Earning cryptocurrency for up-voting or 'liking' content

in steempower •  6 years ago  (edited)

Today is a bit of a milestone for me as I am set to pass 2000 Steem Power earned solely by up-voting content on Steem. For me, this is huge and when I started out here, I would never have expected to reach this total.

More on that soon but this video has a bit of a party feel to it and will do as the image for the post. Two minutes of a Mascleta that I watched (listened to) the other day. The iphone speaker doesn't really deal with the deafening noise too well - you'll have to come over and feel it yourself!

And this happens twice a day for two weeks!

2000 Steem Power earned in Curation Rewards

At the end of June 2017, I wrote this post, basically poo-pooing the idea that Curation Rewards were set to make you anything worthwhile as a small account.


On the 29th June 2017, I owned 966 Steem Power and earned almost 2.7 SP in curation rewards for the previous 7 days. Nothing worth cheering about from a STEEM/$ perspective, but I'm glad I documented this because now I can really see the value in holding and growing the amount of Steem Power owned.

29th June 2017

Twenty months have passed since the post linked above, and now with around 18k active SP, I am looking at around 37-40 SP earned each week via Curation Rewards with Steemworld showing 164 SP for the previous 30 days. What a difference!

It's fairly obvious really, in a PoS environment, that the more (SP) you own, the more you will earn via CR, but until you see this compounding interest type thing in action over a fair period of time, it's sometimes hard to picture. That was the case for me anyway :)

And actually, I could have earned more than this total if I had played a little dirtier. Self-voting own content prior to the first vote bigger than your own, or checking the wallets of the larger bid-bots and voting blindly on (at times shocking) content are two methods to boost CR.

I also trail @c-cubed, @utopian-io, and more recently, @tenkminnows via Steemauto. And while some disagree with trails, signing up to one doesn't actually return good Curation Rewards, but hopefully you are supporting the right mission / decent content.

Auto-voting has as well had a reasonable say in my 2000 SP earned via curation. Manual curators (god bless them all) are sacrificing CR for holding on to whatever 'proof of brain' there is left on Steem. I'm not going to worry too much about not reading everything my account votes on though, especially when I look into the data for some accounts. Steemworld tells me I voted for 296 accounts last week, and none of these votes purposely landed before a bid-bot vote.

I guess the message of this post is to just keep going :) Don't worry too much about CRs to start with, but perhaps make a note each month and then hopefully after a year or two you can compare back and feel pretty chuffed with the growth attained.

Have a good weekend all


For those that are kindly interested: I've not yet had a call from the recruitment company with regards to my potentially amended start-date but have heard from 'other sources' that things could well be put on hold. What a fking bummer :(

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Thats really good brother. Here is mine after a year.Screenshot_20190308-083457_Chrome.jpg
No where near you.😁

You are a good man!

Nah, he's a good man. On the same level as you and dave, ftg and others. Im just trying to follow in the footsteps of the great leaders(like you) who helped me. Thank you brother.

Very kind and generous of you John. Hopefully your account will grow so that this and any future delegations are a small percentage of your stake - it needs to be held to return higher curation rewards, etc.

I am very humbled to wake up this morning and discover this. Thankyou just doesn't seem to cut it.

Posted using Partiko Android

There is some progress though at least :)

But yes, I only started to notice CRs creeping up after 10k SP and so i would just carry on as you are until that massive power up lands :D

As nice as it is to receive these rewards, has there ever been a time that curation rewards actually worked. I mean, has there ever been a time when the incentive for rewards resulted in a well curated front page. I don't think there has. There has only been differing degrees of bad, when Reddit seems to do it much better with only non-transferable karma points as a reward (which are nearly completely worthless, but not entirely if you're willing to sell your account for a small sum to astroturfers).

has there ever been a time when the incentive for rewards resulted in a well curated front page

Well you know probably better than I do, but I'm going to go for a solid 'no' here.

Using stake clearly hasn't worked for the main Trending page on steemit.com, other sites look better though - steempeak for one as it rotates curie/c-squared content.

I wonder if something like 'claps' or 'likes', holding no monetary value, would be a better solution to the main page - not holding my breath for their appearance just yet though.

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Wow @abh12345 ...

"... a milestone for me as I am set to pass 2000 Steem Power earned solely by up-voting content on Steem."

... I agree that is an impressive achievement! Well done!! Do you wonder about the split between upvoting posts vs upvoting supporting comments?

Start date put on hold? Sorry to hear about this. Are they reneging on a firm start date given to you earlier?

Thanks :)

Yes actually, I didn't mention in the post that rewarding comments will likely earn less curation than up-voting Posts in the first 10-15 minutes of their existence. You will see that the Curation Reward hunters rarely up-vote comments with any weight, unless the comment is their own of course :)

Are they reneging on a firm start date given to you earlier?

Yes, and sadly it is in my contract that if work does not start, then they are under no obligation to pay. Feeling a little frustrated at present to say the least!

Hmmm @abh12345 ...

"You will see that the Curation Reward hunters rarely up-vote comments with any weight ..."

... I don't know how you view this, but I think that is unfortunate. You and I both know of some very good "content creators" who are adding value to posts through what they put into supporting comments ...

I think the effort put in should be rewarded, just as posts are rewarded. Hard, of course, to be real precise on exactly how to weight it vs. posts, but definitely worth something. I see a lot of very good comments which never receive any "support" at all ...

For sure. Some of my posts are more about what I'm providing in the comments (data, graphs, etc) and I do see some excellent and informative comments without a vote.

Sadly though, CR is usually small in comparison, and so many choose to aim for posts with their votes.

I have just received confirmation that the contract is on hold. Now what to do?!

"I have just received confirmation that the contract is on hold. Now what to do?!"

Very sorry to hear this @abh12345. Life is tough enough, without the added complication of unfairness/ lack of integrity, etc. ...

Well sir, for your sake, I hope other and better options present themselves very quickly!

Posted using Partiko Android

Separately, very sorry to hear your contract apparently is not being honored. Frustration is certainly understandable. I hope it is all favorably resolved in the very near future!

The mother F&£#&£S!! The recruitment company I mean.

Curation rewards, particularly since that last hardfork are sure worth it now even if you have a relatively low stake in the hundreds. It's free money!

Yeah, and a nice section in the contract:

Which basically tells me i'm fucked :)

Curation Rewards though, how long until I don't have to work and can live off these?! :)

Ooft, yeah. That is a swine of a line!!

Hehe, I have been wondering the same. One day dude, one day!!

Covered their arses from all kinds of pumps right there!

One day, in 2025 :)

They deserve a special pumping!!

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Bring out las bombas!

hmm, I learned the word bicycle pump last year but having just checked google translate with las bombas, it's saying 'bombs'.

This is interesting because the other day I went through security at the town hall and they wanted stuff out of my bag, i mentioned la bomba as being a possible culprit. OOPS! hahaha

Vamos a bombando!! :0D

Yikes, my Spanish is quite poor. I had a Spanish teacher from Valencia. He was very good bit also quite prudish which was hilarious.

You will be a marked man!

Vamos a bombando

Sounds like one of those parties I've never been to!

Being prudish in your class his luck was rather out!

So did earn more with curating than I did with writing. For you 😁 but for me also 😁.
Curating is still an undervalued way of inreasing your SP!
Keep it going Asher! You are steady on your way to the next level. Will support you all the way with my small tiny upvotes!

Posted using Partiko iOS

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Some really enjoy the curation game and take it quite seriously, I think it's good to have an eye on things but also try not to slip to the dark side so much too.

Thanks for the support, next stop 5k! :)

2000 curation is a lot. I think I am around 0.7SP a day. I took a hit when I stopped self-voting, but I am over the addiction now and I feel better. Shamefully, I still use bid buying services. I don't know if 'proof of brain' rules out bots cause I guess computers and AI are brains even if they are better or worse than mine.
Cheers. You write some of the most thought-provoking stuff on $steem and definitely deserve every SP you earned.

Yeah it feels like a huge amount for just clicking a button (or having a bot do it for me).

Self-votes will help as you can usually time them perfectly (by checking your auto votes received and under-cutting them), but yeah, I'd rather use that vote elsewhere still.

Thanks for the comment, I don't feel my content is great - certainly not written that well but occasionally the topics could be interesting to some. Cheers!

I currently earn about 10 SP each week. My active SP is about 4400 SP. I autovote a handful of people whose content I'm very familiar with. I sometimes change my vote afterwards to give them a much bigger vote if they come up with something particularly good. Otherwise I manually curate. I do self-upvote at about 14-15 minutes but I don't think that's particularly dirty a thing to do. Oh, and I use @ocdb, too which has had the effect of adding maybe 3-4 SP to my weekly curation rewards.

It would be so sweet to be able to earn, say 10 SP per day simply by curating when STEEM is at $15 a few years down the road. That's like earning a living by reading stuff that you like. :) But I'm afraid a stable STEEM price in the double digits will be further in the future than that. It would take a monthly active users numbering in the tens or hundreds of millions with their attention effectively monetized and/or hundreds or thousands games or other type of paid content creating a organic i.e. non-speculative demand for STEEM.

I sometimes change my vote afterwards to give them a much bigger vote if they come up with something particularly good.

This will reset/kill any curation for the old and new vote - just making sure :)

I do self-up-vote at about 14-15 minutes but I don't think that's particularly dirty a thing to do.

In the grand scheme of things it isn't, carry on :)

I agree that this sort of daily income is years down the line, but not impossible though. One Clash of clans would be a good start, and I don't think we'd need many of these to send STEEM flying.

"I sometimes change my vote afterwards to give them a much bigger vote if they come up with something particularly good."

This will reset/kill any curation for the old and new vote - just making sure :)

I know. When I change my vote, I do it for the user I'm voting, not for myself.

"I do self-up-vote at about 14-15 minutes but I don't think that's particularly dirty a thing to do."

In the grand scheme of things it isn't, carry on :)

I agree that this sort of daily income is years down the line, but not impossible though. One Clash of clans would be a good start, and I don't think we'd need many of these to send STEEM flying.

Clash of Clans had been downloaded 500 million times by October 2018 according to Wikipedia. A Clash of Clans on the Steem blockchain would send STEEM flying but only if onboarding were made super easy.

For sure. The account created at the time with a Claimed Account token would be ideal. Not impossible, I'm waiting for this day :)

On a good note, you at least have some mind numbing booming and exploding to hear every day for two weeks twice a day. I hope you have ear plugs, and nose sulfur filters. ;-}

It does add and compound pretty good actually when you look at it. I have been on steemit now about 18 months over-all SP curation earned was 47SP, that breaks down to just a little of 2.6 SP a month. Now for the last 30 days SW says I made 7.34 SP, and the last 7 days 1.5 SP. So with the increase of Steem Power, (powering all those tiny curation/author rewards up), the numbers grow. I am looking forward to the day they grow a lot lot more.

About the job, well a lot of times when things like this happen, something better comes along, an offer out of the blue, or one of the others you contacted say "Hey, you still available?". Enjoy the adventure, don't let it get you down.

I was wondering why my nose was itching so much - you could have a point here!

Glad to hear you are noticing the rewards creep up, i think it does add a little more game to Steem - and I do like games :)

Thanks for the words re: the job, given me a bit of a boost in these trying times. Let's see what happens.

All Time 74.58 692.70
Last 30 Days 20.36 78.34 24.29 11.19 67.83
Last 7 Days 4.98 25.84 0.00 4.57 18.78

I don’t know if you can make out above from steemworld. But as time goes on and SP increases so does the rewards I am receiving.

Sorry to hear about the delay in the job. I hope it works out soon. Real soon

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

Well it's going OK with your new SP level I think - tough though as a 100% manual curator to pick-up the same as the autos.

Yeah, real bummer on the job - it looks like i'll be heading somewhere else for the time being. Thanks.

edit: By the way, you now have enough RCs to claim an account.

Fancy owning your first Account token? :)

edit: By the way, you now have enough RCs to claim an account.

LOL and that means what. I never heard of it before. and this token is where ?

  ·  6 years ago (edited)

The token is stored with your account on the chain.

You can create it here: https://app.steemconnect.com/sign/claim_account?creator=wolfhart&fee=0.000%20STEEM&extensions=[]

It will use most of your RCs, but all other transactions are tiny compared and so you wont be 'silenced'. They will take almost 4 days to recover to 100%, then you should be able to do it again (if the RC cost has not increased).

edit: You will need to copy the link, including the []

thanks. I will save the link for future reference.

I don't think I need a new account yet. this one keeps me busy. and 4 days to recover RC is hugh.

Unless I can think of a cool account name like , ASHER ;)

First off regarding the gig...total letdown if they slam it in yer shitter. Would you get reimbursed fir the trip and all that or would you just be boned?

Second...awesome to point this out. Guessing not enough people look at this actively (I do!). While I haven’t been taking notes per day, I am aware of how it’s slowly growing and compounding. It’s kinda exciting to watch in a strange way. Help me keep on trucking.

Anyway, more people should take note and check their numbers as it might give more motivation to kick some ass here a bit more.

As always sir, great post.

Based on the call I've just had, I'm feeling rather slammed in the shitter!

They did mention partial reimbursement, nothing concrete though - like the role as it's still not 100% off or on?!

Curation is part of the Steem game, and it's good to gamify things for personal interest I think. Glad you are looking out for yours, I guess they have bolted up in recent months as you have been stacking :D

Thank you sir!

Damn. That’s harsh. Hope it somehow all works out. Ugh...

Yeah, I’ve bought a lot along the way though. Whenever I can I’ve been adding to the stacks which have helped in growth. Looking forward to when I can boast numbers like yours! 😜

This will be pretty soon looking at your SP! With some mixed and manual voting you should be looking at 130-150 SP a month?

Dayum! And I was feeling pretty chuffed as I approach 9SP from Curation Rewards

Posted using Partiko Android

I assume you are one of the purists, manually curating? Fair play, but it does mean slower progress with these numbers.

Yeah, manual curation combined with not actually having massive amounts of SP (still under 300), so it's naturally taking time to build, but I'll keep grinding at it.

Posted using Partiko Android

Even though you don't quite meet the criteria, I'd like to see some support for you via #tenkminnows. It feels like you've been here too long to still be a Red Fish!

It's only been around 12 months, but I'm loud and obnoxious so I get noticed haha. Thanks for the vote of confidence though :)

Posted using Partiko Android

Interesting! I am currently where you were in your "before" - just over 900 SP - but I manual vote and I vote comments too. Sometimes I vote without reading, because I don't want to waste the VP but I don't have any spoons/focus, but I do that by poking into my feed or #cleanplanet or #needleworkmonday and just running it out there.

Can't believe it and what bad timing. Curation is more important than what people think and it is like the silent earner.

Yeah really not good timing for a few reasons! One, I'm here, and two, damn STEEM - i want some!

Curation is the silent earner - As inflation is something like 10%, if you can add 10% via CR then that sounds pretty good to me.

Just been doing a post which is out later on curation and why it can be a really good earner done right. I think eventually when I am worn out I will do more with curation than trying to find 2 posts a day.

Great! Keep up the good work! Congrats on the Milestone. :)

Thank you very much :D

You won’t get rich with curation, however you can get some tokens to use in some games here.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Not at present, but imagine the token at $10. I could live off 160 x $10. That number, if ever, is years away yet though, and so a good chance to raise the SP :)

I will be hoping to reach 2,000 sp also one day on steemit

The mother F&£#&£S!! The recruitment company I mean.

Curation rewards, particularly since that last hardfork are sure worth it now even if you have a relatively low stake in the hundreds. It's free money!

So you gonna spent a whole week to have fun (lost) in the city then😂😂 2000 Steem for 20 months 😉 that's cool. I don't think I even got 20 Steem for 13 months 😂😂😂 I neef to use the advise you put on the CEL post again then😊


Pick 10 active authors and use steemauto.com to vote for them at 8 minutes with a 50% vote. Then you have 50% of your daily VP to vote manually.

At present though, with your SP, I wouldn't think about rewards and just vote where you see fit :)

How can I check mine?

https://steemworld.org/@josediccus Will show you your recent curation rewards but I am not sure where you can see the history easily. I would need to run a report, but am not at my laptop right now.

Okay, thanks a million

Cool you get this 2000 SP :) ... If you get this then soon you have also 5000 SP ... just make more cool and good posts :)

Will it took 20 months activity to reach 2000 SP, but I'm thinking (based on current monthly CR), it might take another 15 months to reach 5k. Thanks :)

At the next high price, we all get a lot of value, so I believe you will get it faster then just 20 months :)

Congratulations and have a great weekend. I am way below the 2K mark with only 526.50 SP earned. :P

With 4700 SP, you are earning some insane Curation Rewards! With 8000 SP i think you would overtake my weekly CR, nice!

Nice going! Thanks for the inspiration, too! I knew there were many reasons why I love it up here.


Yeah I was hoping to bring a little encouragement as early on the CRs are so low and a touch depressing. Not now though, I can buy a few beers each week :D

It's pretty wonderful at this point. We just have to hope things go up, and not down.

Posted using Partiko Android


I have a "miserable" 350SP made via curation :)

Sooooo.... what you're saying @abh12345. we need 100% curation rewards, 0% author rewards! :) Total sarcasm aside, it is notable that as the SP goes up, so does the curation rewards, even if the upvotes are ill-timed, but especially if they're not.

As one of the few remaining manual curators, I have thought about autovoting off and on over the last fourteen months, but still haven't done it. But then, I don't have anything else I'm doing on a regular basis other than STEEM. If/when I get a job, we'll see if that changes.

Speaking of which, you're not inspiring any of us who would actually be looking for work instead of spending as much time building stake, you know. In fact, it's quite the opposite. Stay the course! Hold the line!

I really am sorry to hear that this is happening. It puts you in the worst sort of limbo, not knowing if you should be hanging around or not because of the job (the noise twice a week would not keep me there, personally).

I don't know that all things happen for a reason as some folks are fond of saying, but I have experienced that things do eventually work out, simply because they have to. So, there's that, I guess. I wish you luck, however this is going to work out. :)

You know, this is the first time in a long time that I’ve even considered trying to maximize curation rewards. I’ve always wanted to maximize post rewards (and was aware of comment rewards too), but thought of commenting solely in the context of parceling out my VP as widely as I could among my favorite authors.

I guess I’ve always thought of curation rewards as so low they weren’t worth thinking about. Hmmm. I’ll have to reflect on whether I actually want to start considering these.

Thanks for this very clear post on the topic.

EDIT - I just realized in reading Taraz’s post referencing this one that the reason I don’t try to maximize curation rewards is that I think of curation as my giving to the community and content creation as how I receive for giving content. I guess I might start thinking of curation as both giving and receiving. It just doesn’t appeal to me though when I think about doing anything differently.

That's cool. I see I've passed 1000 SP for curation, but then I've delegated a lot of my SP, so it could have been more. I don't mind others earning from it.

I hope that your generosity with all these delegations comes back to you 10 fold one day - one of the good guys here!

I know it's not much in the scheme of things, but it feels like the right thing to do.

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That is some achievement, congratulations


My pleasure, keep rocking

I don't understand how to make any money on curation. For a while I delegated a lot, but now I just use Partiko, wondering how that will work out.

Posted using Partiko Android

Hi @abh12345!

Your post was upvoted by @steem-ua, new Steem dApp, using UserAuthority for algorithmic post curation!
Your UA account score is currently 6.877 which ranks you at #101 across all Steem accounts.
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In our last Algorithmic Curation Round, consisting of 218 contributions, your post is ranked at #3. Congratulations!

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have heard from 'other sources' that things could well be put on hold.


Well that's a turn up for the books. I hope it still works our for you. Are there more job opportunities in Valencia if it does fall through? Either way I know it will work out for you so hang in there.

2000SP from curation sounds brilliant to me. Well done! 😍

I take the same approach and don’t worry about that and focus on spreading good votes around the ecosystem. I love my first experience on joining a trail with tenkminnows as well and think I will do it more often! Probably those you mention as well as Helpie.

Posted using Partiko iOS

Even after 17 months I still need to learn a lot about curation... it is one of my weaker points, :0)

I've been feeling sick all week, and haven't been around much, so only just now I found out about the 10K minnows project. I'm definitely in.

Still haven't heard anything about the job? If not, it will be because something else is probably waiting for you just around the corner

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That is impressive! My all time curation SP is 199.
I am so sorry about the job uncertainty.

  ·  6 years ago Reveal Comment