proof of surf Wednesday October 3rd, 9am to 2pm, 5 hours in the water. I lost count after 10 waves, I get almost every wave I go for, but still getting used to the big waves. I nose dived on my first bigger wave but then got right back in the proverbial water horse and worked out my arms paddling but I converse a lot fo energy by "hopping" and my father says my new surf nickname is "hop scotch" lol
I think k I stepped on just 1 lobster and a few Ray's but i am honestly having no fear of any ocean life anymore but i dont blame others for being paranoid, but see sharks smell fear so be fearless and you'll be fine. I want to really have surf referees like @truestory157 paid to record and give upvotes or mark down every wave I get so we can curate surfers and curate waves.
I talked to a very attractive surf girl who went in so I followed her to take abreak, I intercepted her and told her about steemit, but I saw her two days ago and will see her again as I come out everyday or almost every week day... with Sunday as the surf sabath... my goal is to get all the girls able to surf full time and pay their rent so more women can be comfortable and attract more cool guys who will post on steem and that will bring more computer programmers and intelligent people to steem, and create a race of super intelligent surf hackers who will dominate the galaxy and be surfing giant anu Anunaki waves on Super Earths :) as you can see I had a lot of fun and I'm getting better and super comfortable with the water, I just pop up and always get my wave, but I need to use my paddling. arms more and not be afraid to tire my body out paddling to the lineup without a foot on the water
oh and shoutput to the Lineup discord and @steemspeak and @surfermarley and any other steem.surfers please come to steemspeak and let's talk about the surf SMT for app