Trump-Pence the Trumpets

in story •  8 years ago 

Something has made me uneasy for the past week. Before the elections, I received a little bit of divine inspiration, most likely from the one who is represented by XX. I don't even use this deck, and I was not researching anything related to tarot, but this Trump card came to me. I had an immediate reaction that thought, "That angel looks like Donald Trump."

It was then that I knew Trump was going to win the election and be the president-elect. This was before the voting began. If you don't believe me, you can check my Instagram timeline and see it for yourself. It was a very unsettling feeling because while I dared to hope that God, the angels, or some other group of entities were behind this shift that could finally bury the Clinton cabal and the dark occultists they serve, I also recognize that putting any faith in Donald to change the system from within the system is utter nonsense. But nevertheless, I could feel my old Satanic programming kicking in, the days of my youth when I was patriotic and looked at military types, police, and government leaders as heroes that kept us safe... I could feel those frequencies that I thought I had done away with long ago creeping back in the form of hope. Well, if you've read my book series The Tale of Onora, then you know what my thoughts on hope are. Let me remind you. One of my characters says, "Hope. Only two kinds of people are born from that word. Tyrants and slaves."

Let's briefly decode the symbolism in the Trump card. Look at the flag. The Knights Templar symbol, the Rosy Cross. That is a symbol that describes the nature of the universe: it opens itself like a rose blooming, and then folds and bends itself back into a cube. Expiration and inspiration. The cube is a symbol for Saturn, as is XX. Just to give you an idea of what Saturn corresponds to in the world around you, here are some symbols that correspond to the Seal of Saturn:

It's important not to get paranoid or delusional about the symbolism, as everything has its polarity and paradoxes, and under the Absolute Truth, all is good. Evil is merely undeveloped good, though the Divine Ego has its own way of filtering that which chooses not to develop into goodness.

From what I understand, Trump is a Jesuit. We all know who they serve, and as someone who comes from a Jesuit family as well, I'm not casting stones, but I'm also not denying our association to the Cult of Dagon, which is Saturn, for that is the ultimate symbolism of the Sun and Saturn, hence the reason the Pope wears a miter. 

The Sun and Saturn are the Angels of Life and Death, life born of death and death from life, the beginning is the end and the end is the beginning, the 11:11 catch 22 Ouroboros of this construct. In fact, both are the planetary dominants of my natal chart which is why I have Saturn's features. I am the first degree of Leo, the Sun, but since natal charts do not allow for the Sun or Moon to be a planetary dominant, the next most powerful force for me is Saturn, who is exalted in Libra, hence my passion for Natural Law, and further backed up by my Moon being in Capricorn, the next sign of which is Aquarius, the Aeon of Horus/Man/John the Baptist/Baphomet, ruled by Saturn and Uranus. People who are ignorant of astrology do not know what I am writing about, but for those that fear these things, it's all merely symbolism to describe a natural mechanism that occurs in our celestial firmament. It's important to know who and what we correspond to so that we can know who we are and where we come from. One of the greatest tools of the oppressors is to cut people off from knowing their sovereign origins. 

Notice how the angel blowing the trumpet is raising the dead out of wooden caskets that float on water? What else floats on water? The citizen ship, because citizenship is also slavery, a slave ship. All commerce is Maritime Admiralty Law because you are considered to be a water product that belongs to the Pope and the Vatican for perpetual remembrance thereof. Money is a liquid asset, which is why there are such things as cash flow, and when something is worth less than its book value, it is said to be underwater. Banks control the flow of current-seas. One of the tricks that the black magi did to steal our sovereignty was to get us to agree to be Cestui Que Vie trusts, the name you see on your business accounts in ALL CAPITAL LETTERS. This is called Capitis Diminutio Maxima, and under Roman Civil Law, it is the most severe and comprehensive loss of status: a slave, which is why when you're born they create Birth Certificates with your name in this weird format. A certificate is a document that evidences ownership or debt. When you are in debt, you are a debtor, but phonetically, you are a dead oar. When one rests on his oars, it means he has ceased to make an effort. The dead oar must be charged, which is why you make purchases by charging them to your card, but really, we're all just charging and discharging debt to each other. No one is actually converting money (gold and silver) into assets. This is why we don't own anything and must pay taxes.

Even though XX is a symbol for Saturn, this card corresponds to Pluto, who in mythology was the Roman god of the underworld. As you can see in the Trump card, the dead are being raised from their coffins of consciousness by the sound of a trumpet that is the color of ore, which is where the word orange comes from (haters often compare Trump to a carrot or cheeto, which are also orange, just saying), because ore is a mineral that can be mined for profit, and it corresponds to the Sun, which is why Gold also corresponds to the Sun and is the most valuable ore. The debtor is also dead ore. But they are being raised towards an Angel with hair the color of the Sun, the living ore. The Sun is also represented by the cross, or X, hence the substitute of X for Christ in X-mas. The wings of the angel are Tyrian Purple, which is the color of the Phoenix, a symbol of the Sun that originated from Phoenicia. Is this because Trump is a phony Phoenician Canaanite? Does Trump represent the spiritual Sun that will raise the dead, or does he represent the messenger who will commence that process by blowing the horn? We'll delve into that in just a moment, but first, I need to confess... 

I must admit that I felt a huge sigh of relief that Hillary wasn't going to be president. Not because I care about which puppet serves in the White House, but because she is SO AWFUL across all scales, I am so concerned that the el-ites are devastating Americans to a point where they will have no choice but to revolt violently, and right now, the collective people are not at a level of consciousness where they even know what is actually occurring, much less what they can do about it. They do not know the enemy, and they do not have knowledge of the occult, thus they essentially have no knowledge and therefore no power. If there were to be a revolution, it would just be a bunch of violence setting us back and covering up the real criminality that's been going on for the last century.

The reason I feel so uneasy is that I am an anarchist. I do not recognize authority that is not inherently observable in Nature. However, knowing what I know about Hitlery and her spirit cooking Satanic pedophile human trafficking cabal, I am extremely grateful that she did not become president. And just so you know, I've been exposing this pedophilia for years and taking a lot of flak for it. However, even though Hitlery is not in the White House, the Simpsons predicted Trump's win in the most unlikely of circumstances, almost two decades ago, and that concerns me:

My original instinct is that I am being alerted to a planned event, just like how 9/11 corresponded to the Tower Trump card, and now I am making you a watchman. Think of how freaky that is: The Tower Trump is also Trump Tower in reverse. However, the Bible passage that the Judgement Trump card corresponds to is so powerful and beautiful that I'm having difficulty letting it go. It corresponds to Corinthians 15:50-52:

"And this I say, brethren, that flesh and blood the reign of God is not able to inherit, nor doth the corruption inherit the incorruption; lo, I tell you a secret; we indeed shall not all sleep, and we all shall be changed; in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, in the last trumpet, for it shall sound, and the dead shall be raised incorruptible, and we -- we shall be changed."

So here's the question... Is Trump-Pence the last Trumpet? Judgement is to judge mind. Maybe it's just a trial to test our wisdom. Is God finally helping us rid the earth of these parasites in the most unlikely of circumstances, or is it the elite luring us deeper into their den of vipers? 

I don't judge people. By their fruit you shall know them, so whether you're an intuitive, a religious person, or a rigid skeptic, I think we could all use some good input from each other to help one another get through these rough seas till we get back on land. I want to know if you think Trump will help us get rid of Roman Maritime Admiralty Law, the Law of the Sea, and get rid of the Cestui Que Vie legal-fictions that they have duped us into engaging in commerce as, thus quite literally raising the dead, as all corporations are in fact corpses. Or, do you think it's just one more staged event, one more actor playing the part in their grand drama? Or is it a little bit of both? Maybe he's a trojan horse? But for who? Us or them? Is Donald a Tyrian Tyrant, or will he balance the blue and the red into purple? It's not coincidence Hillary and Bill wore purple in their concession speech as the George Soros-funded Purple Revolutions began.

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  ·  8 years ago (edited)

The weekend before the election I pulled a reversed Emperor card from the deck and knew that Trump would become president.

The evening of the election, I was watching the results and became very concerned about Pennsylvania. So I lit a candle, but felt it wasn't enough. So I placed the same major arcana cards from the weekend, plus a final card I pulled election night under it: Judgement. Again, reversed. About 30 seconds later, Trump won PA.

The next week I saw the 2017 Economist cover, and found your post about that today, and this post tonight.

I wanted to drop in to relay my experience and thank you for your de-occultation work. The black magic of the elites is being directly contravened by people like you.

WOW. Thanks. I'm just a servant of Truth. I am you are me :)

You have quite a vision seeing through these manifestations.
I had the same conclusion fall to me about Trump about 2 weeks before the election I was watching him give a speech at a Jesuit fundraiser and looking at the folks surrounding him it suddenly occurred to me Trump was going to win. I believe this anger is being manipulated into a violent revolution . I am guessing that this is going to be a wild ride however it falls

That's how I feel. But their black magick is so good at knowing how to pull at our emotions. What do you think we can do to avert a false flag, whether its a Soros funded violent revolution or some other "attack" on American soil? I feel like if we can get enough people to take their power back from the system, they wouldn't be dependent on it when it collapses. But I've been trying to help people unsubscribe from gov't for 10 years, and it doesn't seem to be working.

I use to go around and leave videos on bulletin boards and post info and try to explain Chen trails and finally I decided that when people are ready to learn I will be there. If I feel an opportunity to make headway is there I use it but the programming runs so deep they have to be ready to wake up. It take a jolt . For me it was the jolt of 911 than I started to go from there to Alex then realizing he was controlled opposition I rose to Josh reeves and Michael Tsarion. I say put your info out there and those ready will find it. Once you get a glimmer of light you keep searching .

Love your astute observations in these synchronicities @dylansaccoccio!

I don't have time to comment like I want, but there's a whole lot more that I see here too that could be pointed out. Keep looking into Saturn, and who worships Saturn...

This is the Truth:

"all is good. Evil is merely undeveloped good"

It all works together in harmony unfolding ultimately for the purpose of Creation.

I'm well aware of who worships Saturn, lol. I've delved into that quite extensively with my work. Thanks for the feedback!

As happy as I am that the high priestess didn't get elected - I'm starting to get more convinced that Trump was always "someones" long term plan. This may look like a revolution, but it's just a controlled changing of the guard and sacrifice of lower level peons.

Trump has already committed full support to Is Ra El , and installed Bilderbergers in his transition team. His seeming alliance with Alex J and the frothy culty euphoria I'm seeing from his supporters and the fake truth-media is setting off red flags everywhere..

There's nothing you've said that I can disagree with because you are standing in Truth...


The reason I am not quick to condemn him is because I was at that same level of consciousness a decade ago. Remember, the Internet wasn't what it is today, and Hollywood grooms us to be this way. Everyone we associate with in entertainment is subscribed to that ideology, and it took serious events to jolt me awake. When things are going well, it's easy to become deluded that this is what the universe wants for us. I didn't know anything about Israel, or who Alex Jones even was, but because the majority of people running entertainment support Israel, and all the other phony Phoenician ploys, it's easy to get caught up in it. These people are not evil in the way they behave. They may be serving a dark agenda, but everyone's really nice and it's difficult to see how people who are so affluent and worldly could be so spiritually stupid as to engage what they are doing. I know from experience. I used to spend holidays at their homes. If you judged me by my associations back then, everyone could say the same thing about me that they say about Trump. So knowing how I much I've changed from being an illuminati golden-boy who was pro-war, pro-Israel, pro-everything that didn't serve me, lol, to what I am now, if I can change myself by serving Truth, then ANYONE can. The thing that thwarted me was that I wasn't down with the orgies and sex parties or the drugs. If you're not down to get down, they're not interested in you. But had I been as successful as Trump, I may have ignored the Truth like he did, and assumed that my success was a sign of of me doing what is right. That's why I'm so conflicted.

If one is president, he cannot avoid these people. They run everything, and have run everything since before our grandparents were even born. The situation must be changed by the people, but if we keep holding these public figures accountable, they will have no choice but to do our will.

But like you said, he's setting off red flags everywhere. I guess I'm just so tired of fighting for so long and not catching breaks. The breaks we catch are more like protection, which is nice, but we really need to start waging High Magick and raising consciousness so people stop believing in the myth of authority or government.

Thanks for your feedback as well as your service to Truth. It is greatly appreciated.