't relate to most of the articals , I'm not a technology person and I don't have the time right now to take vacations or look at vaca rentals. Actually I have never had the money to do so! I like reading the interesting stories, people's lives that live all over the world, art, and gardening. I spend most of my time working on my art, the rest of my time here on Steemit I spend looking for new content creators and voting on some long time steemians who never have made big money making posts.

Uh oh, I hope this is not true because this type of stuff will destroy the entire community and make the price of steem drop to pennies, fuck, i hope people with this much money are able to think about the well being fo everyone else .....

Yeah i hope thats not true that anyone with as much steempower as dan or ned are abusing their downvoting abilities..... thi is the type of thing that ruins all the hard work......

Thanks to people like you have helped to grow this community of steemians without their votes many are not motivated to make publications, likewise their publications are quite interesting and productive, capture the attention for example of my person, thank you friend for providing this Unconditional support for steemit @joseph

what's the cheat code for getting high volume upvotes even in comments

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

well as far as I can see Dan declines payout on all his recent posts, they are on trending but he wont make money of those

Wow, that is the lowest rep I have ever seen!

Followed =p

Clearly you must be rousing rabble. Good enough for me!