RE: Coward thieves!

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Coward thieves!

in story •  7 years ago 

did you watch the recent Falcon Heavy rocket launch?!

What do u think?? I watched the livestream! i almost cried from proudness xD if you happen to talk with him, ask him for an autograph and send it to me!
I'll read your post later :) gym time now

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hehehehe :) i was beaming with happiness. i got a little emotional and teary eyed when they landed the boosters in sync. it was one of the coolest moments of our lifetime. SO wanted to be there in person. FOR SURE will be there for the launch of BFR (i HAVE to because its named after me - or i was named after it lol - its my initials!:D)

i got a little emotional and teary eyed when they landed the boosters in sync

I got teary-eyed when the starman song started... that song was stuck in my ears for days!
And here i thought BFR stood for "Big Fucking Rocket" or the more political correction version "Big Falcon Rocket " XD guess elon named it after you
Ps- checked your song, you got an amazing voice!!

awwww thankyyouuuuuu !:) I'm beaming like a double booster landing ;p