Tomorrow's (April 1st) Steemit Talk Podcast with The Peerity Project

in steemittalk •  8 years ago 

I'm thrilled to announce that members from The Peerity Project will be joining this weeks @steemittalk Podcast.

Please RESTEEM this to help get the word around!

We will be back at our normal recording time: Saturday @ 3 CST (8 GMT)


Peerity is a social connection platform. We connect individuals, communities, and organizations together. Want to start a band, write a novel, volunteer? Peerity is here to make connection and collaboration effortless.

So please join us on Saturday to join us and take part in what I honestly expect to be some highly interesting discussions. If you can't make it live, be sure to listen on the final posting at @steemittalk.

You can also listen to or download newest episodes and archives can also be found on iTunes, Google Play, Soundcloud as well as many other places.

How to Join us Live

  • Just click this link to join our Discord Server.
  • We'll be using the stp_live text channel and the STP_Live @ 12pm CST voice channel.

This week will be Saturday at 3pm CST (8pm GMT)

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I'm excited to hear about Peerity. Thanks for bringing it to the people @sykochica.

Absolutely! I've been following them for a little while now and it's definitely an interesting one with their focus on building communities, collaboration and being on an optionally more local scale. I expect this to be an awesome episode! :D

Most of my recent posts on Steemit have been geared toward building an ArtiSTeemian Community through the Collaborative Art Journey (56 artists already creating 273 collaborative masterpieces). And of course I live in community at the @gardenofeden. I basically live, eat and breathe community, so I'm excited to see what they bring to the table. Thank you for sharing.

Oh I've definitely seen you around. :)
I kind of figured peerity would be right up your alley!

Feel free to make recommendations if you think of any other projects you'd like us to bring onto the show...I can see what I can do :)

I will do that. I believe there is great power in collaboration and cooperation over competition. Community is a very powerful reality and has so much to offer. Truly grateful you have brought the Peerity Project to my attention. Thank you @sykochica.

Excited to see what's in store this week on the Steemit podcast!👥

Thank you! I'm expecting this to be a great episode. :)
I've got some interesting things in my notes should the interview portion run short.

Will try to be there! Damned time zones mess me up every time. lol

Love to see ya there! And let you try out your mic in the post cast portion of the show, lol.
You're on the east coast right? That'd be 4pm EST start time :)

resteemed. and hope to be online with you :)

Woot, ty!
Hope to see you there :)