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It is good to see that you see everything on all the perspectives and not biased towards only one approach.

t'is key to evolution. otherwise, we just stay stupid. lol.

Then I see that you have evolved much more than others here on steemit.

There always two sides to every token. People should just focus on having fun and not the cash. In other words don't quit your day job.

Word. Though Steemit is also a great opportunity to start a blogging career.


This is a good post. I'm not trying to burn my ass off here but to make some passive income while building a community for my drawings.

I haven't read the original post so I'm headed there now. Thank you for bringing a new perspective. I'm a new user so I don't know mucha bout the platform but I'm getting there thanks to posts like this one.

This is singlehandedly the best piece of content I've read so far on Steemit and something I've been putting a lot of thought into. Mainly, "what am I giving up by participating in this community?"

I feel like other work I've done in the past has been a huge waste of my most precious and limited resource, AKA my time. So far what I love about Steemit is that you're directly rewarded for the work you do, and the work you do is totally and completely up to you.

My account isn't even a day old, so I obviously need long-term experience before deciding whether Steemit us truely the highest use of my time. But for right now I'm incredibly optimistic and looking forward to having the platform show me whether my belief in this system is correct. Thanks for sharing your thoughts @rok-sivante, you've gained a reader for life.

t'is an ongoing experiment, here... much to discover through the process.

and while there are financial rewards, there are alot of other immeasurable rewards too to be gained through the writing, sharing, feedback, connecting with others.

t'is a pretty cool journey - some which calls for more time at points, and less at others cultivating experience elsewhere, some of which can be brought back and shared - whether for profits or pleasure... :-)

One of my favorite things about the platform is that you can use it however you want. If you want to build a following on twitter or instagram, you have to post ALL THE TIME. That's because the whole point of those games is to get millions of followers and maybe then make some money. Steemit is different. You can post whenever you want, however many times you want. Yes, you'll likely make less money if you post less, but if you're not in it for the money, then who cares. Even so, you do still have the chance to make money on those posts, despite the fact that you might not be posting as often. Welcome to the platform! I'm sure you'll love it

Absolutely. I have to keep in mind the other benefits I'm getting from this platform as well. It seems very freeing, which is a refreshing change from traditional social media sites like Facebook or Instagram, that's for sure.

never bust your self...too many people ,group,already trying to keep you broke and powerless. Step back and enjoy the ride!, Follow your own pace ,take your own path!,you will meet the right people,in the right places as you do!
Freedom or slavery ,the choice is yours!

never bust your self...too many people ,group,already trying to keep you broke and powerless. Step back and enjoy the ride!, Follow your own pace ,take your own path!,you will meet the right people,in the right places as you do!
Freedom or slavery ,the choice is yours!

Maybe it's all about the trigger words.

Three days after my last post earned $5.49, down from a high of $6.53 yesterday I believe, with the same number of 69 votes. (Hee hee 69.)

Perhaps worth more attention is the fact that only 31 eyes viewed it yet it received 69 votes. Does this mean key words trigger more votes? Does my post title: "Is Bitcoin Another Establishment Trap?" earned 38 blind votes?

I don't get Steemit. Of course it's nice to be rewarded(?). I wonder not if, but I wonder how the system is rigged, and if that can be simplified and clarified for all to understand, yet still be robust against outside abuse and shenanigans. Yes, I used that word (rigged).

Because it's been 3 days I don't expect anyone to even see this, so full disclosure: I peed in your plants when you were out.
Conscience cleared (like a Scientologist).

Totally lost me with the last sentence, but...

Rewards might have potentially dropped because either the voting power of some of the voters was dispersed more thinly, or someone could have remove a vote...

Possibly that the 38 unaccounted-for votes were executed by bots - whether your account has been placed on a list, or the post met the custom criteria of certain bots used by users to automate their curating process...

Thanks for the info upgrade.

I wonder if steemit should get bot-proofed. While many may be able to exploit the system, it makes less fair for real humans. Profit is okay, but not at the expense of humanity (ie. Wall Street technocracy, Terminator, etc).

Last paragraph = silly surly mood and I didn't expect feedback.

no, should not.

there was big debate about this last year, and I summed up my viewpoint in the post, The Evil Steemit Whale Bot Conspiracy: An Elite Crypto-Agenda For Minnow Domination, OR Sound Investment Strategy For The Community's Success...?

They are tools - can be used productively or destructively.

If anything, maybe there could be protocols to prevent useage of bots for certain cases that do more damage than good. However, using them to vote serves a positive function and is of benefit to the community as it keeps rewards flows in circulation. Not everyone with Steem Power wants to vote manually all day - a bot can be a tool to automate support for those who account holders would like to show continuous support for without having to manually check the site every half hour. It's practical. And it serves the content creators by putting more rewards in their wallets.

That article was very good. It sounded like reasonable motivational feel good propaganda supporting the rigged system that you're in favour of because you've been honoured and absorbed into it. I don't doubt that you believe it. I don't doubt that Scientologists believe their thing. Scientologists also understand celebrity power.

"[Insert clever quote]."

"[Insert clever quote]." ~ Mark Twain

Oh, well, if Mark Twain said it then it must be good.

Your article while good, was not an essay that would include the cons with the pros. It was far from fair and balanced, whatever that means. This was my subjective take, whatever that's worth, that it was supportive puff. It called for balance and clarity but gave none.

It's like the corporate media telling us the markets is better than ever, more profitable, and that the economy is doing fine - meanwhile more people are unemployed than ever, anyone unemployed over two years doesn't count for some reason, riots in the streets, rigged elections, fake news, false flags, looming or starting wars....

Nothing to see here. Ignore the whales behind the curtain. Your leaders have everything in control. Go back to work debt slaves. Watch the boob tube for more updates.

The low-theta trap is quite the bitch... have fun in that...

I don't understand. Is this a meme I haven't heard of? - I don't get it.
Am I low-frequency brainwave white-noise snare somehow?
Is my gripe not legit because I'm not elite?

Steemit is the new Scientology.
Whales are the new celebrity Scientologist.
The technocracy is here for your good.
Believe or be ignored.
Go back to work debt slave.


Laugh of the day. :-D

War's Over, Mission Accomplished

Opportunity cost is huge! It's the flip side of the "how hard are you willing to work for it?" hustle mindset.

In social media, my hunch is that no independent content creator can really do a GREAT job on more than one or two platforms at a time. If you want to get big rewards through Steemit, it's a great idea - but it won't be easy, especially if you already are trying to get more followers elsewhere.

The value proposition on Steemit tho - success directly equates to money, with no advertisers or sponsors needed - is pretty huge for unestablished creators. People who are not earning "significant" money yet from their art, IMO, are better served on Steemit than any other social media network.

I think perhaps best is one "anchor" network- a Facebook, YouTube, or Instagram - along with Steemit as the "high risk / reward" network. But that alone is easily a 20+ hour per week part time job if you want to do it right.

Great piece @rok-sivante! I didn't read the other one so i'll get to that after writing this comment.

Having not read that i would like to comment (something you might have already written about...) that even if steem would not increase in value it still has the least salty community i have ever encountered online :)

yep. t'is quite a pretty cool tribe here, some very bright minds, great energy all around. has been a blast to be a part of... :-)

Awesome post. I am going to resteemit. Thanks and keep up the great work. DR

Very good post :)

I prefer to buy my Steem. It saves a lot of typing. :-)

excellent. :-)

I love all your posts, I always come across them when I'm taking a shit and it's just the most pleasant pooping ever.

LOL. That made my day. :-)

Should I take a picture? I think @worldfinances wants to see too.

yeaaaa, probably not.**

Hahaha, don't worry just playing. Now I'm imagining a #ratemypoop tag showing up on steem.

...pooping... :D

"Opportunity Cost", I kinda like the insight you have pour into it. Great thoughts @rok-sivante

Love the dual perspective. If I'm going to be manipulated, I prefer to be manipulated both ways and see where I land in the middle. Thanks!

I'd say that you might be missing out on a potential audience due to the size of the community today.

Buuuut you should probably try and grow your following now so when the community grows, you remain a tested member.

Lots of great points. I would only add that one of the beautiful things about Steem/Steemit, is that if you love the platform and love the people, there are still a potentially infinite number of products and services you can build or help build on top of them. So I would just add a fourth reason not to bust your ass writing on Steemit ... because you could be helping to build the products and services of the future on Steem :)

EXCELLENT addition! 👌

Luv ya buddy ;)

back atchya, Andrew...

There's always 3 sides to the coin. Heads, Tails, and the edge.. great post!

Huh, I've never heard that one before. I like it. 😎

I would say that for those who create posts to;

-Have their views heard,
-Have the pleasure of putting thoughts down on "paper",
-Process and refine their thoughts and opinions through expression and feedback.
-Experience the cathartic healing of processing a situation through writing,
-Provide humor, information, knowledge, or inspiration to others,

the money and status of number of followers or power of the vote is just icing on the cake. Do it for the joy of doing it, and whatever benefits come from it are the cherry on the sundae.

amen! :-)