Missed the Steemit Birthday Party? You can Still Hear the Fun of People Winning 400 Steem!

in steemit •  8 years ago  (edited)

Thank you to everyone who participated and joined us for Steemit's Birthday Party.

We gave away a total of 400 Steem!

This was a special event put on by the Steemit Talk Podcast crew of @sykochica, @raymonjohnstone and @giftedgaia. Over the couple of hours, we had a blast doing some Steemit Related Madlibs, A Steemit Trivia Contest and a Raffle.

I was thrilled with the turnout of 22 people that tuned in!

Thank you to all participants: @marialin, @hulkbuster, @kurtbeil, @matrixdweller, @crypto-hippy, @mikkolyytnen, @steemitqa, @cathi-xx, @gonzo, @scaredycatguide, @thecryptofiend, @barrydutton, @shadowspub, @jmehta, @paolobeneforti, @elementm, @fyrstikken, @gomi25, @intertia, @whatsup, @seablue, @riskdebonair

If you weren't able to join us, fear not! We recorded the party on the Steemit Talk Podcast Discord and you can hear the whole thing below:

We started the party off with MADLIBS!

We selected 4 Steemit Related Madlibs from those submitted by Steemians that we read on the show, and rewarded them with 25 Steem each.

Below you'll see the filled in Madlibs along with who created it.

@verbal-d - His post with this madlib
Happy 1 Year Birthday Steemit! - Steemit.com and the community here, to me, is {UPVOTED} - Each time I log into my Steemit account, the first thing I do is check my {TOILET} for any {BUTTS}. - The first Steemit Blue Whale who had let me journey atop their back to the land of endless wealth & prosperity was { @HTOOMS}. - The first minnow I ever slapped fins and played Tide & Reef with was { @SEABLUE}. - The biggest payout I ever saw was for a post about {AUDACIOUSLY} {VIKINGS}! - The best post I ever got involved with was about {GREEN} {TACOS} and I wish I can do it all over again because I love {SPANDEXING}! - My best friends on Steemit are { @BERNIESANDERS} & { @LORDVADER}. - I love to butt in on other people's conversations in the comment's section. Especially in posts concerning {BUTTPLUGS}. - I'll never forget the time { @SYKOCHICA} {REGURGITATED} { @THECRYPTOFIEND} with a {JOLLY} {HONEY BADGER}. That was so {SPIFFY}. - If I could give each member of the Steemit community something, it would be {NUKES} or a {STEEM BACKED MARKLAR} because something like that is {NAKED} and {NORWEGIAN}!

"It was a/an {GREASY} day in Steemland! New users were literally {DRINKING} their { @STEEMPOWERTWINS} for a chance to sign up. Steem was trading for {420} Bitcoin and the cryptoverse was {STINKY}. { @PAPA-PEPPER} and { @DAN} looked on with {A SHIT EATING GRIN} all over their faces. What a day!"

{ @BEANZ} and { @SIRLUNCHTHEHOST} decided it would be a good idea to {TACO-FLAVORED DONUTS} a {CAMPING} from scratch using home made appliances. The ingredients included {KLEENEX}, eggs, {DIAPERS}, rubbing alcohol and steem. They put it all into a bucket, covered it with {THOR'S PICKLE} and waited {69} {EONS}. The bucket {STAMMERED}. They had made a {DANCING} whale instead!

and @gonzo (with @cathi-xx)
Most Steemians are {DELICIOUSLY} and you can tell by the way they {STEEMING} {GARDEN OF @NED STATUES}.
Whales {STRIKING} in the {A PLAQUE TO @DAN}, Dolphins {FLAGGING} in the {A WALMART IN LIBERLAND} and minnows {KILLING}{ @CHEETAH BOT}. No Steemian will ever forget {Y2K} but each {HAIRY} Steemian {ESCALATED} together like {A ZEN GARDEN FULL OF OZNOG BOBBLEHEADS}. If Steemit were a/an {SLOTH}, Steemit would {PIMP SLAPPING} {FLATTER} than Reddit’s {DISCOMBOBULATING} {BUFFALO} which puts a/an {BANJO} on every Steemian’s {PICKLE}.
[NOTE: OZNOG is @gonzo backwards. @SteemitTalk Podcast listeners know all about this.]

Next we went on to the Steemit Trivia Challenge!

1st Place (125 Steem Prize): @kurbeil - 150 Points

2nd Place (75 Steem Prize): @barrydutton - 140 Points (thanks to the bonus question!)

Below are the questions and answers that were asked:

10 points each

  1. What cryptocurrency site did @Dan Larimer create before Steemit?

  2. Who created and runs steemstats.com?

  1. What Steemian created and ran Stakepool which is now more commonly known as Steemspeak?
  1. There are two cryptocurrency exchanges whose Steemit accounts actively upvoted post. Name one.
  1. What was the name of the event that gathered 206 steemians together in Amsterdam, Netherlands?

20 points

  1. What iconic figurine has been traveling the country from steemit user to steemit user?
  1. What Steemit user recieved over $31,000 for a make up tutorial post?
  1. What does it take to allow usage of the vote slider bar? In millivests AND SP
  • 1 MV = 1M VESTS = 480.830
  1. Who created Ned's 22 ct gold Shrem Ring?
  1. What Steemian ran the Hot Pepper Challenge?

Bonus Question, 60 points (20 points per correct answer)
Q: What are the REAL first names of the three STP hosts (not including @raymonjohnstone, because thats too easy)
-Corey ( @sykochica), Jason ( @giftedgaia), Kent ( @winstonwolfe)

Courtesy of the meme master @seablue! This was too funny to not share!

Aaaand the RAFFLE!!

As people entered their room I put their name onto my spreadsheet (which I also used for the Trivia Scorekeeping) having a number assigned to them. At the end of the party, I used a random number generator to select 3 winners for the remaining Steem prizes! The Raffle winners were:

I wanted to give a special THANK YOU to those who donated Steem towards the prize pool!

I can't wait to do this again next year! Keep Smilin' and Steem on!

Brought to you by the Steemit Talk Podcast Crew

Don't Miss the Show! Follow the Steemit Talk Podcast (STP) Account

New STP Website!!

Are you new to Steemit and Looking for Answers? - Try https://www.steemithelp.net.

Image Sources:
Party Pic
Raffle Ticket

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Good times at the paaar-taaay! Thanks for hosting, I'm swimming in my steem raffle winnings :-) Remind me to contribute some to the next one.

Thank you! I was thrilled with how well it went! And grats on the raffle winnings, lol.


Gratz to the all Winners!

Agreed!! It was fun to hand out some Steem to the community. What a great way to celebrate...raining Steem! :P

I liked the MadLibs.. that was fun! :)

Yes they were! It couldn't have happened without the community submissions for that. The one's I tried to make were not very fun, lol.

I wonder how many people here know what an Oznog is. Does Oznog count as an animal? lol

Image Source - Muppets

He's a beast!

Haha..I'm sold! Next time we do madlibs Oznog is an acceptable word for 'an animal.' lol

lol. could listen to the broadcast just for a few minutes, but it was very funny indeed :D

Hehe, no worries! I was glad to have you in there. I did still get you entered into the raffle drawing just for that.

I may have to do something like this again in the future. :)

let me know if I can help :)

Will do :)
Thank you!

In the mean time, if you and/or silvia would ever like to be a guest on the 'normal' podcast, just let me know. I think it'd be interesting to talk about the italian community on here :)

Hi @sykochia, I just stopped back to let you know your post was one of my favourite reads and I included it in my Steemit Ramble. You can read what I wrote about your post here.

Awesome!! TYTY!!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

It was great! And not just because I won the raffle! (Next year I'll supply everyone with the pina coladas in butterbeer cups ;))

Thank you! I was really happy with how it went too!
Ohh, count me in for the pina coladas ! :P mmmm

it wanst like this

I like the song below :)
but not sure I understand this comment? Meaning we can't share drinks through discord?

Don't mind Walden- I think he's my secret admirer and he may be following me around for a while.

I would invite you to have a drink but I dont think you and your ego fit in the restaurant..... :P

Nest limit reached.
That's funny, Walden but no need to worry my ego will fit if the fire marshall's not looking.

Ok I will bribe the fire marshal and buy you a martini and calamari rings if you watch this 20 minute talk:

Supersize it and you got a deal!

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I think 7 inches and a half is enough for you, isnt it?

Now, now Walden, keep it clean, I'm probably old enough to be your mum. Save that talk for "male" spaces like 4chan.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

I can do MILF's...... no problem, just turn around ma'me

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Keep dreaming, Walden. Anyway don't you 4chan boys prefer DILFs?

nahh, we prefer apache helicopters....

I'm so mad at myself for missing it! Stupid migraine.
And when I finally showed up I had a live mic but it was already over. LOL
Ah well! There's always next year with MORE fun and MORE prizes, right?

Oh, no worries...migraines suck! :(
With as well as this went I'm pretty confident we'll do this again.

At least you get to use the live mic on this next weeks (normal) podcast :D

thanks for the review!

No problem :) This was worth sharing what went on for those that couldn't make it.

I just joined discord. Really it is new for me.... ha...ha.. ! I still confuse. Nice ! :)

Oh nice!! That's awesome! I think you'll like it in Discord..getting to talk and hear voices takes things to another level (at least in my opinion.)

Feel free to ask me any questions or let me know if you have any problems...happy to help. It can be a bit confusing at first.

Thank you, I just download tutorial video for dischord from youtube.... Nice ! :)

Welcome to the Server! Here's a good beginner's guide to Discord Video:


Thank you ! :)

Nice ! :)

What a fun and commemorative steemit birthday party. So glad I could help and that this was so generously giving, festive and memorable :)

Thank you! With as well as it went I figure we'll have to do something like this again in the future. :)

You're very welcome. I'll help out again if any creative writing or the like is needed :) Looking forward to it

great work! :)

Thank you!

it's my pleasure