Steemit Public Service Announcement - Shitposting is at Epidemic Levels - Start Using the Flag Feature

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

This is a Public Service Announcement

I've been on Steemit since last summer, sometime around July of 2017. The platform has always been great, but has really grown and matured since then. I love this platform and would really like to see it grow in adoption and become one of the core social media platforms right up there with Youtube, Instagram, Facebook, and Pinterest, among others.

That said I'm not one of these Steemians who likes to bury my head in the sand and act like Steemit is perfect. One of my beefs with Steemit is that it's really difficult to find quality content and we lack a lot of niches. Part of that is that this platform is new and growing, and part is that the search function isn't that great. We also face a problem of shitposting. Shit posting is garbage content that adds nothing to the platform so for example someone who posts a single stock photo from a site like PixaBay. They make no comments, add no commentary, etc. This not only adds no value to the platform, it also means there is that much more shit to sort through to find quality content. It also exaserbates the problem of quality posts getting lost in the "new" section.

In addition to well possibly well meaning people just posting shitty content, we also have people using bots posting garbage content and we have others manually posting garbage content every 10 minutes in an attempt to rack up money. I wish people would realize posting one quality piece of content is going to get you a lot further than posting 100 pieces of shit content.

What's even more frustrating however is seeing shit content get lots of upvotes and oftentimes earn lots of money, while quality content sometimes goes unnoticed.


The above piece of content is a perfect example of shit content. I have a suspicion that this was posted by a bot because of the formatting and the shittieness of the post. This post basically took an excerpt of a couple sentences out of a Forbes article and posted it. Not only is the snippet from the article not interesting or informative, the poster didn't bother to add any of their own commentary. And while this post only earned $0.23 cents, it did manage to get 35 upvotes. Who felt that this was a quality piece of content that added value to the platform and decided to upvote it? The above comment I found while searching Busy.Org looking for articles about Entrepreneurship.



Then we have posts like the ones above from @uscallgirl which I seem to be posted by bots, again look at the formatting, it looks like something reposted by a site like IFTTT, however I know there is a real person behind the account because after I flagged a post or two of hers she stalked me around on a few of my posts commenting on how I downvoted her...


I could go on and on and on and post dozens of shitposts and bot posts from today or even the last 10 minutes alone, but I have better uses of my time. I'm sure you guys know what I'm talking about though.

in my early days on Steemit I was VERY hesitant to use the downvote or flag button because I really don't want to hurt someone's account or hurt someone's progress, but at the same time posts like this make Steemit itself look cheap and stupid, and it makes it that much more difficult to sort through poor content to find quality content.

These days I'm going to start using the flag feature ALOT more. I'm not going to downvote opinions I disagree with, that's not what the flag feature is for. I'm also not going to vote content if it looks like someone has put genuine effort into a post or if someone has added value in their own way ie adding commentary or doing a write-up.

However poor quality content that takes 0 effort and which clogs up Steemit making it more difficult for people to find quality content is going to get a downvote from me. Bots or real humans reposting stock photos with no editing, no commentary and no write-up will be getting downvotes from me.

I'm only one person and honestly my account isn't even that powerful, but I'd like to encourage others to step up and be the gatekeepers of this platform we call Steemit. It has the potential to be a great platform, however due to the money incentive it also has the ability to become a huge shithole of spam. Let's all do our part to keep this platform quality.

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Amen to that Johnny, and if you'd like to see only good shit, make sure you're real selective of who you add to your own following.

I only follow 17 folks, not because I'm a snoot, but because I am only interested in a few topics.

If you create a solid feed, your life will be so much better here on Steemit.

That's actually great advice, I'm currently following 142 which is pretty small compared to the number of people following me, but I still need to trim that down, I think I did some following out of repricating and/or I followed someone who had a good post but the rest of their content maybe isn't my cup of tea.

More than anything though I think I just need to stop looking at trending, new, hot and promoted, lol, and just stick to my feed which suits my interests. I've had some luck using it makes it a bit easier to find stuff I'm looking for.

I don't know how i wasn't following you, I know you and I connect on here often and I was actually looking for your profile the other day and kept searching "tolkalore" instead of "tolkatore" so glad you commented and I was able to find you so just followed.

I'm feeling a bit pessimistic about Steemit here lately so I really enjoyed this post by @yallapapi today, I felt like there was a lot of truth to is...

I hate to say it but with Steem having issues and the price of Steemit being so low it's becomming less and less a worthy use of my time, granted a lot of what I do on here is crossposting content I'm also creatin for elsewhere but I'm starting to feel kind of like that post reflected which is if your in a third world country Steemit is a great opportunity for earning money but if your from the USA, Canada, Australia and you have access to Youtube, Paypal, Merchant Processing, eBay, Amazon from a money making standpoint it's almost silly to spend your time here.

I'm here for the community and the friends I've made and because I'd like to see Steemit turn into something amazing, but this platform has a lot of challenges that we really need to take care of.

BTW, totally off topic but I just checkd out your site and was looking at some of your shirts. Good stuff my dude, I dig your designs you got some really cool stuff up there :)

All bots need to be registered to account owners for the sake of accountability....

And maybe have a Bounty Hunting Season for Shit Posting Bots.... Burn the Bot, Burn the Owner. Clean the platform.

Getting exposure for quality posts on Steemit is near impossible. I've gotten lucky once, but that was it. Posts that provide value almost always go unnoticed unless someone is an actual whale, who can afford to upvote. Even bots don't work for quality posts because whales dominate them. And most bots don't even return a high enough upvote and you end up wasting Steem.

I still believe Steem has a bright future, but I don't see as many shit posts on reddit.

You can report the account to steemcleaners - Here - and they'll pay a bounty.
Finding this rubbish is more lucrative than posting it :)

I wasn't aware of that, thank you.

I've been trying too. But like you I quickly run out of vp. It helps to post to steemcleaners as well. I given the @submarine account a hand at times. He posts plagiarism posts. Mainly shit posts, like the first few that you call out... Flag, flag, flag away.

@rulesforrebels I found an account that is responsible for dealing with spam like this. Check out @steemcleaners. They have a group that many people can participate in and submit links to for investigation. If you @ them, I believe they will come to your post and investigate as well. They will deal with the flagging and downvoting and if you want to remain anonymous, you can post the link into their chat room instead of posting it as a response to the spam comment.

Hey @kenanqhd thanks wasn't aware you could tag them in a post. I had found that link where you can plugin your username, the spammers username and report stuff, I believe they even have a bounty program where you can earn for reporting stuff. I like @steemcleaners I think they have a good mission although because its a bot it flags legit people sometimes. In my early days on Steemit I had reposted a couple of my own blog posts, they started flagging my stuff claiming I was stealing content and giving me a hard time. This was a blog from years ago so I had to dig through a bunch of old e-mails to find the logins to go into the backend adn prove I owned the blog and content, it was a big headache but overall I do think they do a lot of good

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Maybe the bot has become "smarter." When I posted my old blog posts upon joining Steemit, I didn't have this problem with them. It's bound to happen that these bots mess up every now and then, but as long as the team is learning and improving their algorithm.

I thought of an idea about creating another account dedicated to fighting bot spammers and get a significant amount of SP delegated by the community. Essentially, this account and any other accounts would participate by posting "booby trap" posts. Anyone that wants to contribute could make one of their tags "spamkiller" for instance. The title would be something completely innocent like "My Weekend Photos in Beijing" and one of their tags could be but the body of the post will be nothing but text that says "DO NOT COMMENT ON THIS POST OR YOU WILL BE FLAGGED." And all the bot spammers (or dumb people) would post things like "Nice post!", "Followed!" and get flagged to smithereens by my account and anyone else. There are some flaws with this idea but it was just something I thought of the other day.

It's funny I just came across your post because I was just finished downvoting someone that stole photos from websites claiming it was her own to submit to one of the photo contests here. I'm gonna exercise my right to flag posts more often instead of ignoring them.

But to be honest, ever since I found people to follow, it decreased the amount of shitposts I have to go through. One thing that does annoy me are people that write generic comments like "nice post! upvoted and followed!" or these fuckin people that only read the title of my post and make a comment solely based on that. It's so damn clear they didn't read anything.

Good Comment you are good Steemit...jk... yeah I totally know what you mean about the bot comments. The other week @emmyem84 I think it was had a post about people not paying attention to posts, if I remember correctly, and I was reading some of the comments on it and they were junk comments on a post about junk comments, the irony was comical. I joked she should downvote them but she's too nice lol. She's does good content check her out.

Yeah lately I've also been on kind of a goodwell mission spending my time and my votes trying to clean some stuff up.

I think your right, I think you have to put in some legwork finding people you enjoy and people with similar interests, follow them, and keep everything targeted so you don't get lost in the brush. helps me a bit as well in terms of a bit of an improved searchability. I'd love to see groups implemented somehow.

Thanks again buddy, your killing it on here keep it going.

LOL, I am nice...but who knows how ill be after 6 more months of the spam comments. I could be a whole new person by then :D

I started flagging some of the spammers and now they are trolling my posts lol...

Sorry for the vulgarity but just showing these spammers true colors.

LOL Your warning was not sufficient enough!! I literally spit out my coffee all over my laptop... UGH can you get some help from steemcleaners? :/


  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Make what?

You just planted 0.58 tree(s)!

Thanks to @rulesforrebels

We have planted already 4081.03 trees
out of 1,000,000

Let's save and restore Abongphen Highland Forest
in Cameroonian village Kedjom-Keku!
Plant trees with @treeplanter and get paid for it!
My Steem Power = 20772.52
Thanks a lot!
@martin.mikes coordinator of @kedjom-keku

Good post

In your mouth rolforreble you gave me down vote I fill fuck you with my boyfriends in your mouths image

It's now even more apparent to me why you post the garbage content you post since you clearly lack the ability to form a sentence.