Also I found this old article about real estate and Pariis Hiltons father selling roman property on erc20 ethereum PROPY system, well, we have NFTs and EOSIO Telos have NFts we can just sell property on steem and telos eosio
We could sell NFT Property based tokens for this US Navy 1945 Swastika building, we can sell the NFT token to alt right 4chan users and extract their money, I bet the SJWs would help fund the operation.
Hah that building is in San Diego on the island of Coronado built as a training center, no idea how that one slipped by in 1945, how no oen noticed the symbol of Americas then current enemy being built inside the US navy base obvious conspiracy lol, but the fact that ist still up makes me wonder if the red tape and bureaucracy just makes it difficult to tear down? The Navy wont demolish their training center just for aesthetic purposes. So, the building stands and we honestly could appease the Southern Poverty Law Center by bsimply building MORE structures to fill in the shape, a common school tactic to not erase the swastika, but builed ontop of it, turn it into a square
Hah anyway I have plans to use NFTs and real estate and I cannot wait or hesitate to mride this wake no fugazis no fakes just the real deed i make, now commissions i take
Im listening to ENIGMA
AND GLADIATOR sound track
LOOK MORTY YOUR A CAR MORTY You can Transform intoa CAR morty! @fyrstikken
SBDP coming sSOOn on steem engine and EOS SBDP low supply NEWDEX PUMP incoming to ALL TIME HIGHS of $14 per SBD