RE: "Teach Them How To Fish"; Is More Empowering Than "Giving Them Fish". Steemit Growth In The Philippines Continues.....

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"Teach Them How To Fish"; Is More Empowering Than "Giving Them Fish". Steemit Growth In The Philippines Continues.....

in steemit •  8 years ago 

Good afternoon, I really think the work done and the incentive that is generated in the new members and the existing ones, it would also be a great contribution that, if possible, would offer comments and help in the Spanish language, since I assure you a large part of The members are Spanish speakers, keep going.

Buenas tardes, realmente me parece excelente la labor realizada y el incentivo que se genera en los nuevos miembros y los ya existentes, tambien seria un gran aporte que en lo posible ubiesen comentarios y ayudas en el idioma español ya que les aseguro una gran parte de los integrantes somos hispano parlantes, sigan adelante.

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Yes no doubt. I believe that will happen soon.