The only good thing about living in the ghetto: The sunsets

in sunset •  6 years ago 

I mean, do these beautiful sunsets that inspire rock hard boners make up for all the other shit I have to deal with in this area? Hell no. Just yesterday I had a crazy, drugged out homeless guy try to get into my fiancee's car. Oh, man, was that just a fucking treat. This enlightened troglodyte started the conversation by believing that I must be 75 feet away from him, since he started yelling "HELLO. I THINK I AM GOING TO DIE, SIR.  COULD YOU GIVE ME A RIDE TO THE HOSPITAL? I INJECTED MYSELF WITH THIS! *Proceeds to show me an epinephrine pen* I FEEL LIKE I AM GOING TO DIE NOW. MAY I GET IN YOUR CAR?" After hearing such a sad,  heartbreaking story. I decided to tell him "No.", but I did offer to call him an ambulance, causing him to respond  with "NO. NO AMBULANCE. I WILL WALK." 

I waited for him to fuck off a bit before I got into the car. We ended up passing by him about 10 minutes later and he was standing at a tree, staring at it and pulling things from it while looking like some sort of brain eating worm had invaded his dickhole. I sure do love the area I live in. Anyways, just wanted to share this nice sunset. Hope it brings a nice warm feeling to your turbo virgin genitals. But, uh ,yeah. I'll have some more normal content to post soon. Been editing videos like a maniac in between bouts of feeling like dog shit. I guess I'll catch you guys on the flip side.  

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As a fellow ghetto-dweller, I can understand your frustration and also enjoyment with the little beauties life has to offer. You can keep your brain-eating dickhole worms though. You keep them right over there, with you, where they belong.

Lol for some reason as soon as I read the title I could relate to it. Been there for sure.