in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

One of the best defense mechanisms an animal or human can possess, is to be able to avoid predators by hiding from or avoiding them. Conversely, this is also an ability they use to hunt for food. Some animals and insects are endowed by this ability. To some, they just have to run and hide whenever they can from predators.


Enduring Understanding

All creatures are given the ability to survive and live. Some animals are strong to defend themselves from predators. Others have the inherent ability to hide themselves even in plain sight to avoid their enemies.

Essential Questions

  1. How are some animals able to avoid their predators?
  2. Does surviving always means fighting back?
  3. Is avoidance better than confrontation?

STEM Applications


Animals have unique characteristics based on their features like color, shape, size, behavior, and the way they survive. Whether it is to avoid an enemy or to hunt for food, the ability to hide in plain sight is one way to survive in the wild.

Discuss with the students what animals have the ability to hide in plain sight.

  1. Use this link to show to students how certain creatures hide in plain sight.
  2. If humans have the ability to do the same, what advantages will that be for them?
  3. Revisit the story of the Wolf and the Pig and ask them if they still remember what is meant by “survival of the fittest”.
  4. Discuss with the students that advantages and disadvantages between “avoidance”, that is, hiding from the predators, or “confrontation”, fighting back. Which one is the most effective in terms of survival?


When designing the model, students must understand that the design should allow and provide the animal the ability to hide in plain sight.


One of the ways an object or an animal is hard to find is that it blends with other objects in the environment. Some animals use patterns found in the environment and disguises themselves as part of the pattern. Patterns are mathematical applications which follow a set of rules and implement those rules in a consistent fashion. Look for animals that use these method of hiding themselves in plain sight.


Terms to Know. Have students learn the following terms, find the definitions, using them in a sentence, determining the antonym of the terms, and other ways that the students will get to use the words. Real-world application is preferred. Add more words if necessary, according to your own students' needs.

camouflage, instinct, defense mechanism, survival, predator, prey

Values Education

Having special abilities such as hiding in plain sight is a wonderful thing. But like any ability, it can be used to do good things or do something bad about it.

Our special talents, skills, or abilities should be used to do good things. Helping people with their problems, making their lives easier and improved.

NOTE TO CONTRIBUTORS: Please add your contributions to the reply/comment section. You may choose which part of the lesson plan you want to contribute to effectively. If you feel there is a need to add another section, please do suggest, as well. Thanks to all contributors! Cheers!

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I'm pretty sure the military industry already have some prototype of camouflaging devices in their warehouses

They already have long time ago, their stealth bomber.

the b52?

If humans had such a device the privacy of anyone would be compromised !?

it's a double edged sword. it only depends on the motive on whoever has that capability, a tool that can be used for good or evil.

anyway the first to have this kind of tech will always be the evilest one because they have money to put in R&D

Great work my friend. Upvoted and resteemed.

thanks my friend. always good to know you follow my work ;-)

nice @cjclaro ..... :)

thank @cjclato,
u upvote me again
hahaha ,,,,

me resteem u post ok.

Thank you @sultan-aceh ;-)

ok @cjclaro ....:)

posting is very meaningful.

Im glad you find it so ;-) thanks.

What a fabulous series, glad someone reteemed it, that I was following to catch up on this series.

So glad you find my work fabulous. There's more to come ;-)

I imagine that we can use it for to speak about road-runner (corre-caminos) Debe ser genial. I'll try to do it.

Be sure to share your experience with us ;-)

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment

Excellent. ¿Te imaginas que nosotros los seres humanos podemos camuflagearnos como el camaleón? Jaja. No dejo de imaginar los colores que tendríamos de niños cuando nos buscan para castigarnos por algo mal hecho. Es, sin lugar a dudas, una buena herramienta para aplicar principios que ayuden a los niños a defenderse y salir adelante en la vida. Buen proyecto, @cjclaro.

El camaleón, su camuflaje es muy bueno. Esta habilidad es muy útil.