High Rewarding of Pornographic Content Will Wreck Steemit

in stoptheporn •  8 years ago 

I write this post to stir up some intelligence because it seems many people here are lacking.
So just the other day, I was showing my fairytale to a 10year old and how I made money on it. This prompted his question of what this site called Steemit was so without thinking I went to the trending page and found the top payed posting, well over 200$ and it was of a half naked girl soliciting her “nude webcams”. Yes, this content was received very well on steemit, netting 15x more in than any of my posts.
I am now embarrassed to say I am involved here!?
All I can say is


Here is Steemits new direction I guess: lets make this place another site to see free porn!
Is this some kind of fucked up joke?
Does the world need more avenues to see smut garbage?

I assure you the answer is a clear NO!

If steemit wants to appeal to the masses and provide a high quality blogging site for high quality writers and their fans, then Steemit needs to take a direction away from the porn!

Stop rewarding porn!

I get it, steemit needs users, but the last thing steemit needs is to be known as a porn palace.
All these rewards will do is attract more porn, and more porn seekers looking to get paid for the same shit a legitimate porn site could do.
Simply. Having porn as the top paying posts is disrespectful for the creators of actual content, and the people who up voted this garbage onto trending should be as ashamed as I am for accidentally stumbling on this with a 10yo. I can only imagine if he tells his mom (my sister) that I blog on a site with porn…

Anyways, I have begun powering down because if porn is what Steemits future holds, then I know there isn’t a future here for me. I’m not willing to stoop to the level of showing everyone my body for cash, so I fear my value here isn’t worth it.
Fyi: Steemit can’t compete with the big porn sites, and attempting to do so will only destroy the chances of becoming something great. Porn will cause more people to not come here than the users you will gain from it.


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You came to an uncensored platform and are now crying for censorship. Maybe I think all political posts should be censored because to me they are more harmful than porn ever will be.

Thanks for the generic response.
I'm not saying censor, I'm saying to not reward this shit...
Steemit is a better site than accepting porn as a selling point, and if that is the direction this is going, no reputable people will be here let alone invest in another porn site..

To some it's not "shit" it's content. Steemit should be better than copy/paste news too but it's not. At least the adult content is original. It's a narrow minded view that just because you think it's garbage it is.

I'm with justiceforall on this. I have a 6 year old I'm trying to bring on board, but I can't risk him stumbling on NSFW content.
There are plenty of places online for young ladies to make cash by stripping off, but very few options for youngsters to make decent pocket money.

If steemit wants porn, I'm fine with that, although I personally will not be up-voting that content. I'm old enough to remember when porn was one of the most visible uses of the Internet itself. It seems to be a natural step in the evolution of technology.

But if steemit is also inviting under-18 users to join, then there needs to be a mechanism for parents to keep the mature content out of our households. If we (as parents) can't filter just the mature content, and if the mature content reaches a high enough level of visibility, then we'll be blocking the whole web site, which is bad for the value of the whales' holdings (and would make me sad).

You know, a filter would probably help with that along with a bunch of other categories. A subscription type like reddit would be great!
But as things are, this is not a place for kids

I dont know if you are aware, but the Terms of service in Steemit doesnt allow people under 13

My mistake, he's actually 14 :)

i don't like kittens. can we censor them as well?

I have nothing against adults who want to see porn, and there are great places for them to do that. But I agree that if Steemit gets known as a porn site, I will leave. Porn can be a great source of money for young women, but this is (or should be) a different place.

Porn is everywhere, I don't see the purpose in bringing it here and promoting it. This site is meant to reward quality, not naked people. I hope this is just a phase that quickly dies out

A filter for our accounts and an explicit option that blurs any photos until clicked would solve a lot of that.
We need the youngsters for the repeat business.
I'm not seeing the pornsters do more than flash in the pan,....
The community will get their momentary thrill and then move on, but the kids need some filter options.

I hope your right. But With such nice payouts it is most likely draw more in before something is done about it.
good comment, thanks

I'm doubting that the rewards will be worth their time, why would they be here getting abused by the do-gooders when they could be doing something fun that pays better?
As you can see the two best known have flamed out already.

I can't agree more. There is a place and a time for everything...but porn or promoting it on the general trending page is not it.

Thank you for agreeing.
And I agree with you. Promoting porn shouldn't make it on the trending page, so many other deserving authors should get that recognition

I agree with you, but in defense of the post this type of material is also readily available on every other social network.

I wouldn't worry too much. In my opinion it only trended because there isn't much of this type of material on the site at the moment. If suddenly tons of girls advertise webcams they won't all be upvoted. Unless a mega whale is a porn addict which who knows, maybe that is the case :)

Sure its readily available but the material isn't being rewarded on these other sites. Putting a reward on solicitation ads will spread like wildfire...
I just see this as bad move on Steemits part.

I am not a prude, but porn is misleading to say the least, unhealthy for those who view it or make it. Steemers should have the sense to discourage it here. There is no down-vote, so do we need to have some kind of community referendum that will enable porn posts to be removed?

Not a prude either, as porn can be found everywhere, just I dont see the value rewarding these posts as being high quality content. It looks bad and a large majority will not be involved in a site known to support and pay porn.

100% agree.

I thought there was a place for that on the site called UnderSteem. I read a post a few months ago about it. What happened to that project. They could post there.

'Steemitup' would work too

relax. there is practically no porn here.

porn also is not an issue, many social media sites have it (google, twitter, reddit) just to name a few. they are doing fine.

I find your post much more problematic. and kids are not that scared of nudity and have perfect access to it.

there its a tag it keeps everything hidden... what else do u need.

There is a huge difference between nudity and porn.

that is not the point. The point is we don't need content nazis. U can go to Facebook and youtube if you want that. Here people can post and get rewards if others appreciate it and vote for it. The system has worked to the extend that nudity practically does not exist here.

The NSFW tag works pretty well imho. I think there would be even better ways to implement it, but I am worried when people come and want to censor content. If you don't like it, you can down vote.

However I do not understand your concern as anything with nsfw is not really visible and if nude stuff does not get the tag, it get down voted. what more do u need?