Which school is the best? Public state or private independent?

in steemiteducaiton •  6 years ago  (edited)

Choosing the right school for your kids is important, every parent wants the best opportunity for a quality education. It is a job that mums and dads take very seriously. How do they know what is the best school? Although they are full of hope and enthusiasm it is overwhelmingly confusing to differentiate between the many schools on the websites.

Competition with enrolment is rife between the independent school system and the state school system. Their websites show only well presented schools, well worded visionary statements, promises of providing excellent curriculum teaching and extra curricula sports and arts activities. Well meaning friends have the best intentions giving opinions and personal stores.

Choices are made and parents are buoyant that their young kids or teenagers will be happy. But things can go very wrong, even after all the researching. Like a teenager in an independent school or state school unhappy, not fitting in to not learning very well. There is no option but to decide on a shift. Not all kids are suited to the one type of school. The best is up to individuals, we are all different.

What makes a school run well? What makes parents and children happy in a school?

David Gillepsie, is an Australia author who asked this question. In a journal article that appeared in the Australian 'Weekend Magazine' a lot of years ago compared the independent and state school systems. He found that it was not the number ovals or quality of classrooms that made a school, it all boiled down to the effectiveness of the leadership of the principal. Yes, the principal creates the tone for the school, sets teaching standards, the quality of relationships and communication between parents and school and whether students feel belonged or not.

It was a riveting article to read and one that I totally agreed with David Gillepsie. Having worked with many principals I have seen many different personalities and management and leadership styles and I can honestly say that it was the person factor that was the winner. A man or woman who can relate warmly to people and children, crack the whip when necessary, democratically consult with staff and parents and most of all is well liked and respected by the students makes a school great.

To me this is what parents want in a school. But, finding the best school can be a trial and error process. If your young child or teenager is not happy and not achieving with learning, ask questions, listen and make the decision to shift him or her if necessary. Don't muck around. A quality education is worth its weight in gold.

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I agree with you. As a retired teacher I taught under weak and strong 'heads' and accordingly the schools floundered or thrived. The same applies to the teacher in the classroom. I got delinquent kids to speak and write about their feelings, hopes and past experiences to good effect. I enjoyed my time in the class room.
Government or private schooling............good and bad in each.
Thanks for high lighting the topic.

Hello @justjoy, it is such an interesting topic and one that will always be on the discussion board. I am sure that you have many interesting stories from your teaching life.

I am a mom for 35 years and if it comes to schools the end is still not near.
I have seen them all so far and they all suck and lie and teachers nowadays are dumber as the kids. They can hardly write and count themselves and do not care about the pupils.

In the Netherlands there are 3 types of common schools:

  1. Catholic
  2. Christian
  3. Non religion

Number one should have the highest score if it comes to great students. No. 3 the lowest.

Scores at city schools are higher as in the country.

Generally speaking you have to send your kid to the school in the area you are living.

It is hard to switch if your kid is bullied (teachers are great bullies too) to an other school. Most schools do not like to be pissed off by the new school of your choice, the old school will have lost of income and will try to boycott.

How to switch school?
✔Try a special one (Montessori, Free school or very religious one),
✔Find a principal that does not care about being threatened,
✔Threaten back/go to court
✔Leave the country/find a school abroad.

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Hello @wakeupkitty, your school set up is very similar to Australia. I call the Montessori and Stein schools the alternative ones. I hate bullying of any kind and nothing is worse than a teacher bullying a child. School wise I worked in the system as did my husband who was a principal. So I saw life from 2 different perspectives but I was a mother first and foremost. This helped me be extremely emphatic with parents who were experiencing school related problems, I did what I could to help.

I wonder if it is still fun to be a teacher. My daughter says her class-teacher is afraid of the other teacher to stand for what is right.

What annoys me most is the fact teachers are very low educated, are not able to think outside the box, find ways to explain things in an other way and really hate kids with an opinion of their own and who are smarter.

Frequently those who are teaching do not even have their papers.

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Does not having papers the same as not having qualifications wakeupkitty? This is definitely not right. What a nightmare for kids to have teachers like this? It is a definite must to be qualified and registered with the Board of Education in order to teach in Australia.

Yes it does. It is a low budget solution for schools.
Students or family of teachers asked to do the job for less or free. Every few hours an other person or every few months.

I am sure you have to registrated here too, but?

If parents write to the schoolinspection nothing happens. That makes one wonder.

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Wow, I am stunned, that is horrifying to hear. I understand what you mean by 'unqualified teachers' not being smart. How do they get away with it?

I have no idea what tricks school play to make this possible. If schoolinspection does not care there is no reason for the school to change.

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Howdy angiemitchell! Great advice, it's such an important achievement..a degree.

Hiya janton and yes it is very satisfying to get the piece of paper. I kept studying for a lot of years, just one of those people who liked to study. Hence maybe that is why I keep writing now, can't stop, lol.

Well that's a very healthy addiction to have! and more people should have it!

I thinking I am talking with a like minded fellow Steemian friend, haha.

Very true and I think most people on steemit have a thirst for knowledge!

I think you are so correct!