RE: Help Us Launch The First Steemit Marketing Initiative That Pays You To Refer

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Help Us Launch The First Steemit Marketing Initiative That Pays You To Refer

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

There is an extremely large difference between scammers and people that failed at a business.

There are lots of places for you to debate that subject besides this thread. I even saw several if not most of the people that worked with him on the past endeavor defending him, so that says quite a bit.

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You have had more than enough time to prove that Lyford isn't a scammer. So far you have done nothing, so I assume you are his scam partner.

If you don't want to be treated like a scammer, don't act like one.

Assume. Demand. Very community oriented of you.

Where is it said I am responsible for Mark or anything from his past failure?

Either way, as I said - I stand by what I do and other people with more knowledge than you also know that.