RE: Steemjet Space Force Launch Codes

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Steemjet Space Force Launch Codes

in steemjet •  7 years ago  (edited)

Steemjet Launch Codes From The Pilot.

Greetings to all aboard Steemjet Space Force. This is the opportunity you have been waiting for so let's use it well. For any spaceship to fly well through turbulent weather and hostile planets, all hands must be on deck and each member must know his role to keep things organized. Steemjet therefore is not an exception. We have to keep things organised and play our roles well.

Of course, you cannot play your role well if you don't know what your role is. I have had many people messaged me in the last few days to ask what is expected of them. Therefore, @empato365, @mbj, @deandaniel and myself have agreed that @empato365 should group people into different departments based on what @dimimp picked you for (if you have a special role you think you can play, please inform me or @empato365). After this groupings is done, I'll bring out some suggestions on how to effective serve in your role/department (this will only be suggestions, I do not intend to tell people how best to serve. Use your own discretion to work as best as you think)

Build community with your stake.

The aim of your delegation is for you to better contribute to the community. It's best to use what you are given to help the community. Freely were you given, do not use your stake to engage in vote buying and selling. Do not only upvote yourself or only close friends else we will not move forward. You can use this tool to see how you are using your upvote

Spamming Bot-Like Comments.

This ship is made for humans, too much noise will cause the flight crew to misread readings from our sonar machines and we might hit a rock as we fly through unknown planets. As the pilot, I will not allow my plane to crash, therefore I will promote thoughtful comments by upvoting and FILTER OUT NOISE BY NUKING THEM WITH OUR POWERFUL LASER FLAGS

What is Noise?

  • Repeated comments.

  • Multiple comments by the same user which does not really add value.

  • if you agree to someone's comment add a little upvote to the comments instead of replying yes you are right, yes it's true. Excess replies makes it difficult for people to load the page. I'll read through every comments, if I don't reply, it doesn't mean I haven't read it. If I believe you are adding value, I'll add some upvotes to you. if not, then I'll walk pass to the next person.

  • if the question can be answered by a delegate, then message the delegate directly instead of pouring it out here.

Since we want to reach out to people with the message of mass adoption, the spaceforce 1 members met and suggested that we start physical outreach programs to talk to those who do not even know about crypto and Steem, so they can join and increase the community. What do you think of this?

We want to create rooms for more people to join, so please do well to not fill the room with only your comments. Give others a chance to do so.

On the issue of Steemjet report. I have noticed a few delegates who have already posted up to three reports so far. Please I want to strongly advised against small, fragmented report. The aim of the report is to see major contributions you've made over a long period of time. So I suggest everyone should wait till they have a major development to report. That is why we are given till August to submit replies.

Tiny, fragmented, weekly reports makes it difficult to review all of them.

If you ever have any question, contact me on discord or telegram and I'll respond within 12 hours.
Steemjet, on the wings of superstars

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Since we want to reach out to people with the message of mass adoption, the spaceforce 1 members met and suggested that we start physical outreach programs to talk to those who do not even know about crypto and Steem, so they can join and increase the community. What do you think of this?

This concerns all of us.
Its the first and most important step to reach out to those who don't know about crypto.

Of course funds will be involved to make this happen, giving a little back to the community isn't a big deal.

Just have it in mind that this is happening anytime soon. So fasten your seatbelts.

We the SF1 will meet again concerning this so we'll come up with the best Strategy.

Let steemjet be know everywhere. I'm really concern about this awareness program.
So I'll do everything possible to make this happen, and we'll surely need your help.

SF1 will talk about this in details,
We'll get back to you guys.

The boss is here !!

I owed you some upvotes from an old contest!

Thanks a lot sir ... i am grateful you remembered me! steemjet will always get better and bigger!

Same to you I always support steemjet

Steem is going global, follow the trend.


you are always amazing with your graphic design.
Long life steemjet

Ya if you hire me I would be up for this task. I live near the University Of Waterloo,Canada One of The Biggest Up and Coming Tech sectors. There's google offices there, 3 different university campus and there is always students canvassing out there. I wouldnt mind going out there a few times. There would be no cost except maybe printing of some flyers or whatever promotional thing you would like. Also could probably bring alot of traffic over from youtube. Im sure alot more people would join Steemit if they knew about all these contests and stuff.

thank you for the confirmation, I will try to get you on the payroll today.

Your neon style is perfect for our target audience = KIDS!

not sure why that one dont show up when I post the link but we can talk about that later. Welcome aboard!

I guess, if the author Re-upload the image it will show up.

It works when I click on it, I can upload it again if ya want, I can make something better than this but a similar style.
Animated GIF-downsized_large (2).gif

Yeah, but yours shows the picture and mine only displays the link wtf?

I am right clicking "copy image location" on your image and posting the link, but yours shows up and mine does not. god I'm dim!

Anyway, I will figure it out later.

Congratulations on your first contract extension, I suggested and assignment, but feel free to create whatever you feel inspired to create

This I'd very nice, you have a very good concept, I believe the boss @dimimp will now see the image clearly.

Welcome aboard

Great, Thanks so Much! Let me know what you need, I'll start reading through your posts and see what's up.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Don't waste time reading old posts.

I just put you on the payroll.

What do I need?

I could use a neon sign that says:

on the wings of superstars, we are words and steem (with a jet plane with a steem logo on it)

I do not want the word "steemjet" to appear however, as the jet itself (with steem logo) will imply the name/concept.

Take as long as you want. Creative inspiration can NEVER be forced, and I am extending your contract until Jan 1 to prove it.

Welcome aboard! and thank you!

Just specify or give to him the steem logo that should be used.

Should it be @shartzy own or @deandaniel intial logo?

Check out my latest post I have a few ideas there, next I will work on some more of a classic neon style, let me know what you think.

great thank you!! I'll get working on some ideas right now!

You are welcome i cant wait to see your designs.

Thanks so much!


What do you think @dimimp?

Welcome on board

Thanks ! Glad to be on board!

You are welcome

Can you enlarge the jet a lil bit? BTW it's cool.

Good, i'll upvote it. You're adhering to the instructions.


Steemjet swoops into the blue sky. The others are rocking! Steemjet remains in the clouds. Steemjet, cool! 👍👍👌👌👌@dimimp!

Thanks sir @dimimp for accepting my design.. sir i would love to join the SPACE FORCE. i promise to do my best to always contribute positively to this amazing community.
Thank you.


I did a video compilation for olivia and the superstar.

will do the naration soon. hope you like it.

I did a video compilation for olivia and the superstar.

will do the naration soon. hope you like it.

My new designs for STEEMJET


It's simple and lovely

this is copy logo @fidelmboro.

Informative post. Well

a spaceship!

Really cool ...
That's what steemjet is all about, Right?
I want to be a part of this, because it would really help the people where I live.
Most people still don't understand crypto here .
This could go a long way to show how crypto can change lives.
Edit :

You're on track visionary

Hey, do check the link and tell me how's that idea sound.

Where's the link?

Hey excellent idea ... welcome your action.

Concider me in @deandaniel bcoz this is what i am good at...i can bring in many people....
So do tell me what the next move is...i want to take part in this...As being a member of SF6 i also want to add alot to STEEMJET COMMUNITY ...
Just make everything clear about what to do...Coz we have been given a job but we are not fully infor.ed about what to do....
So i strongly recommend to categorize every steem force and let them know what they are assigned for....
Just do the maths and see how efficently the whole work will gather up.....
I know you people have been working alot and giving your best but trust me i also want to add alot to the community....
I kind want this job forever jhst tell me exactly what to do and i shall show you what i can do..
Best reagrds from @OBAIDB2 ....

OK... Once we come up with something, will get back to you ASAP.


we will be waiting for your report.

Thanks buddy @deandaniel ,will be waiting for veracious direction.....

At your service bro

Now i can actually see new great ideas springing up other than graphics design contest. Well done boss @deandaniel. Nice initiative a welcome idea

OK, what would you do about this??
Where would you start?

well i would want to thank you for recognising me. I think we should start with young elite,the computer literate,graduates,the universities,e-centers,computer centers,e.t.c these are the people who are ready to give their time and best to the growth of this community.hope this will be helpful. Thanks boss @deandaniel and sir @dimimp. there are lots to be done. on the wings of superstars,we are words and steem

Hiya guys ! Here are my steemjet time logos . hope @dimimp likes these ones. Hope it cool enough as the competition might end soon. And nice rules above @lordjames. I in particular would ensure i get along with you guys




yourmercury - time - 6 job

yourmercury - time - 7

great art, love it, nice complete concept

@dimimp And check this out too please.. Hoping you fall in love with it.. Its a more cartoon version I put together


And here is the png version


Old style !!!!!!!!!!!
w/new eyes:)

even looks a bit like SpaceShipOne :))))))


we are all waiting for this landing.
Nice art for #Steemjet



Excellenty art and nice color

Thanks very much! Funny though but i was not a graphics person before you initiated this contests.. This is what a steem bath does to someone lol.. Keep up the good work man! Love you loads

Good one boy.. multiple grate art. it is coll. and i now have it in my dairy!

Haha!! Thanks boy! I think you are becoming a fan ey! 😉.. Good job you guys are doing.. Always on the job. No matter how the page hangs andhooks! Hope the great Imp notices your good work. Peace bruv

you are right. they deserve it. they work very hard that's why our @dimimp sir choos them.

good to see you back, sorry I missed upvoting you when I was sick! You submitted a LOT of entries, but our art department is pretty full right now thanks!

@Dimimp is great But sir are you now feel sick????

@dimimp sir I'm always with you. I know that you was sick, that's why I'm not attend your last two post. Now how are you sir? How is your health condition now?

I'm glad that you are back in good health. Now the work is under full surveillance. Well therefore have more positive history. God bless us


you are very right that's the bigh problem for the people

This comment doesn't add value to the community. Take note please.

hey guys what do you think about this one too. Another entry


Steem Jet is sure landing in time guys.. And we know whom to thank for that.

And i think steem jet time contest should come to a close at least before the original closing date. My reason for this suggestion is that i think it would reduce the influx of more time logos and there would be more focus on the other contests. If not, because of the fact that it started first before the others, you would have a very large amount of it to judge. Its a suggestion from this lonely crooner @yourmercury to the jet forces and @dimimp

luce genial

This is so realistic and artistic....great work man

It is being held like a baseball.

I quite agree with you here @lordjames,the repeated comments and links are to much thereby not allowing someone to go through the comments without your phone freezing,so I like your new initiative Weldon bro.long live steemjet

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Please call them LAUNCH CODES, I think that is a great idea of yours.

It is not exactly accurate, but it does not have to be becasue the Space Force is the target audience, and we are creating our own linguistics.

This is very important, but I don't have time to explain it now.

But I need to start posting these launch codes in my Space Force posts, and I want to help write these in a way that is easy and fun to comprehend. Just the method we use to hire, fire, and evaluate people on a blockchain needs to be documented so that anyone joining steem can start and run their own business/payroll FOR FREE!

Therefore, our LAUNCH CODES are actually a VERY GOOD OPPORTUNITY for us to teach what steem can do for THEIR business accounting records.

Steemjet accounting records are IMMUTABLE and free to use. Why is YOUR business stuck in the dark ages?

It is not exactly accurate, but it does not have to be becasue the Space Force is the target audience, and we are creating our own linguistics.

Yes, this LAUNCH CODES were just an initial proposal which will be worked on to give us a smooth flight.

So now that you will modify them and announce to the community through your post, it will help us to know exactly how we'll be moving forward.

These codes will have good guidelines to keep the project on track, I am sure that everyone knows how it will work!

I think that the LAUNCH CODES will be the best blueprint that will help to ascertain some of the guidelines and procedures required to building #STEEMJET into an enviable global community of great people with potentials and extraordinary prowess.

It's good boss that you've approved of these launch codes and about to adopt them, i think that will enable my department perform our job more effectively.

#Launch codes is a great name. Granted, the initial idea does not have to be accurate. Not at all. However, it can reach perfection or at least get close it by way of refinement- a sort of panelbeating process so to speak.

It's essential to create our own linguistics..or would we rather call it vocabulary? Every organized body has theirs. Medicine? Engineering? We are STEEMJETIANS, why shoudnt we have ours?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Hey @dimimp ,are you on discord channel....i think someone on the dicord has been using your name @Theimp

Awesome! no doubt Steemjet is really cool, steemjet on the moon

To maximize my votes, I try to keep my SP between 90 and 100%. I have only let it get below 70% a few times in my near 100 days on Steemit. Before I ever joined Steemjet, I was using Smartsteem so that my SP would not go to waste. If I had the settings to only votes at 100% then it would skip hours without voting. 99% was the same. 98% is the sweet spot where I get 1 or 2 votes each hour while I sleep. Now with the Space Force delegation, I can vote on anything. I comment on 50 to 100 in a full day. Nearly all is for Steemjet now. I try to comment and vote on every post I read (or skim). What I wish to know is will I be penalized for using Smartsteem? It is probably my second best experience on Steemit next to Steemjet.

Steemjet is gonna rock soon. Its an marvellous thing. I had created the logo but couldn't get much attention. Yeah spam comments should be flagged. And yes Your post is very good.

Hello @lordjames

I saw in an article made by @empato365 that you'll be in charge of my department Well sir it's an honour to work with you. Before we were grouped into various departments I and @rextyge had already carried out a survey and discovered accounts that were usually used for spamming, fraud, plagiarism etc.

I know you're not in support of making several reports before August, but it'll help our department keep track of our progress. In the link above, the accounts were found to be guilty and compiling a list such as that will enable us eradicate their activities faster. I can't do this alone because most times their comments are randomly upvoted by @gentlebot which has a greater voting power therefore flagging such comments is a waste of time but with combined efforts it is very possible.

I'd also try to contact you on discord so we can talk more about how we can carry out our duties effectively.

Thank you.

Welcome, I'll read through all that links and see talk to you on discord. I hope your discord name is same as your name here.

Yes boss.

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

yes, coordinate your efforts when you can, and hopefully in a few weeks we can at least have a policy and strategy. I am going to take a hands off approach until August when I will start employee evaluations. In the meantime, I will be extending contracts like I did with both you and lifeofdarlington who need more time to try to absorb and dream the big picture. Contract extensions like this give employees piece of mind and allow them to focus their efforts on longer term initiatives. My goal for Aug employee evaluations is to be able to see some progress on some initiatives so that I can offer raises and contract extensions to our best prospects. I don't think that I would fire anybody on August evaluations, but I might give pay cuts if we need to hire more employees.

Yes sir, that is what this WHOLE idea is about. We all wish you can finish your discord setup soon so you can join our server and see some recent developments.

hopefully in a few weeks we can at least have a policy and strategy.

Thank you for the contract extension. Now we have a lot of time to establish great initiatives and we have already started working towards that.

I will be extending contracts like I did with both you and lifeofdarlington who need more time to try to absorb and dream the big picture.

all right ... thanks .
by the way ...
Here I am to also help the Spanish speaking people, I know there are some there.

hello sir @Dimimp, I would like to be assigned to one of the space forces, so as to help join in this train of global adoption by #STEEMJET. I promise to work and serve with all i got so as to, with the help of other members of the space force through our consolidated efforts bring #STEEMJET to the knowledge of the whole world. Not just the world to know us, but also to feel and enjoy the impact of our presence, because we are words and steem.

My entry
Although I'm late
images (1).jpg

giving little back to the community will make things easier for steemjet to be well known by others who are yet to know steemjet.

Since how aim is to press the good news.
I really like yOur way forward.

you are definitely right about this one and am happy to hear it from a very highly respected some one on steemjet we can create something great with one mind.
but sir you never posted the discord link for people who don't have.
am glad that things like this are coming up everyday.
we should not neglect the foot steps of the boss because he knows very well and he meant the best for us.

Thank you @lordjames
I was waiting for one of sf1 members to tell us what we've to do.
And I agree with the flagging bit, I've been saying since day 1 that flagging is the only way to stop spam here.

  ·  7 years ago Reveal Comment