A true story: what happend to a pregnant woman in a bus

in story •  7 years ago  (edited)


In this morning I went to the bus station to get to work. At 7:00 AM the streets were already crowded. I stayed in the station for 10 minutes and I watched those around me. Many of them probably still felt sleepy. It's just one of the ordinary mornings of a working day.

I was sleepy and I thought it's good that tomorrow is weekend and I'll sleep until later.

By mystake I forgot my headphones at home.

To bed! I couldn't listen to music in this day...
This, however, makes me more careful about what is happening around me.

All the seats in the bus were busy, some people stood up. I noticed a pregnant lady standing next to me.

Then I analyzed those standing in front of this lady: there were 3 men, I could see on their face that they weren't tired.

One of them checked his updates on Facebook.

Another read bored a newspaper.

One started looking at some video with full volume and laughing, hysterical, very noisy.

What bothered me? What was the problem?

They noticed the pregnant woman and they didn't even offer her a seat. But if she had her leg in pain and had to sit down, would they give her the seat in this case?

They didn't show any sign of respect for this woman.

How much education should have those men? What values ​​do they have?
I will never know.

The pregnant woman looked at me, giving me a forced smile as if there was nothing to do. I got off the bus with the thought that some people are selfish, have no education, without a gesture of politeness for a pregnant woman and for anyone else.

What do you think about my exeperince? Why some people are indifferent and do not have respect for women? Why they do not have manners?

Photo source: dailymail.co.uk

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I agree that this was a total lack of basic manners and courtesy. Only I'm curious as to why you only called out the males in this situation ? Where there no able bodied females seated on this bus that could have offered their seat??
If so why are you not mentioning them at all wile shamming the males?? Or are you of a mind that being female exempts them practicing said basic manners and courtesies.
Personally I would have given up my seat for this lady without a thought as I would have for an elderly or handicapped individual in the same circumstance. If I was standing I would expect then nearest able bodied person, male or female or whatever else they are calling themselves these days to do the same.

This is what is wrong with the world today ! It is all about ME,ME,ME the world is selfish. One day soon things are going to change I feel it is sooner then we all think. Ask yourself one simple question " WHAT WOULD JESUS DO " ? If everyone daily would just do simple things like that just think of the kind world we would live in today?

Just need an act of random kindness :-)

This happened to me when I was 8.5 months pregnant. Fortunately, I was travelling with a friend who shamed everyone on this bus. People seem to be so self-absorbed and selfish these days. Although I have heard from some men that they are afraid to be chivalrous to women as they don't want to deal with feminists getting upset with them and being accused of being condescending.

People should have some basic morals, courtesy and respect for women.

I have seen this a lot--people choosing their own comfort when they can be of service. I teach my kids we serve the youngest first because the youngest is the least able to serve themself. Or if there are elderly, they go first. I also teach them to make room for others.

no spirit for them ,