TRADITIONAL AND MODERN EDUCATION / The change in methodology

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

We will not be surprised to find that the traditional didactic (in charge of the methods) will use "didactic methods" to analyze, synthetic, inductive and deductive. If it is observed well, it is seen that such are the general logical methods, that is to say, the adequate methods of all thought, and not of the teaching in particular.


And why were the "logical" methods used? Because man was thinking as "logos", as intelligence, as reason, as thought, as a simple pensive faculty.

The logical models are those that we use in any daily activity, in our daily life. Analyze or induce are functions that we carry out spontaneously. Of "didactic" it does not have anything of particular. But their identification with the didactic ones proves the identification between educando and intelligence.

In the modern conception, the moments of "thinking" coincide with the stages of the scientific method. (Such is one of the fundamental contributions of the philosophy of John Dewey).

But "thinking" is thinking "think to act" with a purpose.

The didactic methods must be based on a new logic, which expresses the structure of the scientific method. This is the one that is relevant to "solve problems" so you have to go through several stages between them we have:

. Delimit or define the problem
. Search the necessary data
. Formulate hypotheses or solution alternatives
. Search for new data for each of the hypotheses
. Forecast of the consequences in the stock exchange of choosing a certain alternative, test or verification of the alternatives.

If we observe a traditional class, we find one person speaking while the other listens. The important thing was the transmission, the teacher's task; if the student does not learn, it was not the teacher's problem, because he has fulfilled his work.


How would we classify the quality of this human relationship?

Democrat or autocratic? At first glance, we would call it autocratic, the teacher is physically separated from the students and occupies a special place that stands out from the group. The students must see him act and develop. We know that the most educated in this type of education is the teacher. And this is logical, since he is forced to study, investigate, prepare and then expose it to the students.

He does what the students should do. But there are deeper reasons to attribute the autocratic note to traditional education: the truth is already discovered by great characters that for the salvation of all placing in books that we preserve.

The book was of capital importance before, not today when we have many media that give us information and allow us to discover and investigate. The book today has assumed a tool character.

The note of democracy applies to the modern conception of education for having transferred the axis of school activity to apprentices, to make them aware of the ends and to give them responsibilities in the execution of them.


Informative Sources:
Text: Group Dynamics and Education. CIRIGLIANO-VILLAVERDE

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Ciertamente la escuela y el maestro se han quedado atrás frente al mundo tecnológico. Todavía el maestro no ha entendido que las personas poco aprenden suministrándole información; las personas aprendemos cuando se unen dos cosas: los intereses y el hacer.
aprendizaje prehistorico.jpg

El interés es determinante para aprender, pues si quiero algo busco las herramientas necesarias para hacerlo.
persona interesada.jpg

Y por otro lado haciendo se aprende, no hay de otra; no tiene sentido que maneje mucha información teórica sobre cómo nadar, pero si no nado no aprenderé a nadar.

En este sentido las nuevas tecnologías ofrecen un mundo que nos atraen pues simultáneamente se trabajan varios sentidos y podemos acceder rápidamente a cualquier información y sobre todo a la que nos interesa. Así pues, que los docentes deben volverlas sus aliados para facilitar el aprendizaje de sus alumnos.

Asi pues, aprendamos con las herramientas que nos ofrece la tecnología.

wuao very good comment, thank you very much, I appreciate that you read the issues of education, in this way we reinforce our knowledge and we help each other to be better.

Interesting explanation regards

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