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You’ve been a blessing all along
Bless you 🙏

When I saw the mention, I thought I won a lottery from @rok-sivante lol, just kidding. :sweat_smile: .

As usual, I have always show appreciation to you by saying thank you, but you stand by your decision by always saying, pay it forward.

During this few years, only God knows how I have been managing to survive down here. But nonetheless, am grateful for all the support and advice you have given to me. I am still ya baby that still needs your nutritious touch lol

Bless your heart, brother Rok; it's been a pleasure knowing you and creatively collaborating _/|\_

There seems to be a lot of confusion at this time - alongside the usual demons: fear, anger, hate, etc...

May we continue to share the love and light that we have been shown ...

Wafting warm ocean breeze your way from sunny Florida <3
Original photo.jpg


thanx for the friendly reminder, it's true. Except that "guy" thing isn't. ;-)

I really like that Anti-Spiderman.

I am definitely the bad guy in a lot of people's story. You can't run a department and make friends every where you go. I don't even want to think about what a lot of people call me behind my back...

Thats true.. still try your best to be the good guy in their story :)


They want a bad guy, give 'em a bad guy. They don't deserve the good side if they prefer to project their own shit rather than grow the fuck up, own up to their own bullshit, and pay respect where respect is due. 😈

(And lovely cello music, BTW. ☺️)


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