RE: Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

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Steemit Is A Scam! How Bernie Sanders Screwed Me!

in steemit •  9 years ago  (edited)

Sarcasm relies on tone of voice, and tone of voice does not attach itself to text.

EDIT: And without making it past the title and first 2 or 3 lines, it looked like a rant. I shoulda hung in there and read the rest of it.
Paid the price.
Now tending to all these pitchfork wounds.

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Now, impoverished by communism, I am wondering where my next 7 course meal will come from!

A line like that should allow you to work it out. Practically every line is cartoonishly absurd.

Practically every line is cartoonishly absurd

Thats the point >.<.

Yup, that is one hell of a line lol

I'm with you Jeff, have faith in, not so much in the users here. The majority seem to be like reddit users, they are often not the most complete thinkers. Its why reddit is so full of nonsense.
Too much idiocy to weed through to get to anything of value.
Like I said on FTL, spread the love man!!
Its a community after all. And when people see that dollarvigilante had upvoted them, your reputation will rise. You'll find fewer detractors. :^)

Let me put it this way: If your post was meant to incite interaction: mission accomplished. ;-)

I didn't read the whole thing. Your title made me grumble and I read about the first paragraph.
My bad? Whatever.

So didn't get a new yacht?

Oh try not to be so hard on them if you can. I'm OUT. This was funny.

Georgie Boy is awesome

the summer of George yaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaas!


waw. Or maybe you lost your sense of humour?

ALso, how broken is the flagging system? I flagged ur comment for being just plain wrong and it vanishes it from the feed? Broken.

I unflagged it cuz even wrong opinions should be visible for others to laugh at.


I hope they are working on a fix to that too. The recent update yesterday fixed a similar issue but with entire posts being greyed out in category feeds due to a single flag.

The "Steemit is a scam" part should have tipped you off.

That's a very limited, and ultimately false, interpretation of how sarcasm works.

Doesn't Poe's law belong somewhere in this discussion?

dude, seriously?
did you read it throughout, or simply JUDGE.

@winstonwolfe <gaffaw!> I call bs! Just admit you jumped to a wrong conclusion - it's the only way to stop digging the hole deeper. :D

I'm pretty sure I did admit that.