Snowmen, snowmen, little snowmen! – Christmas craft for kids

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 

Children love to be involved in Christmas decorations, making the house look as nice as possible for Santa's much awaited visit. The nicer the house, the better the presents!
Holiday crafts are a good way to keep children busy this time of the year, as in many parts of the world kids are already on winter break.


Make you own snowmen is one such activity and it's cheap, easy and safe!
What you'll need:

  • LED lights
  • Permanent markers


All you have to do is present the children with the required items and let them get creative. The snowmen in the above picture were all made by my son, who has been pestering me for weeks he needs LED lights – orange, to be specific, because a snowman's nose is made of a carrot.


Our little snowmen are now waiting to decorate our Christmas tree, which we will only put up on Christmas Eve.

Since we bought LED lights, we hastily made a little cardboard house, to be put under the tree. Making a cardboard house can be too much of a hassle for smaller children, as it involves precise measuring, cutting and gluing the pieces together, but it can be used as geometry practice for older kids.


We went for an easier option and used an empty chocolate box, which we covered in self-adhesive colored paper and decorated a bit. If you cut out a little window, the whole house will shine bright.
This is actually the cheap easy-to-do version of a fancier Christmas house, which you can see at the bottom of the picture. That one is made out of a Christmas present box, which you can find at many stores, and a simple LED light placed inside. It should be rather cheap, but my son made it last year at a Christmas crafting club which cost no less than $30, not to mention the class was barely 30 minutes.
If the houses you make are no bigger than normal baubles, a nice idea would be to attach little pieces of string and hang them on the Christmas tree.

Have fun!

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Nice craft. I wish I knew some of these tricks when my kids were still small.

Nice project. very cute!!!

That's sooooo cute! Very nice idea :D
