Winner of the $200 Steem Telegram Giveaway!

in steemtelegram •  6 years ago 

I recently ran a Telegram Giveaway for users on the Steem Telegram:
Join the Steem Telegram Here:

The contest was that I would give one lucky member of the Steem Telegram group $200 in crypto!

The winner chosen at random is... Lea @coruscate - Congratulations!

While the selection was random, I am glad to see the prize go to an awesome Steemian like Lea!

Be sure to be in the Steem Telegram groups (don't forget about the Steemit one as you never know when I might bust out a random contest in the future.

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Wow I don’t know what to say! Thank you Dan! I hope this ended up being a really successful contest for you and got lots of people into the channel! Thank you again!

Ps... keep an eye open ya’ll because I just might cook up a fun contest of my own to give away some of the winnings. 🤗

@coruscate, Congratulations and have a wonderful time ahead.

@theycallmedan, Good to see these surprising initiatives. Keep up brother.

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @coruscate your day will be beautiful.
@theycallmedan the prizes at your contests are fantastic and everyone can be happy if he is the winner.

Wow, another high profile steemian winning more stuff... Im shocked! LoL. I don't care I didn't win because I never win shit like this.. However, it would of been nice to see it go to a steemian who doesn't already have 11,000 liquid steem sitting in their wallet.. But that's my opinion and it's worth exactly what you paid for it...... Nothing.. hahahaha

It was all random, it wouldn't be fair to everyone if I excluded anyone. I will have more contest in the future. Lea has done a lot for Steem and I am happy for her. I would have been happy for whoever won.

I understand bro, Im not judging.. i just have a terrible habbit of say whats on my mind. LoL.

I know you are one of the few whales that actually does take care of the little guys, so I cant hate about any decisions you make..

Congrats @coruscate 🤑

Posted using Partiko iOS

Congrats @coruscate the luckiest Steemian!👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻😁😉🎉🙌

Posted using Partiko Android

Congratulations @coruscate for winning this contest.

wow Congratulations @coruscate dear :-)

Congratulations to the winner @coruscate! Never came across her before but just had a quick look at her profile and looks like a right laugh! New follower here too!

Posted using Partiko Android

Congrats @coruscate 😁

Congratulations Lea @coruscate!

congrats 🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎊

Next time, you should use something like or something like that and show the selection in a live stream.

That's asking a lot of someone giving away money. If anyone feels the need to question my integrity and have doubts about my giveaways, they can feel free not to participate.

interesante gracias por compartir..

Congratulations 😍

It's been a long while since I last used Telegram. Just here to say Congrats to the winner and thanks for doing this giveaway @theycallmedan.

Pense que harias una loteria en vivo con tantos miembros participando. I thought you would do a live lottery with so many members participating.

It's a fix.

Congrats @coruscate

A big congrats to her!