What is happening?

in steemiterminal •  5 years ago 

These days, I do not write as often as I wanted to. I think after learning the "drama" in our community, I might find it harder to do that. I am going to sit on the fence on this one because I just do not want to deal with any additional stuff on top of my already long concerns in my personal life. So let me share instead my reasons on why I chose to remain in steemit despite my busy life.

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I am being heard

Writing in steemit made me feel that I am being heard. My concerns are being validated and I am not alone. Over the years, I have met people from all walks of life and we bonded over the same interests.

I have also been able to learn new things and I had been validated that I am not alone in my advocacy for the future. It actually encouraged me to build over what I have and hope that the future would bring better opportunities for everyone.


Steemit is a decentralized network. Meaning, everything is controlled by everyone. We voted for witnesses who were tasked to maintain the system. We participated in many group activities, games, contests, even reviews. Even the income our posts generates were basically determined by the people who upvoted, downvoted, commented, re steemed our posts.

Steemit is very inclusive and it does not look on who, what or how you came to be here. The only qualification is you're here. You're willing to participate.

My question is, what is happening now? Is this still being followed?

What will happen next

Same as what most of you guys are doing now, I am wondering what will happen next. Should I cash out? Should I start ranting on line? Should I just stop writing? Should I close my account?

I am not doing any of those right now. I am not a very patient person and, everyone kept telling me to WAIT. But, I will wait it up. I will hope for the best and I hope that at the end of this drama, there is favourable outcome that would benefit everyone.

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Offcourse you are being heard and we all have to pull together and see what will happen , we are strong, and also this will come to a good end and steemians stick together.

~ Same as what most of you guys are doing now, I am wondering what will happen next. Should I cash out? Should I start ranting on line? Should I just stop writing? Should I close my account?

I am not doing any of those right now. I am not a very patient person and, everyone kept telling me to WAIT. But, I will wait it up. I will hope for the best and I hope that at the end of this drama, there is favourable outcome that would benefit everyone. ~

Thats the best thing to do, and i am right besides you waiting it out

thanks Britt! that is a sound advice. we will WAIT this thing out!

Don't give up... Just check my latest posts and Vote for our Witnesses. At this point it is the least we can do, if we want this platform to survive! 🙄

thank you trin!i re steemed your posts.☺☺☺

I am sticking around as long as I can :)

Yeah. We should.I am not quitting now. I spent nearly 2 years of my life here. I am not going to throw that away.

My guttfeeling is just wait.. I bought in when it was like 3 dollar 1 dollar and when it fell I bought more... the 18 cents is a fraction of what you should get.

So just enjoy the ride and you should get something out of it. Maybe doubling your investment and after that multiplied by 1000 when crypto get a back up.

yeah. thank you for the suggestion. that is exactly what I would do.