
in tattoo •  7 years ago 

I have a few tattoos. The largest I’ve had for 10 years and is essentially a belt around my hips made up of the symbols from a variety of world religions. There are more religions than I have hip circumference 😉, but I included those that came to my mind.


I should say “our” mind. Creating this tattoo was a joint project with @sean-king and our tattoo artist, Anna. He researched tirelessly finding many beautiful artistic symbols to share as examples, and Anna then created original little works of art inspired by the examples He found. All that beautiful collaboration was then inked on me - the canvas.


I used to explain my belt as essentially a “coexist” belt. You know, like the common bumper stickers saying as such on cars?


But really it is and it isn’t a coexist belt. It is in that I think everyone has an inherent human right to hold their own faiths. So I would like to see a world where folks respect each other’s religious diversity. Live & follow your faith and let your neighbor live and follow theirs...all the while respecting our common search for meaning, or our humanness.

But beyond the Coexist bumper sticker-esque meaning of let’s-all-hold-hands-and-get-along, my tattoo has a deeper meaning for me. A life long fascination of mine has been man’s search for meaning and for the variety of methods and systems, throughout the history of time, that humans have created to explain what is ultimately...unexplainable. ✨ Our compulsion to seek security, where ultimately none exists, is the master of all invention.

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Cute butt, sis. :P Love you.

I'll bet she has a very lovely beaver...

Whenever I meet someone with tattoos they always tell they feel like it has some sort of meaning to them, that others might not even think about. I think that's the beauty of tattoos and that's why I'm going to get one in the future. I like your philosophy of the unexplainable :)

She is unbelievable hot

What can I say...just wonderful.I love this art, just love it.

I find you and your tattoos very sexy and quite amazing. I love your thought you in your tattoos. Thanks for sharing.

Thanks 🙏🏽

You are very welcome

Aesthetic beauty
Love the way you shoot it

I am impressed!


insane hotness, wide eyes open. couldn't control myself after seeing this

I love the way you show it. Upvote this guys if you want more. LOL

That one symbol that looks like tweety, what does it stand for?

I’m not sure which one...? Front, side or back?

On the right backside, beside the candle

Ah...it’s a scarab with a framing of extra wings. Every tattoo has a story... my artist was, i learned as we went along, staunchly Catholic, and when she realized what we were creating she refused to do my original plan there, which was an icon for the goddess Isis. So we agreed to change it to a scarab and kept the original wings planned. Represents the Egyptian god myths.

Aah ok, now i see it! Thank you. And to your story, one thinks one heard it all and then such odd things happen...

I liked tattooing and especially when you chose a great place to put it
But more importantly, the message of co-existence, respect and freedom of belief that you wanted to convey to us
Thank you so much for this wonderful topic

Thank u so much

Impressive post

damn thats a gorgeous set of pictures!

Thank you


wow really nice tatoos and a beautiful woman :-P

Nice bottom- @arseman approved...


Tattoos are a form of expression and very personal. I have quite a few myself and I'm not finished yet. A work in progress...

Are you planning more?

Yes of course...they are very addictive as you must know.

Tattoos are a form of expression and very personal. I have quite a few myself and I'm not finished yet. A work in progress...

Are you planning more?