So what's new?
Well, intensity of my dreams just ramped up crazy. I don't know for how long has it been and if it was the case before injury as well, by mu dreams were pretty boring and often I didn't have any. And now, since I've started training last 2 weeks, my dreams are NUTS! Just this week in my dreams :- I was riding horse in the rain followed by 50meters high water wave
- I was acrobat in a circus
- Had my first MMA fight and hip-hop freestyle battle - in one event
Tak co je teda nove?
Hm, intenzita mojich snov znicoho nic hrozne narastla. Pamatam, ze som v #tematydna sny pisal, ze moje sny zacinaju byt oproti minulosti nemastne-neslane. No a teraz, odkedy som zacal znova 2 tyzdne trenovat, su moje sny absolutne SIALENE :D Len za poslednych par dni som:- utekal na koni pred 50metrovou vlnou, ktora nicila vsetko co jej prislo do cesty
- bol akrobat v cirkuse
- mal svoj prvy MMA fight a hip-hop freestyle battle - v ten isty vecer
Other possible causes
With the increased training intensity, I've also increased an intake of fish oil (cuz of omega3) and also ginko tablets. Could that be causing my crazy night adventures?Thanks for reading! Martin
Ine mozne zdvovodnenia
Zaroven toho ako som znova zacal kazdy den trenovat, zvysil som aj prijem rybieho oleja a ginka. Mohlo by eventualne nieco z toho sposobovat moje nocne dobrodruzstva?Dik za precitanie! Martin

Image sources: [1], [2], [3], [4], [5],
Já jdu pristi tyden poprve ;-)
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fakt? mega! keby sa ti o tom chcelo napisat tak ptm #bjj a #steemitbjj....btw co mozem poradit, pokial ides na nogi hodinu (bez kimona), zober si radsej dlhe gate (existuju grappling spats, ak nemas tak hocjake bezecke leginy)...asi zalezi od typu zinienky, ale ja som si na prvom treningu v kratasoch masivne spalil kolena. Som potom musel 2 tyzdne cakat kym sa to zahojilo, bo kazdy dotyk tej spalenej koze hrozne bolel. Pod riflami to bol teror, kazdy jeden krok.
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děkuji za info!!:)
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Jsem tak rád za ty Tvoje dvojjazyčné posty! Když jsem žil v Bosně, naučil jsem se obstojně bosensky, přispělo to, že filmy v televizi byly v původním znění (většinou v angličtině, občas v němčině) a k tomu bosenské titulky. Sice tedy kvaita jak u nás za krále klacka, ale bezva pro jazyk. Slovenštinu jsem měl ještě ve škole, ale už jí začínám zapomínat a takhle si to krásně oživím a když je problém, mrknu do angličtiny...super! A pěkné sny se T začaly zdát! :-))
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A stava sa ti, ze nerozumies slovencine? To je zaujimave, lebo Slovakom sa to vpodstate nikdy nedeje ale Cechom skor. Vraj ze to je tym, ze u nas sa viac pozerala v minulosti CT1/CT2...momentalne uz asi vbc, ale ja som este bezne cetecku pozeraval :)
Edit: Tento dvojjazycny format mam inak ukradnuty od @pipiczech :D
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Do you have any after-training rituals which might stimulate these dreams? :D
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haha not really :D I like to eat sweets after the training :D so you might try that, but I don't think it's a good idea :D
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Maybe a positive effect by influencing your hormone-household by training.
Somatotropine, Irisin, Adrenaline, Testosterone or Endorphin just to name some. But having badass dreams is sure a good sign
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Wohoo booster's back! How was Slovakia?
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Was awesome as expected :D.
I took some time off to fix some things. Will soon be active on steemit again ;-)
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Mozna, ze to je len ina forma prekvenia mozgu....
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Fresh blood in the brain, is good for the brain !
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