Why i'm starting my new "Blog" on Steemit and not elsewhere, trying to recover 1000 BTC :)

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Hi everyone!

I'm Marco, 29 years old with the passion of Information technology, Cryptocurrencies and developing awesome web applications.

After trying for a long time to start my blog on different platforms (Wordpress, Tumblr, etc.) without success I want to try to Steem it and recover from a 1000 BTC loss.

Why Steem could be awesome

People. People who talk my language. A lot of people :)

My Passion for Information Technology

Back in 90s i started at age of 4 with an MSX Computer

Helping my father to write programs, only physically :D

After came the awesome Amiga 1200, that gifted me with hours of fun :) :) :)

When came the time of PCs i started to develop software.

The passion of Web and Crypto

After years spent on Windows software programming i discovered Linux and the web programming. Surfing the web far and wide i came up in the Bitcoin project in 2010.

What to do now. I wanted to buy some bitcoins (around 1000 BTC worth that time 300$). Buy i couldn't. We were starting our own software company and every single penny was extremely important. 

So i didn't bought it. But instead of cry when BTC reached the all time high at 1400$ i get more and more into crypto.

What i do now?

The company didn't go well. I'm working in an IT company and my hobby is talk about and invest a little into Crypto currencies, mainly Alt coins.


Most likely you are bored now (if you read all). But i consider this just a beginning of my Steem story.

Thank you for reading this, upvote if you like :) 

Marco, the 1000 BTC lost guy

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You not lost 1000 bitcoins, you only missed opportunity to buy... :/

Maybe you are right. Maybe I just feel like i lost it because the company didn't grew up as i wanted.

I read you post, I like to comment that "yes you are being heard!" It's a nice warm feeling when you hear that someone is out there reading your work :) welcome to the community and hope your blog finds success here. I'll follow because we have some similar interests. I'm not %100 tech literate but I'm in the know enough to be here

Thank you :) I hope to write something interesting for you and others!
