My FIVE personal advices in images to the newbies of for the best comment!!!

in steemit •  6 years ago 

Following some recent recurrent and disturbing events...I really need to make this post in the hope it reaches the maximum of the new people who have just joined us!


I will let the following 5 images do the talking today...we all know this so famous quote: Images speak louder than Words!






I have on purpose not written anything about these 5 personal advices I got for anyone new here!
I will be using some bid bots on this post for it to reach the max of new users...

Decode the images and win 5 SBD!!!

As I've used images to pass on my message...I would like to read from each one of you in the comments section below...

The comment which describes these images in words in the perfect way with a dose of fun...will win 5 SBDs from me! I'll keep this little contest open until the post is payed out!

Thank you and wish you all a great day ahead!

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Alright, I'll be brief and straight to the point.

  • When making text pictures, make sure they have proper punctuations
    If you don't work for your success on Steem, you are going nowhere.

  • When begging for upvotes, wear a red band around your shoulders. Plz upvote me
    Do not beg for upvotes. Ever

  • Always climb a hill with 2 friends
    Always help others.

  • @progressivechef loves pink clouds :P
    Don't let the blockchain change you. Be yourself. Do what you love.

  • Clog the hour glass with a stone
    Patience is key.

Great principles you've got there man. Everyone can succeed with these principles on the Ideal Steemit/Steem.

  1. If you want it work for it. It's that simple
  2. Don't just read
  3. Help each other/help others
  4. Be original and be yourself
  5. It takes tine to be successful on steemit.

Here is my advice for the newbies from decoding your pictures in the order they have appeared:

  1. Be consistent, never stop working as it is only through this you can breakthrough one day.
  2. At some point you will get tired, but please don't give up.
  3. Work together with people. find someone to mentor you and you will grow organically.
  4. Blog about what interest you. Don't target any audience. write your passion and soon like minded people will love it and keep tabs.
  5. Finally, with time, everything will fall into place.

Best wishes.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hi 😊😊 this is what I think .

  1. If you want something , don't just dream about getting it , but work your ass out. Try your level best to get it. Otherwise , someone else , who worked better would get it. Put your heart and mind to it and it will be a success.

  2. Stop begging for upvotes or anything in life. You can get it , if your work is really yours. But if it's a total copy paste , haha bro I got no words for you.

  3. In life , we need to help others too , we just can't not help others , we need to make sure that , we don't just stand by when someone else is crying for help. Let's be more considerate and help others. God will help us in due time. I'm sure . So when we know something , let others who doesn't know know about it.

  4. (This one is my favorite ) People always try to influence you , or pull you to the dark side. But be you , don't change for anyone , cause you are more worth than any high quality diamond , and even if things are a bit hard now , it won't be hard forever , but if you change for someone , then you won't be able to go back. So be you , no matter what. And even if you make tons of money , be you , don't be a jerk.

  5. Time is so precious , and it's going so fast , it's not waiting for anybody. So we need to make use of that little time we have. And make sure we are productive. Then we can eat the fruits later , so let's try to be less lazy and let's try not to procastinate today. Make a new post or something today itself and you will get paid in 7 days hehe.

Haha , I hope I was at least a bit close.
Thanks so much for this opportunity.💗💗💗

  • if you want something big then work big for it
  • Stop begging for attention, earn it
  • no man is an island, you need to work with people(followers and those you are following )
  • Stop hypocrisy and tell us who you are by your niche
  • patience would pay after utilizing the above advices

Thanks @progressivechef for this opportunity

  1. If you talk about your passion you will undoubtedly enjoy what you write, in time you will make a strong community around you and will be a reference in the field, without doubt this is the best option if you want to go far in steemit, seek your passion, fight for it, share, transmit

  2. The action of voting for an article is something that is not begged, it is something that is earned by the value you bring to your articles, comments, and votes.

  3. Steemit is above all a community and a social network. Then let's use our abilities to help each other!

  4. To attract attention, it is important to break with the trend, not to fit in with the design of everyone else. If you can produce something of value that is still creative and original, you have the opportunity to make something bigger.

  5. It's all a matter of patience and time. Spending time with Steemit to do all of the above is the law. More than a hobby, it's a job.

Without saying anything, you've given me loads of advice! I'm so new that I feel lost and it's nice to see some posts like this! What I gather from your image-advice is........

  • Put in the effort if you expect to be successful. This is true in life - 100% balls to the wall or fuhgettaboutit!
  • Don't drink and You'll end up burning your tie and a lot of regrets.
  • Lend a hand and don't be too proud to take advice from those offering a hand-up.
  • Don't take someone else's stuff and use it as your own -- at least link to the source :) Man I hate it when people steal my stuff - I had a meme that I made reach 27 million people on Facebook and if you image search the photo it's literally on every corner of the internet now. It kinda blows.
  • Wrapping back to number 1: Work for it, be timely and consistent. If you're going to post once a it! Twice a week? Stick to it! Once a week? That's cool, but keep it consistent, create a content calendar and stick to it. Make it so your followers know when to expect your next post.

I'm probably way off base here, but this is how I read your message to us noobs <- that's still a word the cool kids say right? :)

Thanks for the tips! Happy steeming!

Steemit is Unstoppable ❤️

  ·  6 years ago (edited)
  • miracle is another name for hard effort.. It is what you sow, you shall reap

If you want something, don't just dream about it, work towards it, no achievement without effort...

  • Born to be a leader, not a beggar

Never ridicule or underestimate yourself, never think you are not too good or cant get somewhere, begging is like giving up on your self, like not trusting your own potentials,low self esteem is a big turn off, instead of begging those with power, don't forget they took a step, you should also take a step to greatness and see how you will excel, be dedicated and humble but never and ever beg or ridicule yourself to earn something...

  • If you want to go far In life, make friends... And always be ready to help those in need..

    Life would be so boring and dificult without support from friends and love ones... Don't stop making friends with the right people as they will help you to reach your destination..

  • Finger are not equal, do what you love doing the most as you will become known and successful in it, find your niche and stick to it

Don't be envy of others who make it through writing utopian post or posting meme, and try to copy them even though you knew you ain't good in it, instead, stick to what you like writing about, people with the same interest with power will notice you someday....

  • Time and patience work together.. Time investment into commitment is the time invested, while Patience solve all problem...

Use your time wisely, don't play all day, don't get stuck in group chat when you are suppose to be making a quality content, don't say I will do the research tomorrow, tomorrow never comes, don't feel too lazy to gather information, your hardwork might not pay immediately, but with patience and perseverance.. You will smile someday..

I need not say much; Steemit requires nothing but Hardwork, consistency, originality and patience....... Up steemit

Wow... This is an amazing way to both teach and learn so let me shoot my shoot here...😃
In the voice of @progressivechef to newbies
Here are 5 advices to help you have a successful steemit career:

  • When you check the trending page and you see payouts that make your heart beat faster or skip a beat, Be calm.
    If you want to have such great impact and live such dream, then get to work.
    Its definitely possible.

  • At some points your work and posts may seem unqualified for success or you just have a loss of inspiration...At that point don't back out. Instead read about people who overcame such phases and find strength to move on. Its gonna be alright

  • I love this part because its what makes steemit a unique and living community because we share and connect on deep and intimate levels.
    Here we help each other grow and you must understand that you need the community. At different points in time, you would need an Angel on the blockchain, someone to help and share your burdens help your growth and help you mature. At other times you will be the Angel on the blockchain for someone else, sharing the love and harmony as we all advance consistently towards progress.
    @progressivechef is a great example of an Angel. i bet you would agree with me 😇

  • You can't afford any band-wagon mentality, you have to reveal and be proud of the uniqueness you have. One beauty of the platform is the varieties we have like a painting on a canvas, everyone is like a different color, so you have to find your color and be proud of it.
    In the words of a great man, "We all have something to offer"

  • Patience is a virtue you must possess even if it means buying it with your wallet balance😂. Steady and consistent progress in steemit requires time and enduring perseverance having your goal in mind. So finally,
    Don't count time, Make the tine count

This is a complete ingredient to create a successful steemit recipe
Courtesy: @progressivechef
Thanks for the opportunity.

Warm regards and good luck to all the participants of this contest! Here I leave my contribution I hope you like it and serve for your personal growth !:
  1. If you want to work for something you just have to make the decision to start sometimes it can get confusing at first but then on the way things will become a little simpler and you will recognize that you made the right decision.

  2. On your way to success you will sometimes have to break some rules and face the forbidden, but you must learn to take advantage of each situation, always remembering to do good in each action without letting yourself be dominated by any bad influence. You must be aware above all.

  3. you will always need to seek support to achieve control of the situation, remember that any challenge has its risks but working as a team and providing mutual support can reach the top and reach the proposed goals.

  4. The greatest value of the human being is his genuine character and legitimacy over all causes in this way you find a path of ascent that allows you to find yourself and be authentic to the highest level of your person. You must never forget that the greatest quality of being yourself is to keep a humble attitude and distant from all vanity.

  5. It's time to start your plans and put yourself into action remember that life is one and you have to take advantage of time. every minute counts on your way to liberation, life has a perfect time to go behind your dreams, which you should not waste, on the contrary, you must make it your ally.

Follow your inner passion, and you will succeed!

My 3 P´s:

  • Passion
  • Patient
  • Promotion

So you need to have some kind of passion to start and than be patient while you work on your passion. If you know how to promote (let the world know you exist), yourself, you will be successful!

My advice for food blogger is to stick to the three P´s: Patient & Passion and Promotion.

When you grow a seed, you need to have patient before it starts growning, but it will grow, with the right conditions. To keep your patient through time, you need your passion to continue. Your work must be something you really burn for and want to work on every day, you even feel motivated when you wake up middle in the night. To reach out to your audience, you need to show yourself. If you dont promote yourself in any kind of way, noone will ever know the wonderful work you have to give to them. So go out there, and let the world see you. Thats the only way you will be discovered by people who are interested in what you do

  1. Consistent work will drive results.
  2. Don't give up posting every day.
  3. Build your community to sustain your momentum.
  4. Focus on original content.
  5. Be patient. Success will come.

I am also new, I started in February and since then I fell in love with steemit, now in your images are the most important tips, but I think I miss the main one, for me the fundamental thing is perseverance, is easy decay to see that most of our entry are at zero, and even more by watching simple images with hundreds of dollars, after a certain time we realize why we see that, but first it hits and very hard, I think that is the main reason for the abandonment of many accounts in steemit, because people dedicate hours to an entry and remain at zero and are discouraged to see entries paid by bot in trends being so empty of content, so to new friends my advice is to be persistent, not to discourage, everything is going better, we fight for our platform, in the end the content of sure quality will find its place, the place it deserves, good day and greetings


tambien soy nuevo, empece en febrero y desde entonces me enamore de steemit, ahora en tus imágenes están los consejos mas importantes, pero creo que falto el principal, para mi lo fundamental es la perseverancia, es fácil decaer al ver que la mayoría de nuestras entradas quedan en cero, y mas aun viendo simples imágenes con cientos de dolares, después de cierto tiempo nos damos cuenta de por que vemos eso, pero primero pega y muy duro, creo que es la razón principal del abandono de muchas cuentas en steemit, pues gente dedican horas a una entrada y queda en cero y se desaniman a ver entradas en tendencia que son tan vacías de contenido, así que a los amigos, mi consejo es ser perseverante, no al desanimo, todo va a mejorar, luchemos por nuestra plataforma, al final el contenido de la calidad tendrá el lugar que se merece, buen día y saludos

Here is how I describe your five empowering and inspiring images for us Newbies:

1.)DO WHAT YOU LOVE, LOVE WHAT YOU DO. Yes. If I really want to do something and share it here, it would be the thing I'm most good at. If I want it to reach many Steemians in this community with my posts, I got to work hard and put my efforts in it. Whether or not they'll appeciate it, it's still worth it.

2.) DON'T BEG FOR UPVOTES OR ATTENTION. It's like forcing people to appreciate a content that they might not really like. Besides, what could be more beautiful than a heartily given upvotes because of the quality, originality and sincerity of your post? :)

3.) DO TO OTHERS WHAT YOU WANT OTHERS DO UNTO YOU. There are for sure many newbies here like me who are struggling for their posts to get noticed. What else is better to do than helping and supporting each other and then growing together. What you give is what you get. :)

4.) BE ORIGINAL. BE HONEST. BE YOURSELF. Being a newbie struggling to get noticed, it once came to me to follow what other whales are doing. But wait, where's my originality there? In this community, being yourself is like a golden unwritten rule. Aside from stealing ideas from others, many people doesn't really like copycats. Be original, be you, share what you can do and add value to this amazing community.

5.) DON'T RUSH TO BE A WHALE, ENJOY SWIMMING IN THE BEAUTIFUL WATERS AS A DOLPHIN. We newbies may be a very small fish in this enormous ocean, but let's not rush things. There's always a time for everything. And as of the moment, let's enjoy. As Dory from Finding Nemo always say, "Just keep swimming!"


This was what I decided from the picture

  1. Whatever result you intend getting on steemit, you will have to work for it. What you make from steemit is a product of the effort you put to it.

  2. Never beg for upvotes and don't appear too desperate. Let your content speak for you.

  3. We all can only rise by helping each other up.

  4. Be Unique and Original in your delivery. Do what you know how to do best and get rewarded for it.

  5. Be will get what you desire with time and hard work.

And don't forget
Be Original, Be different

Thank you for this @progressivechef

You got a 6.54% upvote from @postpromoter courtesy of @progressivechef!

Want to promote your posts too? Check out the Steem Bot Tracker website for more info. If you would like to support the development of @postpromoter and the bot tracker please vote for @yabapmatt for witness!

  • Get it
  • Dont got it? Too bad
  • Help those who got it to make it easier for the two of ya
  • Continue to get it
  • Time will tell if you truly got it

Get it? Quality content is the ticket. Ya either got it, or ya don't ;)
Reward those who do, ignore those who don't~

  1. You will succeed only if you invest some of you time on it
  2. Don't beg for bitcoin, try harder
  3. Steemit is a friendly comunity, try to make some friends, socialize and you'll reach the top
  4. You must try to be authentic, and it must reflect in your content
  5. If you have patience and work hard, time will tell

Thank you!! I learned a lot in a fun way!

The image has a lot of information but to the topic you asked about my advice is that

  • One needs to step out of the comfort zone when it comes to posting contents on Steemit, you need to create quality content and don't copy and paste.

  • When you post valuable content, you will get an upvote don't beg people to upvote you in the process.

  • We minnows let's help one another to grow on this platform, though it's not easy, even some whales helps by upvoting good contents here, so don't give-up

  • Some of us are new to blogging, it not easy to write but not withstanding you can study your environment and talk about things around you to make it easier, don't copy and paste content on Steemit, you can be flag, keep all posts original be yourself.

  • It's just a matter of time, you have good reputations and followers, don't waste the time while you are here let it count, had value to the platform by creating unique contents.

El tiempo se acaba no hay que temer beber de la fuente del trabajo que engrandecerá el espíritu , y ayudar a otros a beber de esta fuente cada uno sea sabio y original en beber de la fuente siempre recordando que hay una dirección que te dirija al cielo.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I'm a newbie too😊 but here's what i think of the 5 images, concisely...

  1. Work really hard and smart to build your reputation. You can't make heaven just like that bro.
  2. Don't just read without putting up any work on your blog. Share your knowledge don't be stingy
  3. Help others to help yourself too. Upvote, resteem and follow. Be a brother
  4. Do not plagiarize. Be real and post good and original content.
  5. Time is everything on steemit. But, be patient to learn, observe and watch yourself evolve.

Nice work at @progressivechef

Thanks @progressivechef for the advice. I can dedduce the following from the images.

  1. Hard work pays.
  2. Don't be discouraged. Be consistent.
  3. Help the newbies to grow.
  4. Don't copy another person's work.
  5. Your effort will be rewarded in due time.

@progressivechef . Without saying anything , only through messages you have given a message. I am new to his platform and learning on how to use it. Thanks for the great advise using no words.

  1. Hardwork.
  2. Dont copy others.
  3. Ask for help and help others
  4. Write about what you love
  5. Patience

The first advice is not to grasp and being conscious about what one really wants.

The second advice is not to steal the time of others by being too lazy to use ones abilities to its fullest.

The third advice is to be compassionate to those who follow the first two advices.

The fourth advice is to be true to oneself and not to distort reality by imitating expressions and actions of others.

The fifth advice is to go where the heart leads, because without love one does everything half-assed and life is just too short for that.

It will take some time and maybe even some help from others to find the story that is perfectly you. Be original and be yourself!

(Im curious how the weather situation is going by you??)

being a newbie i will share my personal experience while keeping in mind these images
1:if you want money ,you have to work for it ,no one becomes rich overnight
same is the case with steemit if you want to succeed work hard and one day you will soon become a whale
2:there is already so much talk about spammers and how they beg for votes
we shoud rather be engaging and earn our rewards by posting quality comments and attract authors attention so that we will get rewards for our efforts
nice post,thanks for sharing ,please vote me ,these comments will not let you earn rewards longer

3 :steemit is a community where you will find too many good people
it is better to be engaging and helpfull to one another to make this community alot better
newbies need help to make a mark on steemit

4 steemit is known for original content .The more you post original here more you get rewarded.So while commenting or posting post original things ,dont copy, cheat,spam .Use your mind and express yourself

5 most important ,keep in mind steemit demands patience,no one can become a whale overnight ,it need making new friends ,engaging with others,posting consistantly and making a huge fan following.The important thing is Quality content which helps you to succeed quickly.
dont expect a single post will make you rich here ,keep patience
remember this quote

slow and steady wins the race

  1. Work for what you want.
  2. Never beg for something.
  3. Help others as you were helped.
  4. Be originally you.
  5. It takes time.
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

I am not good in advicing people but as a newbie as we are, here is the way to share how I decode the pictures above.

• Work hard to acquire the things that you want don't stop even you encountered some of struggle move forward until you achieve your goal.
• It's not reading " Learned what you read and do what read.
• It's a same above the comment " No Man is an Island" it's true you can't do the things by your own you need someones help and work together, help each other and someday you'll get the bearfruit of your hard work.
• Make your own and do what your passion is" be yourself and tell us what you can do.
• Be more patience ,because it takes time' the time will manifest little by little and always think in a positive way everthing has an appointed time.

  1. If you want to succeed, work for it! If you fail now, work harder. Keep on trying and don't lose hope. Never give up!

  2. Don't begged, instead work for it! If you fail now, work harder. Keep on trying and don't lose hope. Never give up!

  3. Help one another, don't be self centered instead have an open arms. Forget about the money and greed inside you!

  4. Follow you're heart, do want you want, showcase you're talent and don't live the life of other person.

  5. It takes time, no such things as success overnight.

Five advices to newbies.

  1. Hardworking and perseverance is the key to success. If you are serious about it, then put in your best.
  2. Don't disturb others with pathetic annoying pleas for upvote or follows as comments to their posts. Be respectful and honest about your comments. Absolutely no begging... earn respect and upvote would follow you.
  3. Community support is important in steemit. Support others no matter how little your help is worth. Your upvotes and comments matter a lot. Show support towards others and you would get same in return.
  4. Don't try to be others, be you. Your style is unique and may just be what the platform needs. Avoid plagiarism,write in your own word quality contents that would appeal to people. This is what would guarantee your success in the end.
  5. It may take sometime but you are sure to make it.You just need to be patient. Good things come to those who wait.

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Hiya @progressivechef

Great to see you giving back to the community as you so often do. As still a relative newbie myself to Steemit but having been around for nearly a year now I think I've been through the usual struggles experienced by minnows. is my interpretation of the 5 pics:

  1. Sometimes people get lucky and things just fall into place but one way to guarantee you're closer to your goal today than yesterday is to put the effort in!

  2. On Steemit especially where you'll often put in hard work and see little 'tangible' reward (i.e. payouts etc) it can be easy to give up and hate the platform, the people etc but don't despair because that's one sure way to guarantee you won't succeed! You have to keep trying and don't give up.

  3. Steemit is a fantastic networking platform and I've found that instead of just helping yourself it is imperative to help others too. Helping others helps yourself and once you establish great relationships you'll find yourself wanting to post and comment more for your Steemit friends rather than targeting that elusive payout.

  4. This matters the most I think. You may not think you have anything unique to offer vs those that are gifted at art, creative writing, singing, song writing etc but you're wrong. There is only one you on this planet so if you stay true to yourself you've already separated yourself from everyone else :)

  5. I think the hourglass tells us that it's inevitable that time will pass and life will always prevail - this is not within our control. What is in our control is how we conduct our lives and by extension what we do on Steemit. If time will pass anyway you might as well put your heart into something or do something positive rather than nothing and complain that you achieved nothing!

My 2 cents only, good luck to all on Steemit :D

#1 - If you want to be successful in this community you have to work toward that end. The harder you work the further you'll go. You may never be the best but that doesn't mean you should stop trying to be.
#2 - Don't ask for upvotes. Don't ask for 'follow me, follow you'. Don't try to do things the easy way. There is only one sure fire way to get what you want out of Steemit and life in general. Want to know what it is? See #1.
#3 - Help others when you can and we all move forward together. Encourage and inspire others to do and be their best. If we all work together then the community thrives. When you promote others you promote yourself.
#4 - Don't try to copy other posts simply because they are successful. You are your own person and you have your own style. Those are the tools you will use to build in the community. There are so many interests on Steemit that you can find a home for the things you want to share. Share yourself with the community and you will find an audience for your posts. Just remember #1.
#5 - Have patience. It takes time and effort to build a following. It doesn't happen overnight. Don't give up just because the road is long, if you do you'll never know how far you can go.

These are five wonderful pieces of advice. I think it's awesome that you did this post in such a way as to encourage interaction. Thanks!

  1. Don't just stand on the shore, pick up the rod and fish!
  2. If you didn't catch or clean it, you shouldn't ask to consume it!
  3. The reflection of a whale is several tiny minnows.
  4. In and ocean of grey minnows, be the one that's PURPLE!
  5. "Just keep swimming!"
  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Hello I just saw this contest today and it's perfect for newbie like me...

  1. to fulfill your dreams or goal, you must work hard for it with all your heart, passion and be inspired in doing things that you want to achieve. It may takes time but be patience and do it yourself.

  2. Asking favor to anyone in the wrong way will not help you to reach what you desire. Learn on your own pace and challenge yourself that no matter how hard it is, stop begging if you can do it alone, even disable person can do their job, so stop depending to others just to succeed.

  3. Reach out to some community and help each other, not just to achieve your dreams but to gain friendship as well. Gaining trust may help you to achieve what you want. Taking or giving some advice is a big factor to continue your journey. Help others and don't ask favor in return.

  4. Be genuine, unique and be yourself. Stop pirating or copying others. Show what you've got.

  5. Take time to relax and think what's the best thing to do to be notice by some people. Success takes time just don't expect much so it will be less disappointments . Time will come you will be shine of what you had made in your journey. Relax and wait.

Thank you for hosting this contest ...

If you want it, work for it. It's that simple to have something did you want. Don't waste your time for begging and start to help each other. Just be original and always be you and keep moving for what you waiting for.

1.-trabaja duro, el dinero no cae del cielo
2.-no supliques votos, ellos se ganan
3.-no seas tacaño, ayuda a otros: click upvote, reestem
4.- no te copies de otros, demuestra tu propio talento
5.- paciencia, el tiempo hace la diferencia

Por experiencia propia ya he experimentado la 5 clave: esperé más de 2 meses por mi clave de acceso. Empecé ayer...

Mi traducción al inglés...
1.-work hard, money does not fall from the sky
2.-do not beg votes, they win
3.-Do not be stingy, help others: click upvote, reestem
4.- Do not copy yourself from others, show your own talent

    • patience, time makes a difference

From my own experience I have already experienced the 5 key: I waited more than 2 months for my password

I started yesterday

  1. Don't just dream, take action to actualize your dreams.
  2. When you work hard, you will definitely get to where you wanna be, you don't need to beg for votes.
  3. You are definitely not alone in this journey, some are already ahead, and some behind you, don't hesitate to help each other out.
  4. Write about what you are passionate about, and let your personality be reflected in your post. Just do YOU!
  5. Everything takes time, so you shouldn't expect growth overnight. But if it does happen, then great!

Hello sir @progreaaivechef this is a great opportunity you are giving to all of us.

By the pictures I conclude,
That if you want to be big and earn stop begging and start working for it. Work together make a team and achieve success and different heights.
Be original with your work, make some ideas of your own and achieve your goals. Time is money value the time and you value the money.

This is a brilliant way to convey your idea, thanks a lot for sharing this post and giving us opportunities to earn and learn.

Thank you

  1. Don't complain. Don't look around at what others may have. Keep your focus and head toward your goal.

  2. You're going to run into obstacles. Go around them. Don't be distracted. Don't be deterred. Keep your eye on the goal and move forward.

  3. You're not alone. Even if you're on top of the mountain, there's room for others up there. Work together. You'll all be stronger. It's a team effort.

  4. Whatever your source, whatever your inspiration, listen to it, follow it. It is unique and undefined. It's an adventure, and it's wonderful.

  5. You can't turn the hourglass around. The sand is your opportunity. Use it now, every bit of it. The one resource we don't get back once it's spent, is time. Don't waste it.

The thing I love about STEEM and Dan Larimar and his team, that its just not them who benefit but US too; abundance is NOT limited for the FEW, the more you share knowledge the more you get rewared, thats what I found here. I will sincerely dedicate time to promote this and ONE day it will be a FORCE to reckon with, a platform which will truly LIBERATE US and we will have freedom to SAY/SPEECH - what we want and not be worried about being prosecuted and threatened. GREAT WORK and keep it rocking Team STEEM

At Steemit,we are like in a one big family,we should help each other

  1. Consistency is the key to succeeding in Steemit.
  2. Write good and quality contents.
  3. Try to give, share and lend a hand to community members.
  4. Do not plagiarize.
  5. Your efforts will pay off in the long run and even the devil will start to envy you.

El tiempo se acaba no hay que temer beber de la fuente del trabajo que engrandecerá el espíritu , y ayudar a otros a beber de esta fuente cada uno sea sabio y original en beber de la fuente siempre recordando que hay una dirección que te dirija al cielo.