Technological high: Dream a little dream

in technology •  7 years ago 

Have you ever awoken from a dream so real, you are unsure if it was a dream at all? Were you glad or did you want to return? Were you a super hero, did you find the person of your dreams, were you good looking, rich, popular?

Imagine walking through life seeing it as it should be, beautiful. The glory of nature, gorgeous sunsets every evening and everyone you meet, perfect in all the ways you can imagine them. All of them.

Picture your wife, your husband, your partner and count their flaws. Why must you look at them each day, wouldn't you rather perfection, wouldn't they want you to see them as perfect? Look into the mirror, anything you want to change?

People are worried about fake news and how can the words of world leaders be trusted giving the ability to fake motions and words but, like all technology, that is not where the danger lies, it is in the entertainment of it.

Beauty is in the eye of the beholder so, just think how cool it will be to be able to slide on a pair of augmented realty (AR) glasses and see the world as you wish to see it. See the people you wish to see in that world. To go to the beach and only see the toned bodies of athletes, to work and be surrounded by the rich and famous. Who will you go home to, your husband or, the object of your real fantasies? The star from your favorite movie or, a different person each night?

What would happen if we could choose the avatar we wanted others to see? Would you project your true-self out into the world or, would you make tweaks? How heavy would those tweaks be, are you still recognizable?

Perhaps surgery could implant the technology, no more glasses, just see the world as you choose to see it. A pull down screen of options, zero cellulite and unblemished skin of course unless, that is what you choose to see.

What would you choose? A bar filled with the most beautiful who see you as you choose to be or, reality? Wouldn't a little augmentation be okay?

In a world as beautiful as this, why would you be watching the news, why would you be paying attention to anything other than what you want to see. Gandhi said "Be the change", but why, when you can change the world to suit your desires instead?

Just think of how much easier life would be to no longer have to worry about how you look to others, nor even to yourself. Each day you could pick a fresh face, a new style of clothing a different body and experience the world as you choose, live in a home of your design. The smallest, most basic apartment could appear spacious, luxurious and filled with the best of everything.

Would that make you happy? Will seeing wealth make you feel wealthy, will being surrounded by beauty make you feel beautiful? Fake it til you make it or, make it all into a fake. We curate our online social lives now, why not fashion our real world similarly?

We can fill our 'live feed' with only what we want to see and we could even potentially adjust what we hear. Filter out the negative, enhance the positives. Race issues could be a thing of the past too, just filter the colors you do or don't want, manipulate the voices to match the views.

All of this, on the fly while we live our lives. No lag, no login, wake up and go...

Wake up. Why wake up when the dream is reality?

[ a Steemit original ]

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No to that kind of fake "perfect" reality. If you don't see the bad, you won't see the good as well. And the real thing is always the real thing, it has value.

Since you mention Gandhi, I believe it was also he who said "Happiness is when what you think, what you say and what you do are in harmony."

That kept popping into my mind, as I read this... and I just can't get past my own practice for living, which is that when we start to daydream and wish for something to be better/perfect, it's actually an alarm bell (and an invitation!) letting us know that we need to work on something in our lives.

My personal belief is that all the "things" and all the "simulations" in the world ultimately are not capable of making us happy. It's a bit like the world of the Matrix... it may be lovely, but somehow we KNOW it's fake. And so, we might journey through the illusion for a while, but then we end up looking for the Red Pill.

when we start to daydream and wish for something to be better/perfect, it's actually an alarm bell (and an invitation!) letting us know that we need to work on something in our lives.

I agree. To me, the world I described is dystopic yet, people chose it in many subtle ways every day.

And so, we might journey through the illusion for a while, but then we end up looking for the Red Pill.

And like above, the blue pill keeps getting repackaged and branded and most keep buying in.

Well, I can't help but feel I'd play Orpheus in this augmented reality scenario of yours. I could see X as what I want him to be, and through my correcting lenses, he would become that, but I'd always feel the need to check. To take the glasses off and see if he's really become this way or if it's just the glasses.
Why would I want something that isn't real? Especially from someone else...

As for what I'd change about myself, I'd definitely be recognizable. I don't want to change much about me because I love me. Changing myself seems such a silly idea...I'm happy with who I am, with how I look, how I think. It's enough.

I wonder how peer pressure would affect people, if there would be sub groups of users and non and if people would separate based on what they saw, not the reality. It would essentially be an amplifier of what we have now, would it?

Who says what we see is reality? ;)

the only thing we seem to be certain about is that we are conscious, I am conscious. I can't speak for you or any other, nor you for me. What this means is that our own consciousness is the only thing that is real but we cannot be sure if it is telling the truth since we have conditioned it to work on assumption and habit. reality would then be the view of consciousness through an unconditioned mind, a free mind. Is it possible? that is the journey.

A dose of real life for me please. Will take it every time even if it sucks and punches me in the nuts every once in while.
My idea of escapism doesn't really go beyond watching a few anime or superhero movie. Even then when the action sequence defies physics than my brain auto corrects it to reality.

I personally think you must dream about things but staying in dream is even worse than not dreaming. Set a goal that you want to achieve and go for them.
living in world of dreams wont change your reality you explained it in a great way. It defiantly won't!!!
Be yourself and pull off that goal of yours that what matters.

What would you choose? A bar filled with the most beautiful who see you as you choose to be or, reality? Wouldn't a little augmentation be okay?

Yea what good is it for if its not the reality, even though reality might be tough but still its what you really are in!

Just think of how much easier life would be to no longer have to worry about how you look to others, nor even to yourself. Each day you could pick a fresh face, a new style of clothing a different body and experience the world as you choose, live in a home of your design. The smallest, most basic apartment could appear spacious, luxurious and filled with the best of everything.

This paragraph got me the most, sooo much easier, we are easily so caught up in running other peoples race because of impression

We can fill our 'live feed' with only what we want to see and we could even potentially adjust what we hear. Filter out the negative, enhance the positives. Race issues could be a thing of the past too, just filter the colors you do or don't want, manipulate the voices to match the views

We need to realise the need of trying our possible best to surround ourselves with positivity, filter out every negativity

Wake up. Why wake up when the dream is reality?

Why wake up when im living my dream

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

I choose reality over illusion every time I think, at least now in my life.

edited: @mistakili

Reality of illusion....hmmmm

This is inspiring. Very true

We can fill our 'live feed' with only what we want to see and we could even potentially adjust what we hear. Filter out the negative, enhance the positives. Race issues could be a thing of the past too, just filter the colors you do or don't want, manipulate the voices to match the views.

I really think having access to an augmented reality will be detrimental -kind of like drug abuse. But if I have to imagine it'll be Hawaii all day long baby... With a handsome Mr Right

Lady in the picture is absolutely gorgeous

lol, I think it is already abused, watch people on their phones in public.

My wife.

Hi Taraz. That would be boring. I think the dreams we have are what we subconsciously strive for and feel is missing in our life. I normally don't remember what I dream about. Maybe that is a good thing.
They say that you can die of a heart attack if you dream that you are falling off a building and hit the ground. Most of us wake up before we hit. I don't know how you could prove it lol.

I agree, people seem to like happy lives, even if not real.

The world needs us to have beautiful dreams, more lenses, more filters ... The world needs us happy, not to think about war, only couples in the dance, families on the beach, without economic problems and huge smiles.

So, no reality?

only spaces of reality, like spaces of happiness and sadness ... is what I believe.


Why hang that much drama around one own neck, that much people pleasing? A door best kept shut I believe. Why not first learn to like oneself followed by pleasing who you can by doing what you can within reason to yourself while maintaining respect for everyone regardless of their race, color, creed, culture and religion. Be the best you can be and understand that it will please some, but never everyone. What do you think?

  ·  7 years ago (edited)

Interesting. Reality vs dream. Yes, I choose Reality as I believe you do. So what is Reality?
In some philosophies the life we are all living isn't the "real" Reality but only a dream. When we truly wake up, i.e., reach a higher state of consciousness, Enlightenment, then and only then do we live "Reality" in it's fullest.

The goal then is to experience That. Reach that higher state. Not easy to accomplish but as we grow towards it, then our Reality will change and grow.

Sir @tarazkp Every word of your mind, you wrote very well. Hopefully you'll be giving us a good post like this.
I would like to say you keep it up and well done.

Change begins with the man in the mirror. If you want to make the world a better place then look at yourself and make a change. It will feel real good. It will make a difference and surely make things right.

Hmm what an amazing post!!!Sometimes dreams come true when we put focus on it, everyone is dreaming to be fruitful in life no one can pray for bad dream to come to reality.
Life is perfectly made only the survivor can sustain the well being of life.
I will never rest until my good is better and my better best. Thanks to @tarazkp for this motivation post.

You're right, I also want to get my dream man to reality and I'll do whatever I need for him, but my dream man I'm hoping I'll get him. That's my big boom and I do everything for this.

Just think how easy life would be so you don't have to worry about how you see others, not even yourself. Every day you can choose a new face, a new style of dress, a different body and experience the world as you choose, live in a home of your design. The smallest and most basic apartment could look spacious, luxurious and full of the best of everything.

My country is going through a very difficult situation, we have gone through very hard years, which has caused an endless number of negative circumstances in our environment, one day I saw myself in the mirror, the tiredness was reflected in my face and I decided to live in a bubble, where I only hear the positive and what can serve me, I decided to live a dream where positive energy surrounded me and only this would have an effect on me, this practice has been fantastic (although sometimes I thought I was crazy) my life took a positive turn, I don't say that with my attitude, I change the situation of my country, but if it has helped me to feel better and less tired, focus on what we need to live, it will keep us much happier, this advice is quite good, happy night.

We are never satisfied, it is never enough, Many times we live our dream and we insist on awakening.

What a beautiful piece you shared.

The most beautiful thing about dream is that you can become whatever you choose to become in the dream. What worries or stops you in the reality are not powerful enough to worry orstop you in your dream.
How beautiful will it be if we can all just switch from reality and start to living our dream.

When dream become so real to you and the reality become the opposite, their is no height you cannot attain in life.

Thank you for this beautiful piece.

I often don't remember dreams, I've find that if something wakes me up during a particularly disturbing dream I can remember that. I will stay up to as so I don't go there we are on the topic you know one thing I've always wondered about myself and the dreams I do remember having I have never dreamed of being married and happy. You would think that would be a normal type dream for someone, especially someone whose never been married....I've thought about that a lot over the years and wonder how it plays into reality.

Without the flaws of life how can we appreciate the truly beautiful things? Without pain how do we know joy? Without sadness can we really appreciate joy?

Personally I wouldn't give up the parts of my life that aren't perfect for a fake reality filled with perfection. At some point this fake perfection wouldn't be enough and then I'd need to figure out how to create an even better perfect.

F that, give me real raw emotion. Give me my Wife with stretch marks as battle scares from carrying our 2 amazing kids. Give me the pain I feel when I walk from the past injuries coming back to haunt me. Give me the fear of failure that motivates me to do more each day.

For without these things what is life really? Fantasy is not reality, nor do I want it to ever be.