Being unfollowed by a whale/dolphin feels like shit

in steemit •  7 years ago  (edited)

Should it feel worse to be unfollowed by a whale than it does by a minnow? I don’t think so, but it does. Does that make me a bad person? I don’t think so. Our success at steemit depends mostly on dolphins and whales. As much as I value the support of every minnows and newly joined plankton, whether or not I get a high payout and reach a wide variety of users depends on a minority of users with high sp. so the support of small fish is like psychological support, but the support of big fish is like food and shelter.

I don’t like it but that’s how it is. I’ve been very vocal about my opinion that the distribution of wealth here looks a lot like that of the world economy, in other words, it’s a load of shit.

That doesn’t discourage me from using steemit though, as I’m motivated by much more than money. I’m trying to build a community and share ideas and as long as this is the best place I’ve found to do so, I’ll be here. So far it is definitely the best place I’ve found so far. And I’m thankful for the money I have made, and everyone responsible for this place. There are also many whales and dolphins who are trying to make it better in the ways they know how. @ned claims SMTs will fix things, I certainly hope he is right about that. I will stick around to give him the benefit of the doubt and, for now, I think you should too.


dolphins are whales to minnows, image link

Being unfollowed by a whale is a kick in the balls.

With so few out there in comparison to minnows, it feels like each one is a huge deal, which is not really the case. Though they are just the same as any of us minnows, no more important as human beings, we have to hope they notice us and this has a kind of psychological effect on us.

So when I saw a large dolphin/small whale unfollow me last night, it sucked. I have no idea why he unfollowed me. It could have to do with my content. It could have to do with my opinions. He might have just been in a bad mood and unfollowed the first person he saw. I honestly have no idea what I have done to warrant an unfollowing. He upvoted and commented on one of my posts two weeks ago. I noticed that he hasn’t very few followed users so he’s probably just trying to keep his feed limited to his closest friends.

Doesn’t it sound crazy that I care so much? I don’t want to care so much and, Yes, I will have totally forgotten about it in no time. I just wanted to share with any whale who happened to come across this, that since this is how steemit and our society work, don’t take your success for granted, don’t assume that everyone is going to walk down the same path of success that you walked down if they work hard because while that may be true for some, it’s more complicated and nuanced than that.

Remember how much it sucked to be considered one of the little guys when you know you are just as important as anyone. Remember we need your upvotes more than the trending page users do. Remember that the distribution of wealth will only improve if you allow it to improve by spending a majority of your upvotes and energy on those of us who haven’t yet reached a high level of success and care about the community. And a great thanks to those who do everything they can.

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who's that

I don’t want to name names but you can figure it out pretty easily if you try.

Ouch. It sucks when anyone unfollows. It would suck to have a whale unfollow! At least you got them at all, I guess. :) What numbers constitute a dolphin, and what numbers constitute a whale, do you know?

I forgot what it is, I’ve heard 5000 for dolphin, I’ve also heard 20,000 for dolphin...

I'm either a plankton or minnow I don't know but I followed you and wish you the best... hope you follow back maybe... I'm still so new since Aug. 2017 still learning the ropes no one teaching me or telling me how to do anything...hum I may never know...upvoted you too!!!

Got it, followed you and left my comment on your post

I write what I write no matter who is subscribed to me

Good way to be. I do too, but that’s not to say I don’t want higher payout haha

Honesty about wanting to earn a little bit here on steemit is very nice to see. It would almost be silly not to desire a higher payout for content you are going to be creating anyway.

I want to make more money, but I don't know what the whales want and what they upvote for.

Sorry for your loss. I empathize. I hope you get a new whale/dolphin(orca?), that would help, I am sure.
I like your content, especially how SteemIt is a microcosm of world finances. but then again, I am only a minnow.(for now that is)
As far as your "unfollower" perhaps he/she is just a devoted Dr. Phil fan...:)

I’ve pissed off dr. Phil fans, not as much as I’ve pissed of Tom Hanks fans though. Thank you for your kind words :-)

I can very well understand your feelings. I am a plankton and I have not yet had the fortune of being followed by a whale but I sure want it to happen badly. The support of a whale can really go a long way to establish you here on Steemit and when such support goes away it surely will feel bad and demotivating.

I have also made several comments about the 'trickle down' capitalist economy here and how money power matters much more than the power of your content May be that's the reason my earnings from comments have decreased (not sure though).

However, I do think it's possible for a small guy like me to make it big here because there are many more people here who care, may be they are not whales but their collective strength matters. The power of the community matters.

With comments like yours it won’t be long before you catch a few dolphins attention, whales don’t really pay much attention to their feed I think. I wasn’t nothing a few weeks ago, it could have been much quicker if I kept a positive attitude.

Yes positive attitude definitely helps but yes sometimes negativity seeps through

Jika ada waktu kunjungi blog saya

I don't pay much attention to who follows me, just the overall number of followers, and who actually votes on my stuff (and what % they vote).

That said, I'd like to acknowledge that this made my day:

I’ve been very vocal about my opinion that the distribution of wealth here looks a lot like that of the world economy, in other words, it’s a load of shit.

Yeah, I reckon there's some people here who don't want to hear that. But it's not going away, no matter how much they tell themselves that it is. I've got a whole post (or a series) to write on this, but know that you aren't the only person here thinking along these lines.

Well I’ve followed you, hope to read what you have to write, maybe we can come up with better solutions to the BS

Thanks. I don't think we'll figure it out overnight. But there are definitely rumblings of discontent. Are 'the powers that be' of the Steem world good enough students of history to avoid repeating the mistakes of the past? I guess we'll see.

Not much point shouting out the the whales as far as I can see. They ain't listening.

As for SMT I don't buy it myself. There have been a lot of rumblings recently, even from a dolphin or maybe he's a small whale, I respect, saying SMTs (sounds like some sort of disease) will enable to build better platforms, with fairer distribution and Steemit will become the MySpace of the blockchain.

The only problem with that for me is that not everyone will leave to go to the same platform so I'll loose some new friends if I jump ship.

Only time will tell.

I had someone with a high rep (not a whale) unfollower me this week and I did sit up and take notice longer than usual. But now I can't even remember who it was. 😊

If any whales are reading this I'm more than happy to join the experiment of what it feels like to have a whale unfollow me, but you'd have to follow and upcote me a few times first! 😁

SMT is connected to Steem, they will be available through sbd. If SMT succeeds so does Steem, if it fails, who knows.... I think it’s some nice drugs for a chronic problem, it’ll make things a lot better for a few months and then the problem will become apparent again.

Have you seen the stuff about the "good" whale taking on the "bad" whale. Can't remembr the names but you wrote about one of them? The "good" one is the stewards of gondor guy.

I don't think I've had that experience, I really don't watch that closely. But I do from time to time have to reduce my 'Feed' just so I can comment effectively. I wouldn't take it too personally though, but I do understand your feelings too.

When a door closes a window opens... Something else will come along to fill the vaccuum!

Just keep doing what feels right for you... Good luck

Thank you, that’s really good advice, I try to tell myself but sometimes a voice coming from outside is more useful.

You're most welcome even if it takes me almost a week to get back to you LOL

Seriously man if you're here for the money you may as well go do something else with your life. This isn't a dig at you in any way, it's just my opinion. I see so many people unhappy cos they're not getting votes or whatever but life is too damn short man! I'm here 100% cos I enjoy it cos I'm acutely aware I'll die one day and never want to look back when I'm old and realise I traded precious time for money. The feeling I get from positive interactions far outweigh any whale or dolphin vote or whatever. This is my place of sharing, connecting, learning and growing and whatever happens is great but otherwise there's a mighty huge world out there, full of unique people and amazing things to enjoy instead of staring at a screen hoping for votes from people who are probably stuck deep in the trenches of selling their own precious time for money.

I'll give you an upvote and hope the positivity of a click of a button gives you a smile :)

Yeah man for sure, I’m just trying to quit the work-work so I can focus 100% on community and art and having fun here. I feel exactly the same, im just hoping this place can help as many people as possible.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

"He’s probably just trying to keep his feed limited to his closest friends."

I'd have to go with this as the most likely explanation for why he unfollowed you.

Still, I can definitely relate. A large upvote from a dolphin feels like immediate validation of your work and can be very rewarding from a psychological point of view.

I'm still struggling with my own blog, so my advice might not count for much, but I'd definitely urge you to hang in there, and continue posting great content and network with people whose material genuinely resonates with you personally.

Maybe I'm naive, but I still have this belief that if you're talented and comitted, then you don't have to kiss ass to get recognition for your work.

Thanks, I agree, it’s just a long road. I get enough comments on most stuff of my posts now to feel like I’m not talking to myself, not that talking to myself is entirely pointless but, you know, it’s nicer when someone reads. That helps a whole lot!

I’m ok with my place at the moment, it’s more of a general issue of the system that makes me want to write about it.

Especially considering how much I've had to cull down recently, I generally just assume that anyone who is unfollowing me just needs to cull down to be able to pay more attention to the people producing the stuff they're most interested in. It makes me not bothered about it now where before it did sting.

It's all right anyway, we'll get there ourselves eventually :D


I just keep shouting and hoping some blonde electricity hair pops out of my head every time someone suggest I’ll be a whale one day :-D

I had to repeat that to myself a few times before I caught some inkling of what you might be referring to. Bit slow lately XD
