Steem School Episode 65 - How to Build a Relationship With Your Audience

in steemiteducation •  7 years ago  (edited)

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Building a relationship with your audience is not done for profit but for fun. Profit is just another good thing that naturally results from building a relationship with your audience.

But how do you really build a strong relationship with your audience and not just 10-15 people from your follow list?

A lot of transparency. You need to talk about yourself here and then so that your audience can identify with you.

I sometimes upload rants, poems or all kinds of opinions because I don't want to keep Steemit "Just business". I want to have fun on Steemit and I genuinely want to get to know other people.

Especially people that are far ahead in things that I do, for example, the witness thing. I would love to have more witness friends that share a lot of my views and interact with them to have fun & to learn more.

I am very grateful that I have strong individuals like @Booster916 and @Teutonium in the Berserkers as they are very skilled and experienced when it comes to sports and weightlifting.

I have met good people (some I didn't mention) and I am still in touch with them nowadays and hopefully for a very long time in the future.

So in what things should you be transparent? That doesn't matter as long as your authentic (honest about yourself). I will write something about me to give you an example.


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Intimate Things About me

I was depressed for over 12 years. That was because my hands shake when I use them and it gets worse when people pay close attention to my hands.

I couldn't handle all the bullying that I got back in the day and I started to spend more time in Disneyland. Aka video games, weed, alcohol, cigarettes and barely going out.

I went to a therapist, to a self-help group and even into psychiatry when I lost my shit completely. And it all helped nothing because therapist don't care much about helping you because if they heal you they lose a client.

Doctors sell you SSRI saying that it will help but you will still be stuck in the same shitty life situation.

That is by the way what all depressed people have in common. They are in a life situation they don't want to be in.

Psychiatry is a combination of hardcore therapy and meds, you go out like a brainwashed drone, it didn't help me shit.

What helped me was lifting weights, changing my diets, cutting off toxic friends and quitting my 9-5 to build my translation business and get rid of the 9-5 abuse.


After doing all that I wasn't depressed anymore and I am now depression free for over 4 years.

I do not understand all the people saying "Stop the Stigma", "Depression is not a weakness".

Every time you tell them the solution they outright reject it continuing with their crybaby shit on Twitter (I left Twitter after closing which was about beating depression).

Many people enjoy the pity they get for their depression and if they really had it they would try to get rid of it instead of 24/7 crying about it rejecting all solutions.

Telling them to lift weights is "offensive". In the end, I was tired of helping them because they do not want to get rid of it.

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Share things about you to get more people to talk with you and identify with you. You can make friends like that on Steemit that have similar views.

Of course, you will also get haters, but everyone who isn't a sheep of society has those.

Having a character naturally results in haters because not everyone agrees with you and some people will find your opinions "Nazi".

Have fun being yourself!

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Just wanted to say, with regards to women and depression, you helped me make final decision to come off antipressants that were making me more zombie than human, as by taking control of my life and concentrating on a path of self improvement in my life in every area, for the most part I've beaten depression, I still have the odd hour of abject misery at times, but I won't let it keep me down for the whole day that might have happened in past. So I think that advice applies to both men and women.

What helps me everytime i start to get depressed is cold showers, there have been studies that prove this, you should try it sometimes @hopehuggs, last time i was depressed was because of a girl leaving me + my grandfather died, this all happened like 1 or 2 days apart, everytime i started to get depressed i hopped in the shower and put the water cold... my problems faded away with the rage i got from those showers! Next time you start having one of those hours try this, it might be hard at first but after a while it's actually comfortable.
Cold showers also have a side benefit of turning your white fat cells into brown fat cells, which store less fat and are more for increasing your temperature, so they actually provide you with sliming benefits at a cellular level .

Yes, I did cold showers for a short while and got up to 4 minutes, and I felt regenerated (yes meant to use that word not rejuvinated) then not really done it since, I will get back into it, especially in down moments, or when kids won't stop screaming. Now there are three advocates of the cold shower: @teutonium, @valorforfreedom and @humanearl.

Even better: Go jogging very fast in nature and then take a cold shower, it's like rushing your brain with feel good drugs and then numbing your brain with cold water.

It really helps a fuckton, afterwards you will realize that your depression was just a super hard cocktail of feel bad drugs aka cortisol (the result of stressful events).

I also did that, running in nature is the best! And since i live in the countryside i have some cool spots to run, i very rarely see any person there, after 10-20 minutes of running i stop and i can scream as loud as i want, it's amazing!!! i can tell the whole world to go "fu## itself".
Another thing that helped me was my car, driving through the night alone, only the road me and my car, i could scream as loud as i wanted to, i sometimes rode all the way through the night, leaving the house at sunset and getting home at sunrise!
These are much better alternatives than the crap psychiatrist give... people have non- hereditary high cholesterol? go to the gym! People have non- hereditary diabetes? Go to the gym!! People have non- hereditary high blood pressure or depression? GO TO THE GYM!!!!! The weights are my enemy, and i hit them every single day, one of these days, not even the metal is going to withstand my grip and it will break apart!!

Great comment Helen, very open about yourself as well, you just practiced what I wrote in this post.
Depression is being stuck in a fucked up life situation for too long, one has to dig deep to find the answers, and they are not nice to hear.

Yes @hopehuggs, when we can control our life and focus on self improvement, we need not take antidepressants. Human brains always go to worst places where we are upset by somebody or something, it may happen any time in a day, but when we move over that moment in the day, we can win our life.

@valorforfreedom Epic post! From the time I have been online, and it has been a very long time (16+ years) I have seen human interaction being turned into transactions -- be nice to the crowd, win their trust, and then sell them something, and sell some more. Toot your horn all the time, me, me, me. My product, my service, this and that. Be fake, look great, sell crap. And the fact of treating your email list like an ATM machine, those guys just don't care about you at all, one day one shiny object, the very next day, another shiny object.

We humans don't just exist to be exploited by one another, but unfortunately that is what happens. Although it is changing. This is what I like the most about Steemit, you can give real value, and people can thank you, give you an upvote if they like, and you can give back as well. Creating a Win-Win situation, not a Win-Lose situation. Which has been the case for a very long time.

We live like we're going to be here forever, try to impress others with crap (material stuff) instead of impressing others with real gold (kindness, compassion, love, understanding, and honesty). This would be wealth worth flashing around, so others can be encouraged to mirror that.

I pray that Steemit grows larger than the giant social platforms, and we create not just a revolution in terms of how money changes hands, but also, how humans treat each other, nothing less than - humans!


P.S. Turned out to be a long comment, didn't intend to be preachy, but couldn't help it after reading your post man!

You guys are pillaging my vote power with your great comments.

PTSD derailed my life. They put me on medication and tried to tell me I was depressed. I felt worse taking the prescriptions and experienced side effects. The drugs made my mind foggy and made me tired, which didn't help. Eventually, I stopped taking them. I just needed to figure out how to take my life back. With the help of a counselor who understood what I wanted to do, I managed to get my life back on track.

Forgiveness ended up being answer for me. It has allowed me to look at life through a different lens. Generally, I ‘m an extremely happy and positive person. Yes, there are times I get sad, but that isn't depression. Today is one of those days. Nine years ago, today the love of my life, my husband Bob died. I miss him every day. He was my rock. Once again anti-depressants were suggested, by the medical profession. I wasn’t depressed I was grieving the loss of my husband, of over twenty years. What kept me going was I was now the only parent to our 16 year old son.

It is absolutely dangerous to not deal with emotions.
You have to grief, burying that with SSRI and all kinds of drugs will delay that important process.

We started lifting for the same reason, depression, i've been depressed at least 3 times in my life, never took anti depressants, the first time i didn't know what to do, after a couple of months and a lot of alcohol i found my true calling, weightlifting, since then every time i start getting depressed i hit the gym really hard! While other people need to take anti depressants gym is my anti depressant, at least with the gym i don't have mood swings and i'm not dependant on a stupid psychiatrist and drug company!
Another thing that really helps me when i even start to get depressed is cold showers, anyone that even tries them will know what i'm talking about, changing the water from hot to cold gradually, letting the cold feeling consume you, at first you don't know what to do, but after it you rage, damn i could headbut the wall with the amount of rage i get from cold showers.
Both of these methods have scientific proof behind them, i'm not spitting out unformulated knowledge to anyone that is reading, weightlifing increases dopamine in the brain and cold showers help by releasing adrenaline i think...
I should probably do a post about these issues sometimes... #fuckdepression the world will be mine one day!

Most people are stuck in a bad life situation for too long which drastically elevates Cortisol levels. Lifting weights and taking cold showers is a good way to release these nice endorphins and testosterone.

Both are good for men and women alike, women need testosterone too, just not as much as men.

Agreed, the power to heal is within yourself brother!
Disagree that depression is weakness, rather it is a symptom of some preexisting weakness! The question is where does that depression come from, each is the same yet way different at the same time. Identify your problem as you have and eliminate it with the opposing force!

Stay Strong

Preexisting weakness...
That makes some sense to me.

By the way: I am depression free for over 4 years.

Usually when I get to know someone very well, then I find out about the real being they are as defined by their hardships. It seems that everyone has their path to walk and that everyone has their struggles.

The difference is what you choose to make of them. And look at you. You can be proud. Look at your improvement. And again you are going to see it in another 10 years as well.

Keep going strong!

Indeed Zak, hardship creates a man.

hi Valor,

I'm glad you manage to monetize your freedom from depression, i'm trying to help friends get over similar difficulties, appreciate your story. good read, all the best.


Thank you very much DJ.

I suggest you guys join the Discord server "Steemit Ramble", it is an active community!

Hi @valorforfreedom
Yes, psychiatry would work for some, but not for everybody. And also some psychiatrists are not good at their work.

It is true that spending time with people you liked (who never hurt you and tell softly if they find any you have to change for good), and staying away from negative people can heal our mental pains.

Sometimes I feel the word, Life, is hardest word in the dictionary. It is really difficult but we have to turn that into good side.

excellent video I liked very much greetings

Well I do like the advice's and I do really think Will apply those in near future :)

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

totally love your vlogs! :^D

you really open up in this vlog. speaking of depression, we can never prevent this type of things, It's on how we can persevere and try to move on no matter what happens. just like in my life, I have many types of sadness the lurking around, but all I do is to be real and never surrender. thank you for sharing this, I know many people like us have faced difficult times to that really can relate to your vlog. I know someday we will succeed in our life just keep holding on.

great post
it is amazing post sir
thanks for sharing

Sir, I think it is very important to have a good relationship with the audience. If you have a good relation with the audience, you can have an idea about all the movements of life. Sir, you wrote a few good things, I'm really proud of you for having a good relationship with Audience. You wrote so well that is very important for us.

Thank you for this!