Steemmonsters Giveaway: Complete Deck

in steemmonsters •  6 years ago 


I am not playing that gamble anymore.
So I have a complete deck to giveaway for free.

The only thing you need to do is comment, resteem and upvote this post.

After one day I will give it to a random commenter.

Have fun.

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Mhhh, interesting.

I find the game actually more and more addicting (would love your cards).

I would however be curious about your thoughts on the game and why you don't want to play any more?

I hope i can test my luck the very first time :)

Posted using Partiko Android

I might not win if its random like the legendary gold SM cards, no harm in trying. 😂

i´m a beginner in Steemmonster and a new deck will help me a lot. Thx. resteem and full upvote ;)

Thank you for the ooportunity to parctice qt this giveaway.

I have to ask, why do you quit?..

Posted using Partiko Android

This is me putting my name into the hat. #PickMe ;-)

This is a great giveaway. Thank you very much!
I still wish you'd stick around and play :)

random commenter here. beep beep. lol

Sad to hear that you are leaving, but I don't fault you for your decision. I am sure that you have a very good reason. I wish you luck and prosperity in the future.

Hope I win.

I'd love to win this!

Well I'm in - cheers!

Posted using Partiko Android

I want to let it be me

Posted using Partiko Android

Upvoted and resteemed. I like the idea of a new full deck!

This is so nice of you and i am trying it out maybe i will win.
I wish i could know your main reason of quitting but you know best.
i wish you a happy new year!



Really ? :o Wow I hope I'll win it

Thank you for this giveaway.
Upvoted and resteemed.

Who could pass up a chance at a complete deck of Steem Monsters... Not Me! 🙏

Posted using Partiko Android

I'd love to win your deck! <3 Upvoted, Resteemed, and here's a comment for you - hope you'll have a great day :-) Cheers!

Great initiative. Would be happy to participate!

I love steem monsters and won't be giving up my deck anytime soon

I'd like to be entered!

It is a shame that you gave up on it and give it away. You could just hold on to it maybe it will be worth something in a few years.

Posted using Partiko Android

Huh? Why are you quitting?? :( but thanks for giving it out though. Me me me!!

Posted using Partiko iOS

No worries, I can take that gamble!

I hope I'm lucky and win something.

Resteemed and 100% upvote done - I hope that I have luck.

I want too. :)

If i win it will be a good opportunity to figure it out. If i don't then I'll just repeat this.

Dabei :)

It will be great present for me to recieve this giveaway!

Posted using Partiko Android

Awesome giveaway.

All conditions completed.

I have gotten addicted lately, a full deck will surely help my continue to feed the addiction!

Posted using Partiko Android

Heya isno sollte ich gewinnen würde ich gerne das deck dem communityaccount von helpie-caster zu kommen lassen

Posted using Partiko Android

Thanks for the oportunity!

Coole Aktion, vielleicht hab ich ja Glück! :)

Upvoted and resteemed. I like the idea of a new full deck!
Thank you very much for this giveaway-contest !

  ·  6 years ago 

Pick me pick me!

Posted using Partiko iOS

Wow, great giveaway. Thanks for the chance.

Got to be in to have a chance to win so upvoted, resteemed and leaving this comment

It would be an honor to receive your Steem Monsters deck.

I have commented, upvoted, and resteemed.

Awesome! Thanks for this generous giveaway!

  ·  6 years ago 

Wondering why you quit playing SM. Still, it would be good, if I'm the fortunate enough to be picked to receive the deck from you. I promise to put your deck in good use and try my best to reach top 100! Upvoted and resteemed too!

Posted using Partiko Android

I'm in game, hope to get your deck in my collection!

Let's see who is the lucky guy!!

All I need is one Earth splinter Lyanna's card to get her to lvl2 :)

Sorry to hear your not playing anymore, but thankful for the chance! :D

Win win win

This post has received a 3.13 % upvote from @drotto thanks to: @isnochys.

Not sure if you've already picked a winner yet, but in case you haven't: Please Pick Me. I've been checking it out from afar, and this would give me the perfect kickstart to start playing.

Thank You (in advance) :-)

It's a great idea to giveaway a whole pack. Resteemed for ore people to see. It could have been nicer if the cards were spread around few individuals. But it's your giveaway. @steemmonsters is improving. So personally I'm very happy about the game.

Won't participate because I don't like to be forced to resteem.
Have an upvote to compensate your loss in investment. ;)
Good luck to everyone! :)

I want. idk what is Steemmonsters XD

need a less clutterd UI though

Do not pick me. Pick a bid bot, it might destroy it. 😀