The humanising 'leave a voice message' add-on for Steemit - record your replies rather than type them!

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

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A feature which enables us to record our voice instead of typing out a response would be a game changer for this platform!

Voice Recorded Messages

From what I have seen on the internet I believe this shouldn't be too tricky to implement.


Whatsapp have a simple to use feature which does exactly this, as do many online & phone apps these days. Whatsapp even have an add-on which converts the voice message to text... should you NOT want to hear your friend's voice! Those of you with Whatsapp now wanting to add this feature to your phone... follow the instructions in this video


Why do I believe this is so important for Steemit?

There is something which has been lost behind our avatars, profile banners & descriptions. These things can only go so far in giving people a clear picture of who we are.

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The Power of our Voice!

Our voice is a powerful tool which says so much about who we REALLY are and if it could somehow be implemented into Steemit it would add a new depth and connection to our conversations.

And it would create more time!

I don't know about you guys but I spend a huge amount of time reading all your amazing comments and typing out my responses. I do this because I want to! But the process can take hours out of my day. And that's time I could be spending with my growing family.

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If people we able to simply press record and speak their thoughts this would dramatically speed up the process of communication.

What about anonymity?

Understanding the need for anonymity, I suggest the addition of a Voice Scramble feature would add a filter to our voice so that it is not recognisable.

The new feature could look something like this.

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Hit record to make your message. A send tab would appear when you're finished and the recipient would receive the message as a PLAY icon.

After listening to your message they could hit record if they felt like sending you a message back. The conversation could potentially be quite fluid. And as a system it would be super simple to use.

Humanising/personalising our conversations

Aside from being the only social media platform (that I know of) to adopt such a system, it would personalise our conversations here on Steemit no end.

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I would love to hear what all your voices sounds like! 😃

Reading words on a screen can often lead to misunderstandings which would be much less likely to happen if we could hear the tone of a person's voice.

Keeping up with replies

I get a lot of replies so it would be a complete life saver for me, buying me at least an hour a day.

If I don't stay on the ball with my replies I can find myself sometimes spending an entire day getting them done. And don't get me wrong... I really want to respond to every last one of you!

Even those lovely indian chaps who call me dear and ask me to upvote & follow them!

I love talking to you all, but like many of us I also have a job and a family... so anything which can be done to buy me more time... I am 100% behind it!

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Are you listening Steemit devs?

Why not be the first to use a social media platform to break down the impersonal wall between us! There are so many different nationalities here all trying to get our feeling across by tapping at a keyboard. And the words 'lost in translation' don't even come close. But to hear our voices... even if you don't understand our words... you will better understand our energy.

Let me know do you think about this idea?

If enough of us think it's a good one, I have no doubt we can work together to persuade Steemit inc to consider it as a potential change in the future.

Some voices tell such an amazing story even before we place meaning on the words... I am sure you all know what I mean?

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Let us move forward in our thinking and acknowledge the power of our VOICE!

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Final Note

I would like to take this opportunity to thank the developers of Steemit and all you amazing users for a most wonderful year on Steemit and share my feeling of TOTAL exhilaration and excitement in watching the value of Steem shoot above $2.50 with SBD up as high as $15 at one point today!

This really is a Christmas to remember for all us Steemians and I am filled with such a wondrous feeling in this moment with the knowledge that this is just the tip of the iceberg!

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This is the Christmas Pic I made for Steemit last year. Am working on the Bali version now 😜 and I'm sure it is going to make you smile 🌴

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Merry Christmas to you all!

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Who is @samstonehill?

He was a London based filmmaker until he sold everything and set out on a barefoot journey around the world.

Currently based in Bali he travels with his partner & two children. With no bank account he has been living on STEEM & crypto for over six months.

All content created for this account is 100% original (unless otherwise stated), produced by @samstonehill who invites you to use & share freely as you wish.

@samstonehill is the creator of:

@steemshop account where you can buy or sell anything you like using your steemit wallet SEE MORE

@steemmasters which provides FREE TUTORIALS, personal training & resteeming services. Website HERE
Contact me directly on if you want to know more about this

@steemholidays which encourages resort owners to offer holiday packages in Steem or SBD

@steemtv which aims to provide the best in decentralised films, exclusive to Steemit & DTube

The dailyquotes tag initiative designed to encourage steemians to share their most life changing quotes with the community on a daily basis.

The Aspiring Steemit Whales & Dolphins group on Facebook which seeks to help newcomers make the transition from Facebook to Steemit, providing them with detailed notes and personal assistance with their posts... resteeming them when he can.

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Here is a list of Steemit Witness I have voted for & recommend you do the same:
@teamsteem @timcliff @jesta @good-karma @someguy123 @blocktrades @pfunk @klye @krnel @blueorgy @ausbitbank @thecryptodrive @ura-soul @pharesim

Without them our beloved Steemship would not fly.

Learn what this means HERE and place your vote HERE

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Hey Sam as always find this article very interesting I appreciate you talking the time to share with us... as always you have my VOTE

Thanks Manny. As always, I appreciate your support 🙏🏻

Real communication requires the words (sometimes hard enough to do!) but also the look on a face, the body language, and the tone of voice. We slowly lost all that with phones, then email, then text. I would love to see us start putting those elements back into our human interactions.

Wouldn't that be great? This would really be a step in the right direction I feel...

Thinking outside the box, makes the box a little bigger. :)

The way I look at it... there is no box ;)

nice post
im new member at steemit
plise support me

Thanks! I will do my best...

I think it's a fabulous idea!

Putting a whole new dimension to steemit would be great - and it's more personalized as well.

Exciting. For us filmmakers it would be particularly great!


THanks for your enthusiasm. Let's hope we see it arrive in the not too distant future ;)