My estimated account value?

in steemit •  6 years ago 

If that’s the case I can quit my job now.

I know there’s a glitch in the system, but it was funny seeing that.

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That's almost 3/4 of a trilion dollars LOL

Damn @leggy23, I knew you were talented in taking pics but had no idea you have taking it this far 😎😋

Lol but you are a sneeze away from being a trillionaire.

When I saw it, it lightened my mood. lol. How wealthy I can be overnight. hahaha.

Also, kindly see this video, the last minute of the video, you might want to help the volunteering organization in Cameroon

Thanks for sharing that. So sad to see such suffering. I will definitely be donating and I hope more people do.

I hope so too.

I can't believe friend you lucky rich.

or may be steemit saying hold the future values gonna go up hahah

I guess so.

Let' hope maybe a significant rise in price is on the way

Fingers crossed on that one.

We can buy the world!

Even I don’t want all that. If everyone is that rich then our currency is over inflated.