Surya Namaskar 12 Steps and Its Health Benefits

in suryanamaskar •  2 years ago 

Surya Namaskar, commonly known as Sun Salutation, is a popular yoga sequence comprised of twelve vigorous yoga asanas (poses). It is a total-body workout that incorporates physical, mental, and spiritual well-being. In this post, we will look at the Surya Namaskar 12 Steps and the myriad health advantages that come with frequent practise.

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What exactly is Surya Namaskar?

Surya Namaskar is a vigorous yoga practise from ancient India. It is performed as a fluid sequence of asanas synchronised with the breath. The word "Surya" relates to the sun, while "Namaskar" signifies greeting or salutation. As a result, Surya Namaskar translates as "sun salutation."

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