8 Ways Introverts Can Develop a Strong Personality

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

I have a confession to make; I’m an introvert.

Sometimes I come across as cold, uninterested, or quiet.
The truth is, I’m taking in my surroundings before I choose to engage. I’m not anti-social. I just want to make sure when we talk, I can create a meaningful connection with you.

That’s because I’m a quality over quantity type of guy.

Have you ever walked into a social gathering event and met that one person who is so outgoing and charismatic, everyone is drawn to him or her like moths to a flame?

Maybe you thought to yourself, “I wish I could be like that.”

Well that used to be me. I’m the youngest of five, the baby of the family. Growing up my parents never pushed me to be social. Instead, they kept me home and sheltered me as much as possible. To them, being at home meant I was safe.
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Some people think having a strong personality means that you are over the top, bullish, and intimidating.

I like to think otherwise. To me having a strong personality as an introvert means having a quiet confidence. I don’t fight to be seen; I am seen because I fight.
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Here are eight ways introverts can develop a strong personality too.

°Listen first but remember to speak up.

°Let your actions speak for you.

°Accept praise but always give credit.

°Stop seeking approval from others.

°Get out of your head.

°Be present.

°Build up the people around you.

°Embrace your shortcomings.

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Thanks for sharing bro

This information helps other to know about the introvert. good job bro keepit up

@arjung216 Thanks bro for your valuable Comment.

the eight way of introverts was nice and helpful