Billy's story.

in story •  6 years ago  (edited)

Original anecdote by @Breili.


It was a Monday in December I was leaving early to go to work, leaving my boyfriend's apartment I stumbled into the hall with a white and yellow adult cat, when he saw me he approached me affectionately, as I could see he was lost because he was wearing a nice necklace but without identification, I thought it was from a neighbor of the building I caressed him and continued my way.

When I arrived at the office I received a call from my boyfriend who, very excited, told me that a very affectionate cat was hanging around his door, he approached all the neighbors with the intention of entering the apartments, evidently looking for a home. My answer was curt, I said - Yes, I saw it too. Almost begging asked me to please adopt him, he could not do it because he already had one, to which I replied that my grandmother had pets banned at home, he would throw me and the cat too.

I insisted too much and I was busy I could not continue with the call and to finish that matter I told him to grab the cat and then we would see what to do with it. Minutes later I began to get pictures where he was seen eating, sleeping and playing; I just answered - His name is Billy. I could not believe that I now had a cat and I did not know what to do, we agreed that my house would take it that night.

While I was waiting for him I was nervous with expectations of how my family would take it, since it was an adult cat, I was uncertain of its behavior, obedience and cleanliness, many questions were going through my mind. When he arrived I received him in my arms until I entered the house, I remember that he was weighed and scared. I presented it to my grandmother and as an excuse I told her that her real family had gone on a trip and I would do the favor of taking care of her until January, her look told me that she was not convinced but she followed suit. That first night I did not have adequate food to offer him I tried to give him milk and he did not want to try it, I gave him canned tuna and he ate only a little.

The next day I went to work and left it under the care of my grandmother, I called home several times to hear from him and always the answer was the same, which was very calm, this time I went shopping and took everything necessary to the care of a domestic cat, food, a plastic container, cat litter, shampoo and on a whim my foam for dry bath. To my surprise everyone at home accepted it in a good way, the very astute knew how to win the affection of the people and steal my heart.

With the passing of time, the "quiet" Billy turned into bad behavior, escapes from the house to go out into the street, to fight with other cats, make scandal and bother all the neighbors, get into trouble, was his favorite hobby. On one occasion he was lost for five days and my nephew cried inconsolably in his four-year language that Billy had escaped through the window. For having hurt the most important person in my life without ever seeing him again.

Several days went by until a neighbor took him to my house. Do you remember when I said that I knew how to win people's affection? It was exactly what I had done. I asked where he had found it and he told me that he was sleeping in another house. Do you also remember that he was astute? That little bandit was my bad behavior, I adored him, he seemed my shadow, he was always with me, he enjoyed my company he liked to sleep under my bed, with everyone he was affectionate, but ours was a special connection.

To prevent it from being lost again and to be hurt in the street I decided to castrate it, I placed a day of sterilization in my community, that day I got up early to enter a list of almost 100 pets, between dogs and cats, female and male. He was assigned the number 17 and at 11:00 a.m. After having spent many hours without eating, he was finally operated on. I bought the prescribed medications and took them home, still asleep, for their recovery, they warned me that the anesthesia caused the cats adverse effects, caused dizziness and hallucinations. When he woke up I tried to give him the medicines but it was impossible mission, if you have ever tried to do it you will understand me.

The night of the operation night Billy went crazy, he attacked me twice, I attributed this act to the side effect of the anesthesia of which they had spoken to me before, I took him out of the house for fear of attacking my grandmother or my little nephew. Moments later that neighbor friend of Billy arrived at my door, carrying him in his arms, he returned it to me, I received it fearful and locked him in the bathroom. With this you can infer that my experience with castration was traumatic.

Little was missing for the arrival of the month of December, would be the first anniversary of Billy in our family, the first of many. Until one morning getting ready to go to work, being at my boyfriend's house, in the same way as this story began, ended. I received the call from my grandmother, giving me the news that I had found Billy dead under my bed, with obvious signs of poisoning. I felt a strong pressure in my chest as if someone had taken my breath away, I was speechless, without air and without tears.

I thought Then what evil soul can harm an innocent? surely some neighbor annoyed and tired of the mischief of my cat decided to end his life and with the intention of hurting me. Without finding an answer to that question, I cried. I cried imagining him suffering, he looked for me where he always did and he did not find me, he died looking for my help and that destroys me. The time has passed and it still hurts, the tears that burn in my eyes remind me, I did everything that was within my reach for him and yet I could not save him from the evil.

Thank you for reading this very personal story and I regret not having brought you a happy reading today, but life has a cruel side too.

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beautiful story

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The cat is really in good hands. Its enjoying.

good history amiga

ohmigosh, what a lovely story. It's funny how cats choose to "adopt" someone. It sounds like he was adventurous and chose to live his life the way he wanted. =^..^=