Alert! Active Steem Users are dropping, People are losing interest in this site? Something is wrong. I stopped buying temporarily. 活跃用户数在下降

in steemit •  8 years ago 

I am keep updating the number of active steem users in last 24 hours since i joined this site:

Here is the data:

2016-07-26 5185
2016-07-27 5282
2016-07-28 6464
2016-07-29 5617
2016-07-30 4398
2016-07-31 4095
2016-08-01 4349
2016-08-02 4439
2016-08-03 4313
2016-08-04 4254

It seems people are losing interest in this site, maybe something is terribly wrong here, maybe it's because of the voting collusion by the bots?

For the future of STEEM, we need to win the heart of normal users, not only top authors, What do you think?

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7-28 was the attack of the bots, thats why it shot up so suddenly.

When They hid the bots voting and comments, the bots no longer counted as active... so like all the stuff at the bottom that you can click on the button to show like issac.asimov , and all the tiny negative votes that were bothering people went away, and all the accounts that were doing that went away too.

it's the reputation system weeding out users with bad reputation

When you get thousands of SD for this post from whale fellowship of mutual admiration, you will understnad why ordinary users are leaving...

But wouldn't that still keep value in the system for a little be longer?

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

People should receive rewards for posts which contribute something positive to betterment of humanity, like posts about technological inventions or scientific research, technology improving the quality of our lives, posts helping to support human rights, lgbtq rights, posts about equality and justice etc. Or even posts with some honest, passionate art (not some pretentious dishonest art to make Steem buck).
Majority of posts which are favoured are about complete bullshit , which bring nothnig to betterment of society: posts about economics of Steemit, about profits, meaningless events from someone's life, or in many cases pure verbal masturbation.
In 99.99% of cases these useless posts get upvoted so high just, because they are posted by wealthy Steemit members. Wealthy vote each other up to cherish their greed and become even wealthier, making the gap between them and regular members even higher.
Then everyone jumps on them to get a pathetic chunk of the wealth. Breadcrumbs of beggers.

Occasionally, some regular user gets lucky (ggod place and good time) and get their post upvoted by some whale, who do a bit of charity to feed their ego and have sense of social accomplishment. What it does is nothing more but feeding the illusion of Steemit Dream, just like so called "American Dream".
Steemit is nothing special and revolutionary. It is nothing else but plain and simple projection and expression of our scoiety driven by greed and profit, where human and environmental well being are always secondary to profit. Society where care for environment and humanity is counter productive to economic model.
My message to regular users:
Don't get deluded by thinking that whales are here to do charity and support your activity. They are here to perpetuate their wealth even more. That's what they care about the most. Any pathetic act of charity on their behalf is well calculated in their costs.

I completely disagree, posts don't need to be only about bettering humanity. There is no one set of ideas that should be rewarded. People should be posting whatever they are passionate about. Sometimes lightening someones day with a silly meme or connecting with someone on an emotional level over shared life experiences is just as important as trying to stimulate someone intellectually.

People should indeed write what ever they are passionate about. However at this early stage the whales should be trying to reward as many different sorts of posts as possible. They should not just focus on things they like.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

They may be rewarded but not to such extent. Anyway, I can assure you that if there were no rewards, then very few would give a toss about some attention seeker or someone boasting about their life experiences. Reading such stuff amounts to reading intellectually barren gossip magazines.
These posts very seldom teach you anything of value.

@logic, So you think if there were no rewards people wouldn't care about these personal stories? There are no rewards for reading those "intellectually barren gossip magazines" yet they get infinitely more readers than a peer reviewed medical journal discussing possible cures for lupus. Now we can argue on whether that should be the case, but there is no getting around the fact as a whole people care more about those stories than reading something of intellectual interest.

@fingolfin, i have nothing against personal stories or shared life experience. But the thing is that i feel that personal stories and such can easily be faked. I also find it very disturbing when they use their reputation to write fake personal stories like this to win sympathy votes. My filter is that I usually do not upvote posts like these..
See this for example.

I think the voting collusion is the tragedy of common, whales just care more about their own benefit than the platform.

@logic @laonie I think it is a combination of three things:

  • Content filtering isn't working properly because voting rewards are so heavily weighted towards whales
  • That isn't balanced out by wisdom of the crowds because people don't engage slowly with the content that is there (partly because it's hard to find and/or disappears too quickly).
  • Content quality is, barring some exceptions, not enough to pull people in on its own - and rewards seem too random to justify the effort of posting long term.

I've started a series on using graph theory to grow the Steemit network - at the moment, the trajectory Steemit is on is towards excessive centralisation, when it needs to be decentralising, and diversifying, the network to grow for the long term.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Great that you realize that but you are one of whales . I'm sorry for asking but what have you, actually done to change that? Aren't you doing exactly the same?

I have checked steemstats and you have not voted on any regular suer post even once. Most of your upvotes within last 7 days have been carefully selected for the whales around here:: somebody, klye, fyrstikken, jasonmcz, thecryptofiend

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I cann't reply on your last post, so i reply here, You are right, it's human nature to vote for their friends first, i am one of the whales, i am one of the normal human, you cann't rely on me or other normal human to change, the rules need to be changed.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

@logic -- that might be true, but unlike most of the whales, iiuc laonie bought in with his own money after the price increase. say what you want, the man has his money where his mouth is. @laonie the biggest problem is that all the whales here are so busy developing the platform (almost all of them are whales because theyre the orig programmers/developers), that they only have time to follow and vote on people that they know. I hope you guys in #cn give it a chance. China got btc where it is today, i was really pumped when you guys showed up.

Laonie, also you are one of the whales, but you are doing things that others are not, you are directly sending SBD to new users, you are upvoting a lot of people, with a wide variety of opinions and on a wide variety of topics. Not everyone may see it, but I've looked and I know you are working hard to be a solution to the problem.

Please don't upvote this comment either. I just wanted you to know, that's all. :)

Time is also a big problem. There are a few whales and I suspect they have little time so they tend to upvote what seems like it would be successful to them. This should improve over time with better distribution but understandably that won't happen if people get scared away too soon.

Lol @logic now I'm a whale? I'm just a fat minnow at best:)

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I have to admit... I feel somewhat disappointed reading this... what is normal to you and who is "top authors?"

Every day I have been posting quality, original and very inspirational content and even put my pride aside and posted a raw video of me at one of my most vulnerable and embarrassing moments.. to share with everybody with the intention of taring down the walls of comfort.

There are several new and regular contributors with AMAZING work on here and you are spitting in their faces of by saying, "people are losing interest on this site" & "we need to win the heart of normal users"

a post like this is discouraging for everyone "down here"
maybe you should reconsider
plain and simple.. as an active contributer... this is how I was feeling a few days ago

@laonie I with the recent reputation update, a lot of people that owned bots found that the bots were no longer usable. I think the drop has a lot to do with this.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

But the update happend yesterday.
It's dropping before yesterday.

I think there is enough "value" from Whales that can be evenly distributed(if they upvote) that enough people will stay on.

Dream on...
(Please read my above comment)

Perhaps the numbers dropping is less bots being signed up by those who were using them to flood / spam on comments?

I cannot say for sure as I do not know.. But that is my theory. <3

I reckon this theory is sound. Best explanation. The recent purge has killed off all the spammers and bots. It's good.

It's a good thought, but it seems unlikely that 20% of the daily active users were bots.

yeah but they werent really active... there were a few days where they went around commenting on everything, and voting on everything (though their votes had no power)

But normal people just don't know how to develop a robot, so i don't think that's the reason.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Normal people are just starting to get into steem I think..?

Before then it was mostly crypto users.. Most of which are pretty technology smart.
20% bots does seem high though.. Maybe my idea isn't correct.

Why do you care anyway? You get regular upvotes from laonie on your posts ;-)

I voted manually, and i don't have enough time to read all of the posts on this site, so the people that i followed have a better chance to get a vote from me.

You are a very bitter individual.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Not sure the development at present stage is healthy. The excitement seems to taper off. Every thing slows down and hopefully not to come to a full stop. Fewer posts and majority of posts get no upvotes even after one hour. If someone can study the causes and write a post, I will give him my upvote. I try to stay focus and not get discouraged. I am sure it will be sorted out for the good of everyone, that includes investors, whales, dolphins and minnows.

Thats pretty neato that you are documenting the users daily. How do you get the info? Just curious.

I'm also curious.

I've used a few write to earn sites and this is pretty normal, we had an influx of new users nearly two weeks ago, the ones who thought it's easy money are dropping off now they've realised writing a few words about what they ate last night isn't going to make any money. when you take into account the steep cryptocurrency learning curve, the dropping share price, and the bots/spammers being decimated by the new rating system then 20% isn't that surprising

It seems people are losing interest in this site, maybe something is terribly wrong here, maybe it's because of the voting collusion by the bots?

For the future of STEEM, we need to win the heart of normal users, not only top authors, What do you think? I agree they need to change soon. And shot you an upvote


The problem always exists, but we need to focus on the problem to make the platform stronger, we don't need compliments.


因为 STEEM 价格跌了。几天前我顶一下有 $30 ,现在只有 $10 左右。但是你拿到奖换成STEEM是一样多的。

Yes, that is a disturbing trend indeed! The love is certainly spread a bit thin. If you enjoy cinemagraphs ~ @timelapse

Hey @laonie, the drop in bot activity due to the reputation system is the primary cause of the decrease in active users...but that's not a bad thing:

The drop in users happened shortly after the hardfork and changes to posts and pay. Isn't it equally possible that this is just a drop in accounts designed to abuse the old system?

Colleges and other schools started :0 ... cause not very active now and have to squeeze in a bit free time for steemit cause of things are pick up quicker here.


could be some people like me - woke up to negative reputation yesterday.
even I felt like giving up. I hope to see more normals for diversity too.

Laonie I have been noticing the same thing , I also was going to purchase more but will hold off until I see some change.

Except this didn't get thousands because it's a mildly critical/questioning post. Nice.

I upvoted this post because it brought good discussions.

Good research. If you look at account creation at:
You'll notice we had a lot of active users when we had a spike in new accounts. So that doesn't surprise me too much that on 7/26-7/29 we had a lot of 'activity' and then it decreased. It's just because of the new accounts. I'm sure there are bot/spam accounts being created as well so I think the team is probably making account creation more strict. You can also see In any case right now it's hard to tell the growth rate of legitimate users and our activity level is pretty flat so I think we need to improve retention and real growth for sure. Those are the primary metrics I look at along with user engagement.

if the stats are correct then we do have a problem

因为今天我没来 :)

I think the need to attract more to steemit needs to be done. Only problem is, how? Using the steemit as a platform to earn some money, or using steemit as a new 'reddit-like' platform? Let's be very honest here, I'm very sure most people here think of steemit as a platform to earn some money, then realise its a good idea, either by reading some steem related posts here, or by reading the whitepaper. But from what @laonie pointed out in the post, I believe the reduction in active users is because, some passionate writers had their passion burned out. It happens to everybody. Some really good posts, gathered too little reward for the writers, or in most cases, $0.

Steemit is going to be a good platform to bring in non-cryptocurrency user, no doubt. But at the very moment, most of us here are probably more interested in Steem topics itself. If this goes on, writers on other topics, will not find a reason to continue posting here. If this cannot be solved in a way or another, then perhaps we might need to say, Steemit WAS going to be a good platform to bring in more public who knows almost nothing about cryptocurrency. Something is wrong here like what @laonie pointed out, and really?! this post at the moment has only 121 votes with less than 7 hours to payout.

@laonie really good effort in the chinese characters in your post. Well done, by really a pity this post will not have enough votes to bring you to the trending page i guess.

I don't know that 10 days of data is enough to conclude that people are losing interest. The content quality factor serves to inhibit people. Many think they are just posting in return for Steem. It is not that simple. The content must be of high quality and garner the interest and upvotes of the Steemit community. We will lose a certain percentage of new users when they are not rewarded. Nevertheless, I think the situation you observed deserves to be monitored further.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

But the robots just don't have the ability to identify high quality content, the owner can make a whitelist, the authors from that list are old users, high quality content from new users are not rewarded as well, they will lose interest too.

If you look at the rate of adoption you need to look at the cycle bitcoin is a fine example from small user base to how it peaks as people become aware then the drop off then further expension.

They will then slide into the realm of negative reputation, and ignored forever by the Steem network...

If they ever log back in, they will be quickly reminded of why they left.

  ·  8 years ago Reveal Comment

Rome was not built in a day.