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Thank so much! I was totally lost <3

I'm glad you found it useful :-)

Thanks for this informative run down on how to get steem off this platform and onto an exchange!

No problem!

That's a moment of rejoice for every Steemian that we got listed on Binance. #ru

Exciting news indeed, could be very interesting.

Nice! Just registered today on binance so this is very helpful, thank you! :)

More than welcome!

Just transferred some STEEM from Binance straight to Steemit using my username as deposit address and my MEMO address (found under Wallet\Permissions tab)

Awesome, thanks for letting me know!

how long did it take once you transferred? It's been 10 mins and I havent seen it hit binance yet!

Did it work out?

No... 4 years on and we are still waiting haha

This is really interesting. Are you saying that after requesting that deposit and memo address - Binance, gives you a name of it's steemit account and a memo number ? Is that a real account on steemit that binance has or some 'temporary account'.


I found this article wondering the same thing as @trumanity

"Is that a real account on steemit that binance has or some 'temporary account'?

@rubencress's response


What else would it be, read the article and there you can find the answer.

  • Copy the deposit address you have received from Binance.
  • Paste the deposit address to the username on your Steemit transfer screen."

Thanks buddy!
Just successfully transferred over my steem to Binance exchange for some more trading power!So simple but scary while you wait for it to show up lol!
It will be interesting to see if theres a direct influence to boost the value of Steem.
Spread the word people!!

Awesome! Go get some extra Steem! :-D

Nice post. Very interesting. Will upvote.

Is it my impression that prices on Binance for STEEM/SBD are much different than prices on blocktrades? If so, why?

Great job, thank you :D

KOOL ! :) thanks