The Daily Sparkle (#1) Apophylite

in thedailysparkle •  7 years ago 


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Hello Beauty-Full Steemians!

Welcome to The Daily Sparkle


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Today's Sparkle is (Green & Clear) Apophylite

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This Crystal is a powerful ally used by many in the field of Energy Medicine. It is also a powerful tool for those whom are newly entering the inward journeys of time travel, seeking increased interdimensional awareness or communication with Plants, Animals & Minerals.

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There are two elements associated with Apophylite - Earth & Wind. The Chakras most commonly treated with this Crystal Medicine are the Heart, Third Eye & Crown.

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Keeping one (or more) of these beauties in your environment will help establish and maintain an atmosphere of purity and high spiritual vibration. I like to keep them in the healing room as well as in my gardens. I also find it comes in handy to keep a couple smaller ones with me -- in my pocket or in some form of jewelry (pendants work wonders) -- especially when I am heading out to provide a Treatment or for an adventure :)

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Working with apophylite is as easy as sitting in your garden and meditating while wearing or holding this crystal.

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Here is a simple affirmation you might also like to use:

"I Am Now Opening My Heart & My Mind to the Awareness & Innerstanding of Higher Realms. I Am at One with All of Nature,
and as such, My Ability to Communicate with All Plant, Animal & Mineral Spirits is amplified."

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I hope you have InJoyed today's Sparkle! Stay tuned for more awesomeness every day!

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Always Original & Reiki Infused...for your Highest Possible Healing & Greatest Good

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Thank You for BEING YOU!! & in advance for Your...

It is Much Appreciated! Bright Blessings & Reiki LOVE!



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