Tricks of public speaking

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago 


Have you ever felt that people are not really listening to what you are saying?

How do you feel about it?

Speaking in public with convincing is not easy. There are many decisive factors from the topics you bring, the way you start a conversation, your habits of talking to others, and other things.

4 Powerful Speaking Foundation
Julian gives the abbreviation HAIL to greet and acclaim enthusiastically. Say hello and praise with enthusiasm.

H - Honesty
You speak correctly and clearly. Do not hide anything or intend to trick your audience.

A - Autenticity
Authentic is to be yourself. You are not trying to be someone else or pretending to be a different person.

I - Integrity
Do what you say. Integrity is obtained when what you say you actually do.

L - Love
Love here is not related to romantic things. Rather loving others sincerely and expecting the best for them, your listeners.


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Great tips man, I'll be sure to try these out

Hai @rizkipaloh
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