Last chance to get cheap Agoras (Tauchain) before the July 1st price increase

in tauchain •  8 years ago  (edited)

It has been confirmed that Agoras which you can currently buy relatively cheap for around 30 cents will as of July 1st 2017 be price increased by Ohad Asor himself. While not confirmed directly, the rumor is that the price increase will be x10 increase from the current price. This would put the price of an Agoras token at around $3-4 instead of 30-40 cents.

If you want to get a sizable stake in Agoras now is the time. If you wait then you might find that the cost of obtaining a sizable stake is no longer cost effective for you. I do not know exactly when Ohad will be releasing his whitepaper but if he releases it at or around the same time as the price increase then it is possible we could never see Agoras this cheap again.



How to buy Agoras

Contact Ohad Asor directly: [email protected]

The best price can be obtained directly from Ohad who is offering a discount at the moment. You can also obtain the tokens from Bittrex:

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Do you actually believe that Agora has that value? Isn't it just a buzz? I am quite pessimistic in that way.

I think it's very under valued and see it possible that an Agoras token could reach $100 in 2018. $10 in 2017 is reasonable provided we see code and an Alpha for Tauchain this year.

I would appreciate an article with your analysis on that topic if you don't mind :)

It's still too soon but if you look at the whitepaper when released then you'll immediately understand the potential of this project. For example, there are only 42 million tokens at the most and possibly less than that will exist. The very limited supply makes it very easy for the token to get to $10 or $100.

At $100 it would mean a market cap of around 4.2 billion which is very reasonable for 2018. At $10 it would mean a market cap of only $420 million which is actually just a typical level for this kind of project based on Coinmarketcap. On Coinmarketcap Litecoin has over 2 billion market cap. NEM and IOTA have over a billion market cap and IOTA just launched.

So if Tauchain is just an average success we will see $10 this year but if it's a major success then $100 becomes possible in 2018 and that is being conservative. Considering how much money could be in the market in 2018, it's not as difficult as you think.



The web page is a little creepy

Thanks for this post. my understanding is that the price increase will go somewhere between 4x and 10x. even at this rate, and knowing how cheap it is, I have invested, but I suspect for a longer term hold. The whitepaper could easily make this go to the moon, but from what I can glean of the project so far it looks very interesting.

First time I heard about Agoras, am looking into it. Now I have FOMO lol

I hope inisider trading is not considered illegal in crypto market lol...thanks for the tip ;)

Hahahah I thought the same!


Even if it is illegal, I'm not an insider or a trader. Agoras also isn't really anything right now other than a promise from Ohad Asor. If you believe Ohad can build Tauchain and Agoras then you're funding development by buying his token and also getting a stake.

If you are a short term speculator who wants to make a quick profit then Agoras is probably the wrong token to buy. If you want to be a stakeholder for cheap then get in now before he raises the price.

I'm not saying you are doing insider trading...after reading this post it just clicked if insider trading is legal or not in crypto world...hope you got my point :)

If it is or isn't, who can enforce the entire crypto world to deal with that? In this particular case though the Agoras token is a stake so I suppose someone could make a case that it's a security but I see no evidence of insider trading. Only Ohad really knows certain information and if he's not trading based on it then there is literally no one else.

Completely agree

SEC came out with some guidance in the last month or so, so now we have at least some idea. The DAO was considered to be a security while Ether was called a currency. I don't know where Agoras will fall at this point.

You're really a Tauchain evangelist, aren't you? haha
Just kidding. Bought some two days ago, it looks like a good project, watched the video on youtube and read about it on bitcointalk.
For those like John Snow, here's a video where you can learn a bit about the project:

Thanks for posting the video here. Code modules or snippets are hardly a new thing. Github anyone? Storing them on the blockchain seems unnecessary. Just because an algorithm checks the code for logical errors doesn't mean that the final product works as intented. Doesn't seem like a huge success to me.

Gotta get one for myself before its too late!! Thanks for the info :)

On my way to bittrex !

Re: the 10x increase July 1...

Is Ohad essentially planning to buy up a ton in the markets until price gets that high, or how will that work?

No , ohad stop selling on 1 July, no 4x or 10x ... please read the tauchain treath on bitcointalk.

A new plan by Ohad seems to be to stop selling Agoras which could mean the supply stops where it is leaving only the exchanges. I honestly don't know what Ohad will do prior to when he does it and he could change his plan again so just wait until July 1st and buy it while you can because the only thing I know for sure is it's at it's ICO prices right now and probably will not be going down in the future.

If Ohad develops Tauchain and Agoras then getting it for under $1 is a steal. Getting it for under $10 will even be a steal.

While the idea for Tau-Chain might be a good one (I have no opinion on it) everything seems to depend on a certain Ohad. Hardly a resilient, decentralized setup. There is almost no way a one man show can survive running their own blockchain. Most likely this project is going to zero...

At the moment it is a centralized setup. But then it's also still very early so it's not shocking that it would be. Ohad does have helpers and people who assist him with research but when it comes to making critical design decisions and release date decisions these sorts of decisions are Ohad decisions.

We hope that if/when Tau alpha is released that it will become a more collaborative development environment and the bottleneck of a singular Ohad decision will be removed. From there we can all make the critical decisions by some formal process.

seems some drama ensued with Judith posting something about this on Facebook without Ohar's consent - not exactly well-handled:

Update: The original original post is not to be taken as investment advice and no posts from me in the future should be considered as investment advice. Due to the fact that removed update features, an update had to be provided in this way. The original post was provided for informational purposes based on what was available at the time.

Cite my previous post for my views:


Whether or not AGRS is a security or not, I do not yet know for certain. In fact, right now AGRS isn't much more than a presale token which represents something on a platform yet to be built. Day trading these crypto tokens is very risky and I don't endorse the idea. In the blog post above I am speaking of acquiring stake (percentage stake) long term in the Agoras project when I wrote:

If you wait then you might find that the cost of obtaining a sizable stake is no longer cost effective for you.

I'm not suggesting anyone in the present or in the future to try to time the market or day trade. That said I am confident in the long term viability of Tauchain and AGRS if it can be built.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Not bad considering I bought in less than 24 hours ago :D

Looks like the price is nearly right back down to where it was 11 days ago. Nice pump and dump guys. Well executed! Unfortunately this is how a project loses credibility.

How will he raise the price of Agoras?

I wish i ve came across this article earlier :/

It's been declining even more today if you still want in. Head over to Bittrex.

Dana can you confirm that you were holding AGRS before posting this? Thanks.

I've been a stakeholder in AGRS for a while now, long before this post. Because I'm a stakeholder I don't really care about the daily price and am more concerned about the long term potential of the project.

I realize right now that the critical decisions are Ohad Asor's to make and these decisions effect the price. Such as the decision on when to put out the new website and whitepaper. The decision to begin writing code again on Github. I have zero influence on these decisions so I'm waiting along with everyone else and because I hold a stake I suppose I have more to gain and more to lose.

True if we buy will demand more to increase prices. Thanks

thanks for the tip

On my way to Bittrex right now, I am going to obtain the obtainable.


upvoted and followed

pls follow

where r u from


I also don't really see the value or the purpose of this coin... What can it do what Ethereum can't?

lmao. i wont say nothing. u do the research my friend. u do the reasearh

Well... convince me! :-)

It can do decentralized symbolic AI. Ethereum cannot ever do it as well because it's not designed for it. To understand what Tauchain can do for AI just take a look at Cyc and to have an idea on what Agoras can do, just imagine if smart contracts were actually smart? Don't you think intelligent markets are going to be interesting?

Nice! Thanks for the info, . . .

See ladies, its good to follow certain people

Thank you for your help and support
I have just bought a small amount of Agoras from Bittrex
I am very happy to be your follower
Best Regards Andrei

thanks for sharing! It can reach easy $2

Interesting market rise today. I wonder how far it will go before 1st July. In my opinion it will go above $2.

That seems interesting - i am going to have a closer look on Agoras. Thanks for sharing!

Wish I would have seen this 5 days ago when you posted it. Great tip and it seems you were absolutely right so far. I might get in, although I am always wary of buying at ATH.

I am new to this, but I am going to check it out. Never heard of it until this post, thanks for the heads up!

what is the correlation between agora and zennet

Ohad Asor is behind both.

its like golem and elastic?

Thanks for reminder..It will help.Thanks a ton.

@dana-edwards thank you for the heads up.

So many crypto currencies. Diffcult for newbies to choose which one to invest.

  ·  8 years ago (edited)

Any developments, when it is releasing

Cryptocurrency is still very new to me but I'm learning by the day. @dana-edwards awesome post, I love it! I followed your blog because I know I will learn alot. Thanks!

Hello Dana, I recently got few Agoras from Bittrex. Hope things will turn around. Thank you!

If promises are kept then soon Ohad will release some code. When that code is released then we will have something tangible to analyze and I intend to post an analysis of the source code he produces. You mentioned the word, "hope" and I think that word perfectly describes what AGRS represent right now.

Thank you Dana!

Sounds like now is the time to buy.

No any whitepaper ?

Will learn about you coin Ohad! sounds interesting!

And one year later, it was true. ATH was between $ 3-4.

I cannot predict the future. I'm just a big time supporter of and believer in the project. It ties into my own ideas and what I want to do for projects.