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Hi @roundbeargames
Anyone ever made a mistake whether intentionally or unintentionally. But that is the most important part of a change in a person.
Stay eager to succeed. We support you.
Have a nice day. 😊😀

well.. i knew i was getting it when i typed in '80%' and 'centralized' and 'the only gate way'.
but certainly i didn't expect dan with a giant boot 😆

in the future i'm still gonna post whatever opinions i might have. but maybe with less biased statements, now that we know we've reached all the way up there.

No, you are wrong, you were right. So was Dan.

It was easy to understand your message. Voting you down because of not-so-revelant argument precision was stupid. If he wanted to clear that math up, he could have done it himself or simply added a footnote saying "that math is not accurate".

Please check out my post about the SBD price drop.

thanks for clearing it up :)
eos has had some troubles and the entire market has been going down recently. but i wouldn't worry too much about the prices today. i'm pretty sure most of the world is going to adopt crypto soon enough. which crypto in how many years nobody knows. but it's definitely coming.

amazing it's a cool writing about steemit, @roundbeargames, i like to read because of steemit,👍☺️

thanks @jhoni. as dan pointed out i did have a couple of bullshit numbers.
but the entire post is nothing more than me raising concerns on how much control steemit inc has.
or the uncertainty on how many bigger players are willing to participate in the steem blockchain and SMTs.

steady I'm can also know from your now friend☺️

i think the translation is 'steady. i understand'? 😄

Que pasó amigo @roundbeargames con su publicación anterior que fue borrado

it's not deleted. can't delete a block. just flagged by the 2nd biggest influencer on steemit! 😆
honored and heartbroken.

Interesante @roundbdargames

yes interesante 😆

Really This very bad News. why he give downvote your post??

some of the stuff i must say i took too far.

Really it is bad news..why give downvote

i'm happy to get a response so it's good news and bad news 😃


don't be. we move on 😃

We can move on

Well at least you got some attention.

😄 well.. i have to say one downvote isn't much attention.
not unless it's done repeatedly or he starts talking to me.
whatever the case, if dan decides to spend time here, i can't complain.

hmm really its bad news and good news for you. my dear friend

yea i dunno what to say. which is why i feel like maybe i should've just went on with the recording because i won't get the same emotions again. even if he somehow visits twice, i'll probably have a different response.

yes your right

Say good about your post. Thank you

thanks for coming! i'm not sure if i understand this tho.
i should say good things in my post?

From this downvote you have to learn and understand. is not it? dear @roundbeargames

well i keep learning new stuff with or without it.
i actually wished ned would see it and prove me wrong.
but out of all people dan larimer being down here was the least i expected! 😨

I still do not understand well. Why did you give downvote?

i know is not the only means for people to participate in the steem blockchain. i also know i was fucking around with the numbers to stress how much steem ned has control over. i said in the same post that i was exaggerating. then i added a bunch of my opinions and guesses (which i think isn't morally wrong?).

you could take it with a grain of salt. i don't think i was offending anybody. maybe ned himself? but i actually wish him well and i don't even expect him to see it.

now dan comes along. it was a huge surprise. he points out my mistakes which i agree with.
other than that i can't know what's in his head, so yea. i dunno 😃

This us very bad news...why he give downvote..?

well like i said he wanted some corrections.
i was expecting a response, but not one from dan larimer himself! 😨


i dunno which job you're talking about but yea 😌

He don't understand what you say. @roundbeargames

that's ok. i think we both understand 'support each other'.

sorry dear. People can make mistakes. So I make some mistakes

you r right i support you.

thank you. i'm right in the fact that steemit doesn't have enough attention yet. 'enough' depending on however you define it.

i admit i was extremely biased when i wrote the post. but again, it's only because i still love steem and want SMTs and account-based voting to succeed.


no worries 😃

Thank you for your kind. I do not think these mistakes will happen before. : p: p

well 'mistake' is probably not the right word but i'm guessing it's just funky translation. it's not like dan slipped and downvoted the wrong post 😄

but he does go around downvoting some of the stuff that are simply outlandish.
one thing i'm having trouble understanding is why he continues to post and upvote/downvote on steemit.
where i come from, once you leave an organization you do everything in your power to bring it down, or vice versa (usually the organization buries you). i know it's not how things work in america but i'm still curious what's going on between him and ned. (we'll never know..)

saludo amigo usted pude lograr todo, en la vida uno le tocas bajadas que tenemos que pasar, para fortalecerse mas, búsquele las cosas buenas,

saludo! thanks for the comments 👊

My mind got worse for your previous post. When I saw downvote. :-( @roundbeargames

😄 don't worry we still support each other.

What will i say You do not mind. :-(

well thanks for stopping by 😃
much appreciated!

What else to say? all the best @roundbeargames

i wish you the best 👊

Every human being must have done something wrong, whether intentional or not

but you have to keep the spirit ,, i support you😊😉

oh yea it gets tiring after an adrenaline dump. i'm trying to relax now.
will get back to the usual stuff soon! 👍

💪💪spirit ok😊

every human being is never out of forgetfulness and wrong, learning from mistakes is a big soul

thanks friend. yes it is a mistake to say '80%' or 'a single interface'.
but most opinions are subjective 😁

It's not right. I did not expect it. Very bad :-(

well i didn't expect it either 😆
still feeling kinda surprised. but don't worry we're back to what we've always been doing.

How bad that happened, I really do not understand why it happened, but you still go ahead friend

there's a lot of stuff to google on cryptocurrency and blockchains. and language barrier is an issue too.
but i still appreciate your support. we go ahead indeed 😃

amigo aqui dando mi apoyo, el hombre es del tamaño de la situacion que se le presente, siga adelante con sus buenos trabajos,de corazon un gran saludo para usted.

oh wow. awesome quote.. 😌 i'll keep that in mind.
thanks friend.

Friend has more force that to reach the success and it never relies on my person from Venezuela that it rests and it will support his good work that friend recovers. Regards from Venezuela.

much love from venezuela! 😄
even though there's a gigantic language/cultural barrier we continue to support each other. it's great.

shit this made me laugh! 😆

Keep the spirit of @rounbeargames ,, I always support you ... 😊

thank you so much. i shall do the same 👍


wuao without words friend
thank you for your support and I will continue to support you

thank you 😌
and i'll support you as much as i can.

If you had received the 2nd biggest downvote possible it would have been for more than $4.52. Dan's full downvotes are what took bernisanders to a -18 reputation score. A full downvote would have probably taken you into a minus reputation score and taken away hundreds or possibly over $1000 in potential rewards.

How unfortunate all this bro, let's wait and pass fast
here I am to support you

yes it's unfortunate but don't worry too much. whatever i say won't change anything on either steem or eos. i'm happy to express my thoughts and dan responded (i was kinda hoping ned would). it was unexpected but i would've loved it if there was more interaction. i have to admit i was being aggressive and biased, maybe even offensive, but it's only because i want steem to be a success.

I stayed like 😲 that when I realized yesterday. Successes ..!

haha me too. i was going holy shit! 😱
successes to you too.

😂😂😂 😜

This is amaZing

well, thanks. i wouldn't say everything is amazing. but some of the things are 😌

that's so sad :( when I see your last post in the morning I feel so bad :( sometimes he gives downvote without any reasons that's very bad. don't worry my friend very soon you can recover your loos @roundbeargames

oh it's alright. he did state his reasons which i agree with. but i wish there were more competition on the steem blockchain.
thank you for your support 😃

i think its bad news dear friend @roundbeargames

it is. but let's not worry too much about it 😌
i did have some bait in there. only i wasn't expecting a giant whale.
thanks for coming!

I just think that this is exciting news for us to know about the Steemit business for people who have great power there. thank you for this interesting video ....

I always support you and I will continue to support you friend, all this will soon happen
successes for you and many blessings

It is a pity! But I see that you have a good attitude to continue. Be more careful next time

The important thing is that you transmit very good information

You have a really good attitude toward this. It is true that your post did get noticed from upstairs. ^^

do not grieve @roundbeargames

I and my friends from Indonesia will always support you 👌👍😎

keep the spirit and I love your style @roundbeargames 💪👌🤗

@roundbeargames not sure if you will read this, you could try it should be officially up today, it will have some interesting stuff and i like the design. it was in beta for few months, and they said it will be up today.

hey man thanks for letting me know! i'm checking it out right now 👍

Love you brother......, don't worry the sky is your limit

I think you just gave your opinion, there are many people spamming them if they deserve to have a big flag

I thought the downvote was silly. I cannot say if your info was wrong. What I can say is that dan didn´t put any effort into correcting your allegedly wrong info. lame.

thanks man. i know i had clickbait with a bit of bullshit. so i'm ok with the downvote.
it's icing on the cake. but what can a minnow do :)

Lol thats crazy, keep up the good work tho